Rosalie's POV

When Bella passed out, I'd felt a sense of panic. Surely, she hadn't lost blood; I would've smelled it if she had. Had I missed something else? Taken her out too roughly or too quickly? I'd looked at Charlie then, expecting the worst, but his visage looked calmer than it had just a few moments before.

"Charlie?" He could sense the edge to my voice.

"It's ok, Rose. This is normal. Pretty textbook after the rush wears off. Everything comes crashing down all at once."

"She'll be okay, won't she?" I'd asked. He nodded. And he'd been right.

Two weeks later, and Bella was as lively as ever. Her leg wasn't broken, but it had been bruised enough to make walking uncomfortable. Neither of us complained, though, as we spent a lot of time on her couch cuddling and talking. Her school books lay on the table before us, abandoned after an hour-long tutoring session that had ended in giggles.

"So, what happened anyway? That night, after I passed out?"

"Well, I went to talk to Patty. I wanted to thank her for handling everything so well, calling for help, all that. But, they'd given her a sedative right after she flagged them down, so she wasn't really in a state fit for conversing. She is fine, though. Probably still shaken up."

Bella smiled.

"We should try to track her down, take her to dinner." After a moment, she added, "She's not gonna tell anyone, right?"

The thought had crossed my mind, as well. I'd gone to Carlisle with my worries later that night, but he'd simply reassured me and told me I'd handled things well.

"I don't think so. Who would believe her, even if she did?" I pulled a face and shrugged my shoulders as I said it.

"What about Charlie?"

"He asked me how we got the door off."

"What did you tell him?"

"Blamed it on adrenaline. Told him he could google it."

Bella's POV

Any lingering concerns I'd had about my relationship with Rose were put to rest the night of the accident. I didn't particularly enjoy being the damsel in constant distress, but I knew that Rosalie would always be there for me. She'd always take care of me. I just hoped I could do enough to repay her for it. I hoped I could make her understand just how grateful and full of love I was for her.

Saving me hadn't been enough, though; now she was tutoring me on all the work I'd missed from being out of school. I'd be going back to classes soon and didn't want to be absolutely swamped with make-up work, so I thought I'd try to get it done while I was still on bed (couch) rest.

Unfortunately, it's hard to stay focused on math and bio when literally the world's most beautiful person is sitting right beside you, directly within your line of sight, conveniently within kissing distance. What Charlie wasn't around to see wouldn't hurt him.

"So, as soon as it doesn't hurt so much for you to walk, I think we should give that date night another try." Rosalie's voice was soft as she traced lazy circles on my palm.

"You just wanna show me off," I playfully replied.

"You're damn right I do."

I felt a pang of nervous excitement in my stomach as my next words came to mind. I had to look away. My voice wavered the slightest bit as I asked, "Rose, what else do you wanna do with me?"

"Well, I'd love to take you to Kathmandu. I've never tried it, but I'm sure you'd love the food. Most humans seem to. Oh, we should also visit Savannah. We could go on a ghost tour! I wonder if there's anywhere to bungee-jump."

"That's not what I meant. I mean, that sounds amazing, but, I-" I stopped short, afraid of embarassing myself even further.

"What did you- oh."

There was a heavy silence between us as the words hung in the air.

"Bella, it's not like you owe me. I don't want to rush you or push you into something you're not comfortable with."

"You wouldn't be rushing me." I paused. "If anything, really, you've been delay-" and I couldn't finish my sentence because my lips were suddenly otherwise occupied.

Eventually, Rosalie broke the kiss, only to stand and take me wordlessly into her arms. She carried me up the stairs to my room, and we made good on an unspoken promise the universe had made long before.