Part 19

He smiled when he saw Buffy pacing back and forth across the plush carpet. Her face was crinkled up into deep concentration. Angelus walked up behind her and stopped her pacing by placing his arms around her middle. "Hey baby," he whispered huskily as he began to nibble her ear lobe. Buffy mewled in pleasure as she leaned back in his embrace and cricked her neck father to the side to give him better access. Angelus grinned as he began to kiss his way down her delectable neck. Finally Buffy broke the silence by sighing his name, "Angelus?" Angelus stopped kissing her long enough to twirl her around to face him. "Hmm?," he asked as he kissed her several times upon the lips. "Wait," Buffy breathed heavily as she pushed herself from him. Angelus furrowed his brow quizzically and asked, "What is it Buffy? Is something wrong?" Buffy shook her head no, "I need to tell you something." Angelus whisked her up into his arms and carried her to their bed and laid next to her. "Tell me baby," he whispered as he gently brushed the hair out of her face. "It's about Makenna," Buffy tested not revealing to much. Angelus eyes immediately radiated panic as he let go of Buffy and began to walk out of the room towards their little girl's room. "Is she alright? What's wrong?," he stammered as he stormed towards the four year olds bedroom. Buffy chased him down, "Nothing is wrong she's sleeping now don't wake her."

Buffy knew Angelus said he never wanted to know who her real father was, but Buffy felt it was important. She knew she was being silly, but for some reason she thought that Angelus would love her and Makenna a little less if he knew the truth. However, at the same time she felt that he needed to know. She waited patiently for Angelus to return after he insisted that he check on Makenna. Angelus returned to the room his face showed his relief at knowing their daughter was alright. Angelus sat down next to his wife and put his arm around her and pulled her close to him. "What is it baby?," he finally asked breaking the long silence that had enveloped them.

Buffy figured she would give him the good news first. "Well I wanted to tell you that I'm pregnant," she blurted out. Angelus' mouth dropped in shock at her news. He slowly leant forward and brought her into a passionate kiss. This is what he had wanted to hear leave her mouth for the past three years. She had wanted to wait until Makenna was a little older. "How long?," he asked breaking the kiss. "Two months I found out last week," she revealed, "but there's more news." Angelus looked at her expectantly and waited. "I know you said you never wanted to know, but I had to know and I think you should know," she started to babble. Angelus stopped her and kissed her several times. Tears began to leak out of the corner of her eyes as she continued to babble on. "I just don't want this to change things. I don't want you to be upset and I don't…"

Angelus kissed her once again, "Shhh." He knew exactly what she was talking about and it was time he came clean. He needed to ease her fears and let her know that nothing would change the way he felt about his two girls. "Baby I know," he stated simply. Buffy looked at him confused, "You know?" Angelus shook his head yes then looked down sort of ashamed of himself. "I've always known baby. That night, our first night together," he began, "I didn't know if you were on birth control and I figured a baby was the last thing you need. I wore a condom Buffy." Buffy shook her head disbelievingly, "I don't understand, but you said you never wanted to know." Angelus shook his head in agreement, "I said that because I knew it would destroy you Buffy. I knew you weren't ready for that baby." Buffy wiped the tears that began to flow from her eyes at his words. Angelus pulled her closer to him and kissed her several times atop the head. Buffy cried for several moments before finally regaining her composure. "You knew and you still love her," Buffy whispered. "Baby I meant what I said that because she's a part of you I will always love her. Every day I look at Makenna I see you in her baby. I have always loved and will always love Makenna. I am her father baby and nothing will ever change that. And now she will have a little brother or sister and I will still lover her just as much as any other children we have," Angelus said breathing deeply waiting for Buffy to respond. Buffy looked at the man she loved her eyes filled with amazement. She now knew that everything would be alright. As long as she had Angelus in her life everything would be alright.

The End