This is a fanfic about the Britannia family, and… that's pretty much it! XD

This probably sucks, so please give me some pointers or something. :D

I made Clovis kinda annoying because I always pictured him an annoying cute blond! XD

Oh, and if you want this can be an M rated fic

Warning: Bad language and a little violence, I guess…

Disclaimer: I don't own Code Geass or the characters!

Schneizel: 18 years old

Cornelia: 18 years old

Clovis: 15 years old

Lelouch: 8 years old

Suzaku: 8 years old

Eupemia: 7 years old

Gino: 7 years old

Nunnally: 5 years old

"Schneizel!" Clovis whined out of annoyance because his older brother, Schneizel, wasn't paying enough attention to him. 'Why is he always playing chess with Lelouch?!' The cute blond thought angrily as he tugged at his older brother's sleeve.

"Yes, what is it?" Schneizel answered placidly not even brothering to look at Clovis. This caused Clovis to pout cutely.

"Look at me!" Clovis whined again. Schneizel sighed and the blond smiled hopefully. The older blond looked at the younger one.

"What is it?" Schneizel answered trying to hide the annoyance in his voice and forced a smile. Apparently Clovis didn't notice since he smiled brightly and jumped on top of his brother's lap, and wrapped his arms around Schneizel's neck. And rested his head in the crook of his neck. Lelouch looked at the two of them and crossed his arms.

"Don't you think you're getting a little old to be doing that?" Lelouch questioned with annoyance lacing his voice. Both Clovis and Schneizel stared at him. Clovis glared at the 8 year old boy and tightened his arms around Schneizel's neck. Lelouch smirked, "I mean your 15. It may have been 'cute' when you we're 10, but now it's just weird." The dark haired boy stated with slight amusement.

"Fuck off, Lelouch!" Clovis barked at the younger boy and tackled him to the ground. The cute blond dug his teeth into his shoulder and caused the younger boy to yelp. Lelouch grabbed Clovis's hair and pulled it. Which only caused Clovis to bite down harder.

Schneizel sighed, "Clovis, calm down, please!" Clovis paid no attention to him and just kept on biting.

"Get him off me!" Lelouch screamed in pain.

Schneizel walked over to them quickly and gripped Clovis's shoulder tightly, "Clovis, stop!" He said harshly. Clovis quickly removed his teeth from Lelouch's shoulder and crawled away. Lelouch immediately clutched his wound. The youngest boy quickly got up and blood started to drip from Lelouch's hand.

"I'm bleeding!" He gasped surprised and ran for the door, but fell down when he ran into Suzaku. Lelouch looked up at Suzaku. "Watch where you're going!" He snapped at Suzaku. Suzaku grabbed Lelouch's hand and helped the dark haired boy up. Suzaku, "Your soaking wet, were you just swimming?" Lulu asked curiously.

"Uh, yeah, I'm sorry, Lelouch. I heard you scream are you alright?" He apologized feeling bad for making him fall. Lelouch dusted himself off hastily and glared at him.

"No, I'm not!" He cried, and pointed his index finger at Clovis who was on his hands and knees. "He bit me!" He shouted angrily. Suzaku looked suprised at Clovis who waved at him and smiled sheepishly. There was blood on his lips and blood was still dripping from his mouth.

"What?! Why?!" Suzaku shouted surprised and looked at Clovis for answers. "Well, he made fun of me!" Clovis whined. Schneizel sighed, "Suzaku please take Lelouch to Cornelia, and ask her to help him. I'll deal with Clovis." He said calmly.

Clovis looked at Schneizel surprised, and Suzaku looked at him and blinked, "Uh, y-yes sir! Come on Lelouch!" He grabbed Lelouch's hand which caused Lulu to slightly blush.

"H-hey, let go!" Lelouch tried to protest as Suzaku dragged him out of the room. Schneizel smiled slightly. Then frowned when he turned to Clovis who was sitting on the ground with his legs spread and his arms resting between his legs.

He sighed, "Why did you do that?" He asked annoyed in addition to that he was looking at him with an obviously annoyed face.

"H-he made fun of me!" Clovis both whined and protested at the same time. Schneizel ran his hand thought his hair out of frustration and sighed again. "Clovis your 15 and he's 8."

"Y-yeah, but that doesn't mean he's not an asshole!" The younger of the two protested.

"But your older than he is you should be able to control your anger, and besides what he said is true. Even if he said it in a profoundly mean way."

Clovis stared at him for awhile and spoke, "But… I… uh…" He said while trying to think of something. Clovis gave up trying to protest and dropped his head looking at the ground. "I'm sorry." He whimpered sadly, and pulled his legs up to his chest wrapped his arms around them and began to sob silently. Schneizel sighed and walked over to him…

That's I'm done… so tell me what you think! Even though it probably sucks! lol