Disclaimer: I dont not own Inuyasha. Read, and enjoy
Chapter one- Ice Lord
It was late February when Kagome told Rin about her engagement to a man named Inuyasha. They were having lunch together at one of their favorite cafe.
Rin listened intently, occasionally sipping her coffee. Though it was nearly March, the breezes were cool enough to wear a sweater. Kagome had paused to eat some of her salad. She ran her fingers through her silky dark hair, and her eyes flashed happily.
"I couldn't be happier, you know Rin? You should have seen the way her proposed! I almost fainted with excitement." Rin requested the check and asked, "Where'd you met him again?" Kagome smiled, showing her pearly whites. "Well I decided to go out this day right and…" She stopped with this silly grin on her face, and then continued. Rin faded out.
Why couldn't Kags ever just answer a question without going into a long explanation? Her attention came back when she heard her friend say miracle. "What's a miracle?" Kagome huffed, then said lamely, "Where you listening? We met on Miracle Street". Rin played with a stand of her dark brown tresses. "I know that street. That's a bit of a coincidence, don't you think Kags?"
Kagome shrugged her indifference. She asked, "You say it as if that's a bad thing". Rin studied her friend with hazel orbs, surprised. She whispered, "You don't know the legend of that street?" Susan shook her head, and leaned in closer. "Tell me", she demanded.
"Well, there was this king who ruled the entire west a long time ago. They said he was beautiful, with hair so silver that crusaded down his back and mystic icy gold eyes that you've never seen before. All the ladies in the land came to catch his heart and become queen, but they all failed. Soon, they began to call him the Ice Lord, destined to forever be without a mate for all the days he lived. But they were wrong. A father offered his two daughters to the king, and they works as servants.
The older one tried desperately to appeal to the Ice Lord, but nothing she did caught his eyes. Her sister however was the one to draw his gaze. He invited her to his chamber for lunch, and had her seated next to him during dinner. He bought her gifts of gold and other precious stones. She wore the best of gowns, slept in rooms as big as the Kings. He visited her every night, whenever he could. Finally he made plans to marry her, and the people of the castle were overjoyed. They started right away with the preparations, decorating the ball room for the big day. Then the day came, and the bride walked down the aisle.
She was said to be stunning wearing a snow white dress that went down to her ankles, and a crown of silver on her curled hair. Her skin was as pale as the dress, which contrasted with the red lipstick that covered her full lips. Grand earrings dangled from her ears, and her arm held many bracelets.
In her hands she held a bouquet of hibiscus. She held hands with the King, and right before they could kiss to seal the marriage, something happened". Rin paused, and noticed that some of the customers were listening to her. Even the waiter whom she sent for the check was looking at her.
She continued, "Her sister Kagura was furious. She hated her for what she took from her. So she jumped from her seat, and before anyone could stop her, she stabbed her younger sibling in her back with a dagger. Her brilliant gown stained with crimson, and she fell to the floor. The King was grieve-stricken. He cradled his drying wife, pleading with her, desperately trying to stop the blood flow.
She just smiled, touched his cheek, and then whispered something in his ear. Those were her drying words. She exactly where Miracle Street stands, and they planned to burn Kagura. The thing is she escaped the day of her sentenced death. " Kagome tilted her head. "What was the words that girl said to the king?"
Rin sipped her coffee again. "it was more of a poem, or a song". She cleared her throat, and began to sing.
My love, don't you cry,
Together we'll be until the end of time
Wait for me on my resting place
For soon I will rise
Wait for me
For soon I will rise
My lover for the rest of time
"They say the King disappeared a week later, and he was presumed dead after a month of searching."
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