A/N: An Epilogue was added to any misunderstanding or any hangovers. Hope you would like this new fic.

Summary: Let's move on with our man story.

Disclaimers: I do not own Gundam Seed or Seed Destiny.

Main pairing: Athrun x Cagalli


"How was the rehabilitation course for today Mr. Zala? Do you feel any pain or discomfort through and after the course?" the therapist asked while looking through his patient's medical report.

Athrun chuckled as he replied; "I have seen the worst in my days doctor so this level of pain is fine".

His therapist looks at him angrily and replied, "It does not matter if you have been through life and death situation Mr. Zala. As your therapist, I have the obligation to look after your health and make sure the course menu does not overwork your body from healing".

Athrun sweatdrops and nodded. "I understand doctor." Never though my therapist would be this scary. "Other than the difficulties in breathing deeply, I seem to be unable to draw any strength from my legs", he said.

"Those are normal reaction Mr. Zala. Your body was traumatized from your rib fractures making you unable to breathe in deeply. Time will heel this problem", he continues after reading through the report again, "As for your legs, we will have to see after our third session. There is a need to change your bandages as well. I will arrange a nurse to attend to your bandaging in a while."

"Thank you doctor", Athrun said.

Athrun was involved in a road accident and was in a comatose stated. The surgeons have concluded that he would never wake up from his fatal injuries but three weeks later Athrun miraculously regain conscious and is on his way to recovery. A month has passed and he has just finished his first rehabilitation course for today. He and his therapist were on their way back to Athrun's room and met Cagalli who was already waiting inside, alone.

"Cagalli?" Athrun called out. The blond princess turned around join them. "What are you doing here alone? Where's Kira and Lacus" he asked.

His therapist took his leave and left Athrun to Cagalli's care.

Cagalli pouted as she helps her fiancé up his bed. "Why do your always look for my brother and your ex-fiancé whenever you see me alone? I am your current fiancé you know", she said angrily.

"That's not what I mean Cagalli", Athrun began to worry that he has hurt her feeling. "I love you Cagalli and I don't want to see you getting hurt. Who knows what's going to happen when you are alone like just now, without a guard".

"I can protect myself just fine. I have seen and tasted fear before. So I know how to take care of myself", she said.

"Like the time I pinned you down on the deserted island?" he asked.

Cagalli turned around with her arms crossed on her chest. "And being mistaken for a boy until I shouted", she said.

"That was because we are fighting in a war and you were dressed in a tactical vest. So I just assumed you to be any male soldier being sent to the front", he said, trying to safe himself.

"I'm just a tomboyish girl acting rash and being pinned by a red ZAFT ace pilot", she said angrily. Cagalli turned around with her back facing him.

How did the situation become like this? Athrun thought while scratching his lower cheek. He smiled and hugged his blond princess from her waist, surprising her. "And it's because of this tomboyish and courageous girl that made me fall head over heel for her".

"As if your honey coated words will work", she pouted.

"And will my little love bird being coaxed down from the tree?" he asked.

Cagalli turned around and sat by the side of the bed. "I wonder where you learned to be such a sweet talker Mr. Zala?" she asked, leaning her head on his shoulder.

"You are the only one that I'm willing to talk to like this Cagalli", he said.

Both of their eyes meet and the mood was right. As their head inches closer and closer for their moment until someone knock on the door. The both of them quickly pulled back when a nurse enters with the trolley of bandages and antiseptics.

"I'm here to change your bandages Mr. Zala", the nurse said. She looks up and saw Cagalli in the room, "I'm sorry Your Excellency. I wasn't informed that you were here. I'll come back later then".

"It's alright, really", Cagalli said, stopping the nurse from leaving. "I'm here just visiting a friend. I'll be here waiting then", she said stepping out from the curtain area.

"Then please excuse me Your Excellency", the nurse said. She pushed the trolley into the curtain area and pulled the curtain around the bed. "Would you mind taking off your shirt Mr. Zala?"

Athrun nodded and took his shirt off slowly. Even though his wound was healing just nicely, he could still feel the pain from them. He was told to lift both his hand up while she removed the used bandages and the plaster covering the stitch wound. She applied antiseptic on them then a new plaster and new bandages covering his chest. The process was over when he was told he could put his shirt back on and she pulled open the curtains.

"Thank you for the wait Your Excellency", the nurse bowed and pushed the trolley out the door. "Have a good day Your Excellency, Mr. Zala", she said and closed the door.

"Do you think she suspects anything?" Cagalli asked as she walks towards his bed. Athrun shrugged as his answer. She frowned at him as she took her seat by the side of the bed. "This is no funny matter Athrun. If the Senates were to heard about engagement, they will surely disapprove it for sure".

"We will figure something out when the time comes Cagalli", Athrun said.

"You sure had it easy don't you", she pouted when she heard his answer. "The Senates will have my head in the end when they heard about this. Who know what will happen by then if they were to find out".

Athrun sense her worries. He smiled and hugs her again. "If it really comes to that then I'll rescue and elope with my princess. I am willing to give up anything for you Cagalli", he took out her ruby ring that Cagalli has made it into a pendant and continue, "I swear upon this ring, I would be there for you through life and death".

The blond princess smiled and rests her head on his shoulder. "I know Athrun", she took his hand and continue, "I know that's why I'm worried".

"We will think it through when the time comes, alright?" he asked. Cagalli nodded.

The two of them has already drifted into their own world, enjoying teach others presences when something they have never expected brought them back into reality.


Both Athrun and Cagalli flinched in surprised and saw a silver hair man standing at the door with a surprised and shocked look on his face.

"Yzak?!" Athrun exclaimed.

"Yah Athrun, it seems that you are still alive", a blond man said, popping up suddenly.

"Dearka also? What are your guys doing here? In Orb?" he asked.

Dearka walks into the room giving the both of them a sly smiled and pulled the dumbfounded Yzak in as well. "You will find out soon enough", he said.

Soon after Lacus and Kira found their way into Athrun's room. Both Yzak and Dearka were sitting by the couch while Kira joined them by the armchair. Lacus sat on the available chair beside Athrun's bed with Cagalli sitting in front of her. Dearka was trying his best to hold onto his laughter while Yzak was blushing remembering what he had just seen.

"Will you stop your laughter already?" Yzak snarled, giving Dearka his death glare.

"Bu-but your reaction when you saw them… its really epic", Dearka said, wiping a tear.

Yzak blushed and said, "Anyone would misunderstand upon seeing those two together like that right. I mean… they were…". Lacus and Kira laughed Yzak glared at him, "Yamato".

"I know what you mean Yzak", Kira turned to look at Athrun and Cagalli and continues, "But I'm sure nothing happens between the two of them. Athrun is after all still in a healing state, right?"

Athrun flinched when he heard Kira's sudden change in his tone. Who would have though that Kira would be this protective over his sister, he thought.

"What does that mean Kira?" Cagalli asked in a challenging tone. "We might be siblings but that does not mean you can dominate my life".

"I guess you are right Cagalli. But that does not mean I would not be worried about you", Kira said

"I can take care of myself and my own business", she said.

"Kira, Cagalli please! We are in a hospital", Athrun said and both of them stop. "So, what business do you have with Orb Yzak?"

"I summand them down Athrun", Lacus smiled. "Ms. Hahnenfuss informed me about Yzak behavior after hearing about Athrun's accident. She's worried that Yzak might overwork himself so she asked for my help", she answered when she saw Athrun's confused look.

"I see!" Athrun said. He saw Yzak was cursing silently but he was happy. "So, what were you busy stuffing yourself in this time Yzak?"

Yzak was surprised by Athrun's question. He looks away and answer, "The usual military attention and council documents".

"And investigating about the criminal that tempered your car?" Dearka added. Yzak began to strangle Dearka for his loud mouth.

Athrun was surprised, he had never though that Yzak would involve himself with his case. "Is it really that shocking for me to get involved Zala?" Athrun looks at him surprised. He wanted to say something when Yzak stops him and said, "We just received the information from Yamato and provided some information and aid them in this investigation. It's the standard procedures to show two countries' friendship".

"And thanks to ZAFT's help, we were able to apprehend the man that plots this accident. We were also able to know that it was not a one-man job. It seems that he was paid to do this", Kira said.

"Did he say who his hirer was?" Athrun asked.

Kira shook his head. "Someone silent him before we could ask anymore. But we do know one thing, there might be more in the near future", he said.

"ZAFT will provide any help if needed", Yzak said.

"Orb thanks you for your cooperation", Cagalli said.

Athrun could feel the tense moment when they finished this conversation. He decided that it was time to change the topic. "Then how long will you be staying here in Orb Yzak, Dearka?" he asked.

"We were planning to leave by tonight's flight if possible", Yzak said. He glared at Dearka after looking at his mobile and said, "But it seems that we might not be able to make since someone book the wrong flight back".

"There's no way we could have book tonight flight back even if we wanted to", Dearka argues. "To make matter worst we were flying on civilian flight not military flight Yzak. Besides, Shiho was the one that was handling the flight tickets".

"It seems that you are well love by your major Yzak?" Athrun smiled.

Yzak look at him angrily and replied, "Leave me alone Zala".

Everyone laughed at his behavior.


"This should be the last of them", Athrun said as he place the last of his cardboard box in his new room. "Now that's left is to unpack them".

"Are you sure you want to stay in the west wing and not on the east Athrun?" Cagalli asked, bringing some refreshment with her. "The west wings belong to the servant of the mansion".

Athrun has finally gotten his okay sign from his doctor to be discharged from the hospital after two months of hospitalization. It was also around that time that Cagalli has announced her engagement to Athrun Zala to the Senates and some nearly faint from her decision. Most of them have rejected this proposal but there are some that supports her. Cagalli has wanted to threaten them if they do not approve but it was Athrun, who was also presence at this meeting that intervene with their final decision. He had told them to judge him by his merits and judge him whether he is suitable to be Cagalli's other half. The Senates agreed to his conditions and allows him to stay in Orb.

With Ledonir Kisaka's helps, Athrun was able to enlist into the Orb's military and appointed as the second admiral next to Kisaka. It was also thanks to him that Athrun was also appointed as Cagalli's personal bodyguard and was allowed to move into the Attha Manor rather than staying in the Morgenroete's barrack.

"And I have already explained to you Cagalli, I'm fine in staying in the west wings", Athrun said. "We are to live separately until the Senates approved of our engagement. Besides we are living under the same roof and my room if just a block away from yours".

Cagalli pouted and said, "I should have just fired all the old geezers instead. What do they mean that you are not eligible to be my husband?"

Athrun sighed and hugs his princess. "Come on Cagalli. The senates are right about one thing. With my background, it's no wonder that they do not trust me. I am after all the son of Patrick Zala and once a betrayer to my own country".

"But you still have your merits is protecting Orb in the past wars. So why doesn't these old geezers understands?" she questioned.

"And I wonder who was the ones that was worried about the senate's approval two months ago", he sighs.

Cagalli break their embrace and said, "That was then now is now. I would have never thought that you would give up your PLANTs citizenship and give all your assets and belongings to Kira. Now you have nothing to hold you back and yet the Senates still wants to test you. I really can't accept that".

Athrun really have to give in to his princess's stubbornness. He hugs her and kisses her lightly on her cheek. "Let lighten up shall we? We still have to get ready for the party over at Kira's tonight".

"I'll lighten up for your sake", she said. "Do you need any help with unpacking?"

The both of them look around his room, which was filled with brown boxes and luggage. "I'll manage it myself", he said. "Why don't you go and get ready for tonight. I'm sure Mana is waiting for you in your room now".

Cagalli shivers at the thought. "I just hope she choose something easy to move around for tonight".

Athrun laughed. "I'm looking forward to your outfit tonight", he said.

The two exchanges a light kiss before Cagalli leave the room. He was about to start with his unpacking when his mobile vibrates. "I wonder who it is?" he asked, picking his mobile that was on the table. He was surprised when he saw that it was Yzak that's calling him. "Hello Yzak?" Athrun was confused when there was no answer from the other line. "Yzak? It's you right Yzak Joule? Say something man?"

"Athrun, do you think… you could… arrange a meeting for me with Miriallia Haw? There's something I need to… give her" Yzak asked.

Athrun could hear that Yzak voice was horse and trembling. "I think I might be able to. What going on at the PLANTs?" he asked.

Yzak took a deep breath and said, "Dearka would not be available for a while. That guy… he's-"

"What happened to Dearka, Yzak?" Athrun asked.

"The Mendel Colony blew up and Dearka is currently missing. There's a change that he's dead", Yzak said.

== The End ==

A/N: This is really the end for Part One. Want to know more about what happen to Dearka and who is the one targeting Athrun, please check out the rest of the chronicles. Hope you like this story so far. Drop me a review and let me know how you fee. See you again in my next story.