Title: Shower
Author: SakuraSango
Rated: PG-13 (T)
Warning: Look at the pairing, suggestive material
Pairings: Furei/KyouSummary: Breaking the kiss, Furei leaned against Kyou's chest as wet hair fell over his face, veiling his eyes. A/N: Ok this is for Seph for the drabble meme I threw on my LJ, YAYS I did a drabble. Though I so wanted to keep this going. Drabbles are hard!
Also Furei (Frey) is spelt the way my scans had it since that is how I'm used to spelling it, sorry if that bothers anyone...
Leaning in for a kiss, Furei could feel the water beating against his back cooling. Sighing he pressed his naked body flush with Kyou's. Hands roamed and searched along the smooth back as he pushed Kyou against the cold tile wall. Breaking the kiss, Furei leaned against Kyou's chest as wet hair fell over his face, veiling his eyes. A smile came to Kyou's face as he changed their positions leaning down for another kiss. Nails dug into the other boy's shoulders harshly, his tongue forcing its way inside. Moaning Furei could feel himself melt as Kyou broke the kiss, hands already promising more to come.