thank you to my new found beta IXMelodiousNocturneIX
I do not own kh or ziggy stardust.. thank you ...
"Zingy played guitaaar, jamming good with Weird and Gillay
The spiders from Maaarrrs. He played it left haaand, but made it too faaaaaar.
Became the special man, then we were-"
"Oh my fucking God. Seriously Xigbar, you are NOT Ziggy Stardust!"
"Ziggy reeeeally sang, screwed up eyes and screwed down hairdo- OW! HEY, what the fuck?!" Xigbar brought his hand up to the back of his head, where something had hit him seconds before.
He leaned over the back of the couch to see a half filled bottle of Pepsi laying on the ground.
"HA! I found the culprit!" He exclaimed in triumph. By this point, everyone in the room had lost interest in Xigbar.
Larxene sat up from her spot next to Xigbar and strode over to Axel. He was currently leaning against the wall just outside the bathroom; he had a cigarette hanging dangerously out of the corner of his mouth, his eyes never leaving the door since Roxas had left.
"Hey, sexy…" Axel turned his head to look and Larxene. She leaned next to him and plucked the cancer stick from his mouth. He rolled his eyes and pulled out another one for himself.
"Hey Larx."
"Waiting for the kid?" Axel titled his head slightly at the question. Larxene had arrived about fifteen minutes after Roxas' departure.
"How did you know?" He asked as he lit the new, pristine
"Marluxia told me about it…"
Axel nodded slowly, turning his head back to the door. He took a long drag from his cigarette.
"So, you were clean awhile I hear.."
Axel nodded and exhaled the puff of smoke casually, "The whole summer Larx.."
"Well, good to have you back!" Larxene smirked at Axel, "That's your cue to say 'good to be back..'"
Axel rolled his eyes and put his cigarette out, "If only I could say that I wanted to be… Larx, I don't want to be here.."
Larxene shrugged, " Well, you're here anyways. But seriously, how could you not enjoy it here? I mean really, we have fun! Right? Like, we are almost ALWAYS happy! Doesn't it feel great? No worries!" She said almost as if trying to convince herself of her words.
Axel scoffed and shook his head, "Yeah, but it's fake happiness. It's not real. We block out all our real feelings with fake ones. It's disgusting."
Larxene pushed off the wall and rolled her eyes, " You're starting to sound like Demyx used too…"
Sure, he sounded like Demyx; because everything Demyx used to say was right! When Demyx joined the gang he didn't know anything. He was always naturally a happy person. But, Xemnas found him at just the right time. Some things were going on with his family and he wasn't happy as he was. Xemnas told him he could be. Demyx had believed him. Demyx became happy, and remained so for only maybe a month. Then he was able to tell the difference, see it even. He could tell when everyone else was really happy, or if they were all just high off of some substance. And he could feel the difference in himself, and it disgusted him to no end.
He was only into drugs for about a month and a half, so it was easy enough for him to quit. Leaving the gang was easy as well since, well, he didn't know much or many people. Xemnas didn't see the harm in letting him go. Also he was just more trouble than he was worth.
If it wasn't for Demyx, Axel would still be perfectly happy with the pathetic way he lived his life.
"How messed up are you right now?" Axel looked over at Larxene.
"Not enough to make me out of it… why?"
Larxene shrugged and took a long drag, " Your pupils are really big is all." Axel nodded slowly, leaning his head on the wall.
"Honey, I'm home! And I brought a friend!" Axel's head shot towards the door. Luxord was walking in, looking completely drunk.
Luxord wasn't into the real bad stuff. He mostly liked to drink. Sure he did other things too, but he was a drunk. It runs in his family.
Axel ran over to Luxord, " Where's Roxas?"
"He's right…" Luxord turned around and called for Roxas. When he got no answer he tilted his head slightly, signalling Axel to follow him onto the porch.
"Oh, there he is!" Luxord pointed towards the corner of the screen in porch. Roxas was currently staring intensely at a flower, hand frozen in front of it.
"Lux… It's such a pre'y flo'er.." Roxas poked it with his finger.
Axel glared at Luxord, really wanting to just push him through the screen. But instead he ran over to Roxas, grabbing him by the waist and pulling him towards the door. Roxas let out a small gasp and fought to try to stay with the flower. He grabbed for it and in the process bent the stem. He let out another gasp.
"N-no.. I, you.. I hurt the flower.." Axel rolled his eyes and pulled Roxas outside of the porch.
"Where..? Why are we leaving? We should… Stay."
Axel loosened his grip on Roxas and took his hand, " We're going for a walk.."
Roxas stuttered slightly, trying to pull Axel back towards the house.
"But I.. Don't wanna go, Let's stay! We can.. We can… Oooh cake BOOKIES! I mean.. Uh.. Bake cookies. Heh did you know if you switch.. Switch the C.. I mean, B in bake with a C.. It says Cake! And that's funny cause you.. bake.. cake! Heh.."
Axel stopped struggling and turned around to look at Roxas. Roxas looked up at Axel with a small smile on his face.
"You.. want to bake cookies?" Roxas let a huge grin spread across his face, and nodded. Intertwining his fingers with Axels', he pulled him towards the house.
"Oh Em GEE, this will be so.. so much FUN!"
Axel followed Roxas. He knew he should have just taken him home like he was planning but Roxas looked happy.
"… What did Luxord give you?"
Luxord peeked out from the porch and grinned at Axel, " I only gave him pot and a few shots of vodka, mate. Nothing extreme.."
Axel let out a sigh. It was only pot and alcohol. Everyone did pot. Everyone drank! It wasn't that big of a deal. Right?
"Aah, Axel your, burn- NO, don't burn them!!"
Axel flung some brownie batter at Roxas. Marluxia had no cookie dough, so they had to settle for brownies. Roxas giggled and wiped the batter off his cheek.
"They're not even in the oven yet!" Roxas gasped and reached up to Axel pulling him down so his lips were almost touching his ear.
"Then who's in the oven?"
Axel laughed and shook his head, "No ones IN the oven, Rox."
Roxas shushed Axel and shook his head, "That's just what they want us to think."
Axel chuckled and poured the brownie batter in the tin, " Roxas, your baked.."
Roxas giggled and shook his head, " Noooo. You can't BAKE people, silly. Unless you put them in the oven… like the spies in the oven right now!"
Axel was about to speak but was interrupted by a small shriek that came from the doorway. Vexen ran over to the oven and opened it quickly, searching high and low for the 'spies in the oven'. Roxas giggled at him and Axel just stared at him with one eyebrow risen. Vexen gasped and stood up straight.
"THEY changed LOCATION! They KNOW I'm HERE!!! Must hide! Must finish my invisibility potion!" Vexen scurried away, leaving Roxas in a fit of giggles. He was using Axel's chest for support.
Even though Roxas was completely wasted, Axel couldn't help but to be enjoying his company. He was much more laid back and open. He was still sober enough to know what was going on around him, right?
"He makes me laugh Axel, he's.. funny… heh silly Dr. Vexen!"
Roxas calmed down and let out a sigh, still leaning against Axel. Axel blushed slightly at how close they were to each other, but he didn't dare push him away. He hoped it wasn't just the drugs acting.
Roxas started to poke Axel absent-mindedly and looked up shyly at Axel.
"You kissed me last night… "
Axel chuckled and nodded, pulling out a cigarette.
".. Yeah.."
Roxas blushed and looked down, " That was my first kiss…"
Axel chuckled, " Ffft, that was just a peck, doesn't count as a first kiss!"
Roxas looked back up and tilted his head, " Why not?"
Axel shrugged and took a drag of his cigarette, "Well before I had what I considered my first kiss, I had given people pecks before, but I never considered them my first kiss. First kisses have to be like.. those romantic ones. Like, they could be considered making out if they were longer."
Roxas rose his eyebrow and tilted his head, "So you only count them if there is tongue involved?"
Axel shook his head, " Not necessarily tongue just… more than a peck."
Roxas shrugged and leaned his head on Axels chest, "I still consider last night my first kiss."
Axel nodded and smirked at Roxas, "Well then, was it everything you dreamed it would be?"
Roxas giggled and shook his head, "I was half asleep when it happened, I was almost not sure if it really happened."
Axel blew out some smoke and nodded, "Well, more of a reason not to call it your first kiss. Save that title for something more meaningful!"
Roxas shrugged and pulled back from Axel. Axel ruffled the blonde spikes and stretched.
"Now come on, we should put these in the oven! Tell the people in the oven that they need to move."
Roxas giggled and skipped over to the oven and opened it. He looked over at Axel and smiled, "Theey'rrre goone!"
The redhead chuckled and put the pan of brownies in the oven. He started the timer and looked over at Roxas.
Roxas looked at Axel and smiled again. He hadn't seen him smile this much.. ever. Sure he only knew the kid for about a week, but seeing him smile just made Axel want to smile. He wanted to do anything to keep Roxas happy.
Roxas walked over to Axel and stood up on his tip-toes, trying to be face to face with him.
"Now that they're in the oven, I can tell ya not to burn 'em!" Roxas pointed his finger at Axel and used a stern voice, as if Axel was a child, "Don't burn 'em!"
Axel smiled and shook his head, " You're the one who wanted to bake them, they're your responsibility!" Axel pointed his finger and mocked Roxas, "Don't burn 'em!"
Roxas giggled and poked Axel on his chest. Roxas's eyes suddenly widened at the proximity of their faces. They were three inches apart.
Normally by now, Roxas would have shied off, being the nervous boy that he was, but the pot and vodka were making him do things without thinking. Well not so much without thinking but, just not thinking much of them or at all. It was like someone turned off the ' No Roxas!' switch. He more or less had no conscience to tell him yes or no, it was just a 'go for it'!
Roxas smirked and tilted his head to the side, "You know, I can barely remember the kiss last night, wanna try to remind me?"
Axel's eyes widened and he chuckled, "Is Roxas making a move on me?"
Roxas shrugged and leaned further into Axel, "It seems like it…"
Axel and Roxas both jumped when Axel's phone began to ring. Roxas sighed and stepped back. Axel gave Roxas an apologetic look and looked at the caller I.D. It was Demyx. Probably wondering where he was, boy was he in for hell later.
Luxord scratched the back of his head and shrugged at Xemnas.
"I think ya should just give 'im back to Axel. I mean, Axel obviously likes 'im…"
Xemnas sighed and shook his head, " That's exactly why I took Axel off of the case, he is already beginning to care about him! Axel is thinking like Demyx, thinking like Demyx did. Eventually meaning him leaving, or trying to. Axel already doesn't want to be here, he's not going to want Roxas here either."
"Well Axel can't leave, he can't handle the withdraws. I'm sure the boy will stay with Axel."
Xemnas laughed, " You don't understand do you? Axel will try anything to keep Roxas away. We need to make it so Roxas needs to stay, like Axel. We need to get him addicted to other things. Maybe some heroin or something."
Luxord chuckled and shook his head, " Heroin withdraws are a bloody bitch."
Luxord sighed and massaged the bridge of his nose, " The thing is mate, Roxas isn't stupid. He knows what's bad. Pot and alcohol, is nothing'. He knows that almost every high school bugger does it. He will also know when I'm trying to give 'im the really good stuff, or as he would think it, the really bad stuff."
Xemnas nodded.
"It has to be done slow, besides, why do we need Roxas so bad? There are plenty of others. Or, we don't even need anyone else. We recruit people like we are an army or something, mate. What happened to us being a group of friends getting high? Now it's like some weird cult thing."
Xemnas growled and took a step towards Luxord, " Do NOT question me! I have my reasons for wanting him!"
Luxord stepped back and waved his arms, "Alright mate, I believe ya! Now I need another drink before I sober up."
Roxas pouted at Axel as he hung up the phone. Luckily Demyx was in his 'be silent then hang up mood' so Axel didn't have to listen to too much of a lecture.
"Demyx interrupted our moment!"
Axel chuckled and grinned at Roxas, " Our moment?"
Roxas pouted more and nodded, " We were having' a moment, and it was… it was ruined!"
Axel smirked and walked over to Roxas, pulling his face up to his, " I can make another one.."
Roxas blushed and pushed Axel away, " NOOOOooope! The moments gone. You have to wait!"
Roxas ran into the living room and left Axel looking dumbstruck.
"What. A. Tease."
Luxord stepped into the kitchen and strode to the fridge, pulling out a bottle of vodka. He looked over at Axel and pointed towards the living room.
"The bugger seems happy."
Axel rolled his eyes and walked over to Luxord, " Of course he's happy. He's drunk and high!"
Luxord chuckled and shook his head, " He's not that wasted. He barely had any."
The redhead sighed, " How much is 'barely any' in your book?"
Luxord shrugged and took a swig of vodka, " Like, 4 shots and half a joint. The kid is obviously a lightweight… or he is just nice and loosened up."
Axel shrugged, he didn't like the idea of Roxas getting drunk or high, even if it was just pot. But, he was so happy, and smiling… it was nice. He looked like he did in the picture with his cousin.. Cloud. Axel had a feeling Roxas hadn't been that happy since then.
The redhead reached towards the vodka Luxord was currently chugged. Luxord looked over and grinned, handing Axel the bottle.
" 'atta boy! Might as well stop yourself from worrying about 'im, mate."
Axel nodded and sighed, " I just don't want him to get into something like this! He was so.. innocent. He just-"
Luxord groaned and put his hand on Axel shoulder, " Listen, just let it go, mate. He's here now, there is nothing you can do about it. He's got his pretty little' eyes on you, and wherever you go he's gonna wanna follow!"
"Who's side are you on?!"
Luxord chuckled and threw his fist in the air, "The side with the booze!"
Axel chuckled and shook his head. He might as well go with the flow, at least today. Maybe he could talk to Roxas later.. maybe.
" Heh heh.. are you a pirate?! You look like a pirate!" Roxas gasped and poked Xigbar's' eye patch, " You're a pirate!"
Xigbar growled and glared at Roxas, " Where's your buddy? Cause I'm not interested in your.. hyper.. high.. ness…"
Roxas bounced on the couch and giggled, " I dun know.. I have a buddy?! Who's your buddy?!"
Xigbar growled again, " I don't have a buddy!"
Roxas pouted and shook his head, "THAT'S SOO SAD!!! OOHH I can be your buddy!! That way, you won't be alone!"
Axel walked into the living room just in time. He looked over at Roxas and noticed a very angry Xigbar next to him. Great.
Axel sighed and called for Roxas. Roxas looked over and grinned, making a run for Axel. He stopped in front of him and crossed his arms.
"You were supposed to follow me before!"
Axel chuckled and ruffled Roxas's spikes, "You're a hyper drunk. Kind of like Demyx was.. though, Demyx is always hyper."
Roxas giggled and pointed over to Xigbar, "Your friends' a pirate!"
By the time the next hour rolled around, almost everyone in the room was high on something. There were a lot of things being thrown around but Axel kept a close eyes on Roxas, making sure he got nothing more than what he was already on.
Axel leaned up against the wall, eyes still on Roxas. He was sitting on the couch still bothering Xigbar. Xigbar was dancing around to a beat that apparently no one else could hear.
Axel rolled his eyes. When you think 'gang' you don't really think 'sit around in a room and get high together' but yet, for some reason they were called a gang.
"Stop thinking so hard, you might hurt yourself!"
Larxene leaned up against the wall with Axel. Axel let out an unamused laugh and shook his head.
" Larx, how are we a gang?"
Larxene shrugged and looked around, "You know, I don't know. The only people who seem to do gang type stuff and Xemnas, Saix, and Marly. They barely ever join us in our little parties."
Axel shrugged, " Our 'parties' happen almost every weekend. At this point, you miss one, you're not missing too much."
This time it was Larxene turn to roll her eyes. She shifted so she faced Axel and grabbed his chin, "Someone's being a party pooper. Besides, I think Xemnas just wants us so the gang seems more powerful. They do the work, we get high, look tough, and deal."
Axel nodded and pulled his chin out of the blondes grasp, "It's stupid. Why do we need these drugs to have fun. Sometimes I wonder if we could just, go out to eat, not high, and have fun."
Larxene chuckled and leaned back against the wall, "I think that is something that you will never know!"
Axel sighed and leaned his head back, closing his eyes.
"Oh Ax, watch it! Vexen's trying to give you little boyfriend some 'shrooms!"
Axel shot up and darted over to the couch. But Luxord was already over there though, and he plucked it out of Roxas's grip before Axel.
"Oh no man, this stuff is bloody nasty! Very few of us can actually do it. Vexen's really the only one who enjoys it."
Roxas pouted and looked at the mushroom. He tilted his head and looked over at Axel, "But it's just a mushroom."
Luxord chuckled and shook his head, "It's a poisonous mushroom though, mate. Vexen was trying to poison you!"
Roxas gasped and looked over at Vexen, who at this point was back in his 'science lab', "T-that's so mean!"
Xigbar laughed and ruffled Roxas's hair, "I like you, little dude! I swear, I will always have your back! You remind me of a friend of mine from when I was a kid. Except his eyes were green, and his hair was black and long. And she was a girl. And really sexy and quiet, seemed really old for her age. You know, you don't really remind me of her.. but man was she hot. There was this time when-"
Axel groaned and looked at Luxord, " Who gave him speed?"
Luxord rolled his eyes and shrugged, "I don't know, but the bloody bugger is always droning on about his stupid past. If he's not doing that, then he is dancing non-stop. I can't take it, mate!"
Xigbar was interrupted by a loud gasp coming from Roxas, he stood up and ran into the kitchen, "AXEL, THE BROWNIES!!!!!"
Axel chuckled and followed after Roxas, rolling his eyes at Luxord. The blonde just laughed and shook his head, "That kid needs some benzos or something. He is off the wall."
Roxas pouted and stared at the oven. Axel rolled his eyes and pointed towards the counter, were the brownies were waiting. Axel, being the only one not completely wasted, remembered the baked desserts and took them out. Roxas grinned when his eyes fell on the cookies and ran over to Axel.
"YAY! You remembered!" Roxas let out a yawn and wrapped his arms around Axel, "You're the best!"
Axel returned the hug and smiled, "Sure, kid"
Roxas pulled back a little and blushed, eyes meeting Axels'. Axel smiled down at him, "You know Axel, I didn't drag you in here to look at the Brownies.."
Axel grinned and tilted his head, "Then what did you bring me in here for?"
Roxas blushed harder and looked to the side, "So we could be.. alone. I don't really want to be out there."
Axel looked into Roxas's eyes and tells he was beginning to sober up. That was good, it meant he didn't have enough to last him till the end of the night. Axel sighed and pulled Roxas's face to look at him.
"You getting sober?"
Roxas smiled and nodded, "Should I not be?"
Axel shook his head, "No it's good you're sobering up. That way you'll be yourself."
Axel sighed and held onto Roxas tighter. He had been waiting for him to sober up all day, he wanted to try to scare him off. Maybe explain to him what being friends with him meant, and how Roxas should choose Sora and not him. Sora was safe.. Axel wasn't. But now that he had the chance he was nervous. Half of him wanted Roxas, and almost didn't care what he got into, as long as he could be around him. But he knew he didn't really want that, he wanted what was best for Roxas.
"B-but I sort of like being high. I don't think about home as much. And m-maybe if my parents find out, they will actually give me attention! You know, like the interventions you see on TV! When the parents are crying and hugging their kids, because they just want to see them the way the used to be!"
Axel scoffed, " Are you kidding me? Do you see what the addicts go through? You don't want to be like them! You're kidding me, right? There are other ways to get their attention. Hell, why do you even need it?! You want attention? I'll give it to you, Sora will, Olette, all your other friends. Your parents are stupid for not giving you attention, that's true, but they don't deserve your attention either! So just forget about them!"
Roxas looked up and smiled, "I don't really want to go through and intervention.. that was just an example. I don't it to get to the extreme!"
The redhead let out a sigh and relief, "Good, you had me nervous for a second!"
"But.. pot and alcohol isn't that bad, is it?"
Axel shrugged, " Not really, but I think.. you shouldn't do it with us. Do it with.. the people who don't plan on doing anything else. Like.. I think Riku does it occasionally. Larx sold it to him a couple times."
Axel looked down at the blonde to see that he wasn't even listening. He had a small blush on his face and was zoning out. Axel rolled his eyes and shook the smaller boy slightly.
"What are you thinking about, Rox'?"
"How to make another 'moment' happen.." Roxas suddenly blushed harder and looked down, "I didn't mean to say that out loud."
Axel smirked and leaned down closer to Roxas. Roxas looked back up and his blue eyes widened and the close proximity of his and Axels' faces. Axel chuckled and leaned down further, so his forehead was touching Roxas'.
He knew he shouldn't to it. He would just end up getting more attached. And Roxas would lose his first 'real' kiss to some stupid druggy that might end up ruining his whole life. He was stupid for doing it, but no matter how many times the back of his mind yelled at him to stop, the rest of his mind egged him on, telling him how close he was. Your almost there. He wants you, you want him. Just do it.
Roxas let in a shaky breath and closed his eyes, but choosing to open them back up, in favour and staring back into Axels. Axel slowly brought his hand to Roxas's cheek, rubbing small circles on his cheekbone. Roxas's eyelids fluttered and he continued to stare at Axel. Keeping his hand on Roxas's cheek, he brought his other hand up to his chin. Roxas slid both his hands up Axel's upper arms, resting them on his shoulders. Axel took a deep breath, finally using the hand at the blonde's chin, to pull Roxas' lips towards his. Their lips touched and Roxas's entire face went red. His heart was beating double and he felt butterflies spread through not just his stomach, but his entire body.
Roxas' eyes slowly drifted closed, as he began to move his lips with Axels, slowly opening them and allowing Axel to sneak the tip of his tongue between them. Roxas pulled back and took a deep breath, quickly letting his lips meet Axels again. Axel brought his hand from Roxas cheek to the small of his back, pulling his body closer. Roxas gasped as their chests met and Axel used that to his advantage, slipping his tongue back into Roxas's mouth. His tongue teased Roxas's, trying to get it to play along, but Roxas didn't know what to do.
He felt like he was born missing the kissing gene that every other teen seemed to have. Axel understood that Roxas was nervous so did his best to lead the kiss. Roxas soon began to catch on and the kiss became more heated, tongues dancing and hands roaming.
Roxas didn't even care anymore if Axel thought he was a good kisser or not, at the moment just a simple touch was enough to send his heart racing.
Axel pulled back, out a breath, he rested his forehead on Roxas's and green met blue. Roxas's face was tinted red and he was gasping for air. Axel rubbed up and down his lower back and smiled.
"Do you count that as your first kiss?"
Roxas nodded and smiled, "I think so, yeah."
Axel chuckled and kissed Roxas' forehead. Roxas blushed harder and cleared his throat.
"Um.. does this mean that we're- .. uh.. are we.. are you my boyfriend now?"
Axel's eyes widened. He didn't know how to answer that. Kissing Roxas was one thing, but being together? Axel wanted to, but that would really drag Roxas into his life, and Axel didn't want that to happen. He could not let Roxas sit around and worry about Axel or worry about getting drugged. He didn't want Roxas addicted to anything, whether it be alcohol, or heroin.
"I-.. uh.." he couldn't say no, could he? Roxas obviously wasn't experienced and he would probably not be able to handle rejection. Or he would take the wrong way and think Axel didn't like him!
Luckily Axel was saved by Xigbar, who decided it was time to skip into the kitchen for some brownies.
"Oh Fucking yes! Brownies! They pot brownies?"
Axel sighed with relief and pulled back a little, still keeping his arms around Roxas, "No, sadly."
Xigbar groaned , but took one anyway, "Oh, Marly is kicking us out for tonight, Xemnas and Saix are staying here. We're about to head back, so finish up whatever naughty things your doing in here and get in the car!"
Axel chuckled and began to follow Xigbar, thanking all the gods that he didn't have to answer Roxas's question. He grabbed onto Roxas's hand and led him outside.
Axel knew that by keeping the contact with Roxas, the handholding and whatnot, that he was leading him on, but he couldn't help it. He wasn't to be the closest thing to his boyfriend, yet not be his boyfriend.
The ride back to Roxas's house was silent, everyone basically coming down from their high, more than likely about ready to do some lines as soon as possible. Roxas had fallen asleep against Axel. Taking small peaceful breaths. Axel kept running his hand through the blonde locks, wishing that things could be normal. That they could be normal high scholars and be in a normal relationship, instead of dealing with drug drama.
The car stopped in front of Roxas' house and Luxord got out of the passengers seat, helping the sleeping boy out of the back. Once Axel got out, Luxord handed the boy to Axel, bridal style. The fact that Roxas was able to sleep through that was surprising.
Once the car was out of sight Axel made his way to the front door, debating how to get in. he was sure that the parents wouldn't care if he walked right through the front door yet, he didn't feel welcomed enough. He decided his best bet was to wake Roxas up.
He set him on his feet and shook his shoulders a bit, "Roxas, we're home!"
Roxas chuckled and opened his eyes, "We're home? This your home now too?"
Axel shrugged and smiled, "You knew what I meant."
Roxas nodded and opened his front door, looking around the main entry hall. It was around 9 o'clock so his parents were, more than likely, in their room. Roxas walked inside and turned around to face Axel.
"You staying tonight?"
Axel shrugged and looked around the yard. He had really nowhere else to go.. but he didn't want to chance having to talk about their relationship. Even though he could jus tell him the truth. Axel sighed and decided that Demyx might be his best option.
He looked up at Roxas and smiled, "Thanks, but I think I'll stay with Demyx."
Roxas' eyes dulled a bit but nevertheless, he smiled, "Ok.. I guess I'll see you at school?"
Axel nodded and stepped towards Roxas, "Yeah.."
Axel leaned down to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. He knew it was a bad idea, Roxas was going to get the wrong idea, even if it wasn't really the wrong idea. Axel stepped back and waved at Roxas, turning around to start his long trek to Demyx's house. he heard the front door close and let out a sigh. He just had to fall for him, didn't he?
OK, i am researching more about drugs, your know.. trying to figure out the way people react to certain drugs.
Yeah, so hopefully i will get my drug facts right! XD
and i think that was the most detailed kissing scene i ever wrote XD.
Do you think they're moving too fast? Please let me know, because i might end up slowing it down a bit...unless you guys dont want me to.
And how do i know if you want me to or not? Well you leave a review stating your opinion, of course. So yes, please leave a review!