Chapter 9: Faith

What happened the last time:

the squealing wheels are definitely because the driver was drunk.

My legs became numb as my mind became blank and the last thing I saw was the car going to hit nowaki as my legs gave out, I couldn't do anything fast and I just kneeled there, while all the strength from my body went away as nowaki's life was taken away.

Right in front of my eyes.

"NOWAKI!!!!!!!!!!" I cried.


Hiroki rushed to the bleeding body of nowaki, tears dropped from his eyes into nowaki's face as he aided nowaki's head onto his lap.

"nowaki!!! Nowaki!! Wake up!!!" he cried, hands shaking as he looked down into the unconscious body. He cried as nowaki wouldn't wake up, he checked his pulse in the neck and felt it beat so weakly and slow.

The bus driver, even when drunk, knew what happened, he quickly dialed the hospital's number and in a minute, the ambulance came rushing and picked up nowaki into the cart and asked hiroki if he was a relative, he quickly nodded and rode with them to the hospital, not letting go of nowaki's bloody hand even just for a minute.

They arrived at the hospital's emergency room and quickly putted dextrose in his arms and the oxygen mask on his face.

Hiroki wouldn't let go, they needed to operate on him, the nurses held him back as nowaki entered the emergency room. Hiroki couldn't stop the tears coming down his eyes and the shaking of his hands and legs, his body went limp as the nurses made him sat down in the waiting room.

Hiroki wept his tears, begging to the lord to save his beloved.

He waited and dried his tears, silently telling himself to not fall apart, until a nurse came, he quickly stood up, the nurse looked at him and examined him.

"sir, before I tell you the news... please... promise me you wont trash the hospital" she pleaded with a sad smile on her face.

Hiroki looked at the nurse curiously, but he promised.

"okay.... sir, are you her husband?" she asked.

"y-yes" he hesitantly asked.

The nurse's smile turned into a small frown.

"sir... your wife is pregnant, and the baby..... just died, im sorry sir" she said as he looked into hiroki's face. She was taken aback, she wasn't expecting such reactions.

Hiroki became silent, and then got angry.

"those fucking bastards!!! How could they?!" hiroki shouted at nobody but his father and nowaki, while tears formed in his eyes again.

"wait a minute here sir, I'll get you some water" the nursed hurriedly went out the room.

Hiroki's frown turned into a smile, then he started laughing sarcastically.

"Nobody can get nowaki pregnant but me!!!" he laughed and then continued "That's what you get you bastards!!! Your fucking seed died!!!" he continued laughing but then stopped and slumped back to the seats, he hugged his legs and continued to cry.

"I cant believe you did this nowaki... even until now..."

the nurse came back with a bottle of water and a face towel, she walked over to hiroki and sat down beside him.

"please drink this and wipe your tears with this" she said as she gave the towel and water to hiroki.

"thanks..." he muttered.

"about your wife..." the nurse said.

"what about nowaki???"

"she's fine, the baby in her stomach just died, the baby was a month old in her stomach" she said, afraid to look at hiroki.

Hiroki seemed shocked, the fact that when he left, nowaki already have the baby, which doesn't belongs to him.

But he calmed down as he thought of seeing nowaki again.

"when can I see her?" he sincerely asked the nurse who looked at him apologetically.

"later, in the morning, I suggest you go home and take care of yourself as much as possible, you reek of beer, you're covered in blood and your eyes are blood-shot" she said as he helped hiroki stand up.

"okay, then good bye" he said and left the hospital.

He rode a cab back home and was greeted by doumyouji.

"Hiro-chan!!! Your wife came looking for you!! Why didn't you tell you were married!?" he said while laughing.

"im sorry tsukasa, im sleepy, I'm going to bed, good night" he said and bowed to doumyouji and entered his apartment and closed the door.

"weird...." tsukasa scratched the back of his neck and went inside his apartment too.

Hiroki stripped his way to his bed and slept with thought of nowaki in his mind.

"nowaki... im sorry.." he breathed as he felt asleep.


The rays of the sun woke hiroki miserably, he noticed the time, it was 10:24 am, he quickly shot up and ran to the bathroom, he took a quick shower, shaved, brush his teeth and gargled his mouthwash and dressed up.

He skipped breakfast at the doumyouji's house and ran to the bus stop. He got in the first bus he saw and paid the conductor hurriedly, he tapped his foot in impatient ness. He saw the flower shop and made a stop for it, he rushed over to the flower shop and picked the beautiful bouquet of flower in his eyes.

And there it was, the blue lilies matching nowaki's hair and eyes.

I swear to the Gods I wont leave nowaki's side again he swore as he paid the florist for the flowers.

He started to run to Sapporo's medical hospital as fast as he could, he entered the hospital and got weird looks from everybody in the lobby.

"where is ku- I mean Kamijou nowaki's room!?" he asked the information immediately.

"R-room 402!!" the girl said to him weakly.

"Great help, thanks!" he shouted as he rushed into the elevator, pushed the 4th floor button, as the only person in the elevator that time, he practiced smiling for nowaki.

He tried smirking, but it only made him look evil, he tried grinning, still, he looks scary.

"I can never get this right..." he sighed and tried the weirdest thing.

"happy thoughts, happy thoughts, think of happy thoughts" he repeated to himself, suddenly, he remembered nowaki smiling down at him after making love, hugging him close to his side, whispering sweet words he always wanted to hear, and then nowaki, calling him to eat with him.

the elevator bell suddenly rang when it reached the fourth floor, he quickly ran out and turned to the right and found nowaki's room.

He gulped and held the doorknob, and entered.

Hiroki looked at the woman looking out the window, it seems nowaki only noticed the door opening now and slowly turned to the person who entered.

"hiro-san...." he said.

"nowaki...." he said back, they stared at each other for a minute, hiroki examining nowaki, and nowaki looked shocked. And then hiroki remembered about the promise to himself.

He smiled, a normal smile, a smile like what a kid would give when he received a present for Christmas. This shocked nowaki more, hiroki walked over to nowaki's bed side table to put the flowers in the vase and then walked over to the shocked looking nowaki.

"nowaki, I missed you" he said as gentle as he could and hugged nowaki's small fragile body tightly.


"please forgive me for what I did to you nowaki, im sorry for leaving you alone" he whispered to nowaki's ear.

Nowaki's eyes formed tears and hugged hiroki as tight as she could.

"no!!! no!! you don't have to say sorry!! It's all my fault hiro-san!!!" she said.

"it's not your fault"

"im sorry hiro-san! I- I only did that to protect you!!"

hiroki looked at the crying nowaki.

"what do you mean, you did that for me..?"

"your father.... threatened me that he will kill you and do something to the twins! That's why... that's why I did that!"

hiroki's eyes widened as he heard those words.

"then.... what happened to the twins if you're here???"

"they're fine, you don't have to worry, your father got arrested, and mother.... she's fine"

once again, hiroki hugged nowaki as tight as he could and kept apologizing to her.

"im sorry nowaki... im so sorry...." hiroki took nowaki's face in his hand and kissed her.

Nowaki kissed back but hiroki suddenly pulled away.



"did you know you had a baby.... with my father?" nowaki's eyes widened.

"I have.... a baby... now?"

"no... it died when you got into the accident" hiroki said, apologizing mentally when he said the baby died.

"I don't... know what should I do.... be happy or be sad..." she said.

"if you love my father then you should be sad, I'll's your baby..." he said, with every word vanishing.

"no hiro-san, even thought he's the father, im sad, but at the same time happy if I could be with you" nowaki said as she gave a loving smile.

Then a doctor entered the room and eyed the happy couple.

"excuse me, do you want to hear about her condition?" he asked.

Hiroki nodded.

"she broke 3 ribs, near the stomach, where the baby was suppose to be, unfortunately, the bones was damaging the shell containing the baby, the bones was pushed when she got ran over by the car, the baby died of the impact given by the truck, it's a good thing she didn't die with the baby, we had to take the baby out, if not, it will rot in her stomach and poison her body, causing her to die. And she also had a stitch in the stomach, so you shouldn't move around that much yet" he looked at the way they were hugging each other and cleared his throat.

"oh..." hiroki let go of nowaki as nowaki did so, hiroki sat beside nowaki at the bed, waiting for the doctor to say more.

"and, when can she get out of the hospital?" hiroki asked.

"next week, we have to treat her wounds for faster healing, and change the stitch every 2 days." He said as hiroki thanked him when he exited the room.

"isn't that great hiro-san? We can be together again!" nowaki said happily.

"yeah" he replied with a smile on his face.

"I guess I have to say my good byes to my friends here" he added, nowaki stared at him and then frowned.

"hiro-san….. who was that girl you were kissing and those boys you're flirting with!?"

"flirting….? Kissing…?" he repeated.

"yes!!! I saw you kissing a girl AND a guy!"

hiroki took a minute or two to answer that question.

"well?" nowaki asked.

"that's my friends" he said bluntly

"do friends do such a thing to another friend!?"

"in fact they do, as I red in books, they do in Italy (1)" hiroki explained.

"well, you guys are not in Italy!!! Stop doing those things and be only mine hiro-san!" nowaki pouted and crossed her arms.

"I didn't know you could be such a nagger nowaki" hiroki chuckled.

"I am not!!! I just don't want you kissing anybody else except me!!!!"

"I understand, I understand" then hiroki hugged the cute pouting nowaki and kissed her gently. Nowaki was shocked too much this day because of hiroki's action, but he kissed him back.

"nnn…. Hiro-san… I want you in me…" nowaki whispered in the kiss.

"no can do nowaki… you aren't healed yet, and didn't you hear the doctor, he said that you have stitches and many broken bones… I wouldn't want to make it worse" he ended the kiss and made nowaki lay down the bed.

"okay hiro-san, if you say so, but promise me that we'll do it once I get out here"

"yes yes, I promise, now go rest, visiting time is almost over, I'll see you tomorrow" he kissed nowaki's forehead and then her hand.

"rest well, good bye" he said as nowaki's eyes guided him outside the room door.

"thank you…. Hiro-san" nowaki whispered as he closed his eyes.