Warning: Bad language, a little violence, and sexual content … lol, I decided to make it an M rated story! XD But if you want you can skip it! :D

Disclaimer: I don't own Code Geass or the characters!

Lloyd: 20 years old

Schneizel: 18 years old

Cornelia: 18 years old

Clovis: 15 years old

Lelouch: 8 years old

Suzaku: 8 years old

Eupemia: 7 years old

Gino: 7 years old

Nunnally: 5 years old

This is where I left off…

Schneizel sighed and walked over to him…

He stopped at Clovis's feet, and kneeled down next to him. And ruffled his hair and rested his hand on his head. "I'm sorry." He apologized genuinely and smiled. Clovis looked up slowly and tears were still running down his beautiful face. Schneizel moved his hand down to the younger boy's face and wiped away his tears. And bright blush started to appear on Clovis's face as he smiled at his brother. With his stunning blue eyes simmering as the light reflected off them, and tears started pouring out again.


"Schneizel…" And Clovis tackled him to the ground and started to aggressively make out with the older boy. Schneizel gasped in shock his light violet eyes widening, and Clovis forced his tongue into his mouth. Surprisingly enough Clovis was already hard. The older blond couldn't even move from shock. All he could do was stared at Clovis with his wide, beautiful, violet eyes.

It wasn't like himself at all. He was usually calm and quick to think, but when Clovis kissed him his brain just shut down. Clovis, his bother, was kissing him! Schneizel always knew Clovis loved him, but it never even crossed his mind that his brother loved him like this!

Clovis broke the kiss to breathe, but he wasn't done yet. He quickly moved his hand down to his brother's pants and slid his hand down both his pants and underwear. So he started rub his limp member until it hardened, and started to pump Schneizel's cock with his hand. Schneizel finally gained his senses, and shoved him off roughly and quickly got up. He took off his overcoat to try to hide his obvious erection, and left without saying a word slamming the door behind him.


This caused Clovis to flinch and shut his eyes. Then he opened his mouth to say something, but realized he was gone and looked down embarrassed.

"I guess I came on a little strong…" He mumbled miserably feeling a strong ache in his chest, but chose to ignore it. 'Of course you did, you fucking idiot!' He thought irritated by himself. He clutched his head and began to cry. "Shut up…" He whispered harshly to himself.

"Gino, do you think something might have happened to them it's been awhile?" She asked with concern lacing her voice. Gino was sitting down waiting for Suzaku to come back, and couldn't even hear Nunnally's voice. "Gino, are you alright?" She asked worried about him. Gino jumped and looked at her quickly.

"Uh? Oh, yeah I am." He said quickly. Schneizel came storming out of the mansion holding his overcoat in front of him. Nunnally looked at him happily and smiled.

"Brother, Schneizel!" She shouted trying to get his attention and he glanced at her.

Then kept on walking, "I'm sorry, but I can't talk right now." He apologized not sounding very sincere and left. She made a face.

'I wonder why he's in such a hurry.' She thought to herself.

"Nunnally!" Eupemia shouted to her and ran up to her. Both Gino and Nunnally looked at her with a questioning expression.

"Eupie, what is it?" Nunnally asked surprised, and the pink haired girl stopped and kneeled down trying to catch her breath. She put her hand out in front of her, and asked for her to hold on. Once she caught her breath she whipped her head up and looked at Nunnally with her big violet eyes.

"Lelouch got bit by Clovis!" She shouted overly dramatic throwing her hand in the air. Nunnally's eyes grew wide and gasped.

"Oh no, they got in another fight?" She said mortified.

"Pretty much, but Lulu said Schneizel stopped it!" Eupemia said in a happier voice. Nunnally put her hand up to her chest and sighed in relief.

"Suzaku is with him, right?" Gino asked curiously. Nunnally and Eupemia looked at him weirdly.

"Yep, he seemed pretty worried too!" She said with a sad pout on her face. Gino stood up and looked at Eupemia with a serious look on his face. Which scared Eupemia a bit, but she hid it well.

"Where are they?" He asked placidly.

"They're in Cornelia's room. Do you know where that is?" She said helpfully.

"Yeah, thanks!" He shouted and ran toward Cornelia's room. Nunnally and Eupemia stared at each other mildly confused.

"Oookay." The pink haired girl said extremely confused looking at Gino running away with her head cocked to the side…

Lol, I know it sucks, but I wanted to write it… Review please, and tell me what to do to improve my writing or you could just tell me I'm an AWESOME writer… (-_-')… XD

Thanks for reading! -huggles you-