Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Part 9: Moving On – A Tribute

Several weeks later, the team stood in front of a building. It had a cloth over the sign. Hotch stepped up to address the crowd gathered there.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Dr Spencer Reid was an FBI agent, and was killed in the line of duty. He embodied compassion, and trust. He was our "Resident Genius". He is, and will continue to be greatly missed. In his name, it is my honour to present to you, The Spencer Reid Centre for Learning."

JJ stepped up and pulled the cloth from the sign. It simply read "Spencer Reid Centre for Learning"

Gideon stood up and spoke next, "Within these walls, all are equal, trying only to better themselves. There will be volunteers available to assist. The Centre is stocked with books on a multitude of topics, many from Spencer's own collection. Many of Spencer's possessions went to this centre, the front desk, for example, some of the bookcases and other such things."

Morgan stepped up next, "Spencer was always trying to make things better, to make people better. He would always try to teach us new things, even if they were way over our heads." This got nods from the team. "He usually succeeded too."

Morgan stepped back. Garcia stepped forward. "Mrs Diana Reid flew out from Las Vegas to come to this ceremony. She is Spencer's mother, and she will be doing the honour of cutting the red ribbon."

Diana stepped over to the ribbon. She held out the large scissors, and cut the tape. It fluttered to the ground. Diana shuffled back, handing the scissors back to Morgan.

The crowd erupted in cheers, and the sun broke through the clouds. The team looked up and smiled.

The End

A/N: This is the last chapter of this one. It's been great fun to write, and I want to thank everyone for their wonderous support. Especially Aphrael_08, who helped me with this chapter. Tell me what you thought!