Hi, this is Steph :D. this is my very, very first story, and I've got it all written, I just need to type it up. Sooooo R&R please XXX

Bridge balances against the wall on one hand, staring at the gloved other intently. His powers had been driving him crazy lately. Even with his gloves on he was being bombarded with everyone's emotions , as strongly as if he were actually touching them.

"Maybe," he thought " my powers are expanding. But is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

His power was hard enough to deal with already, always needing to be contained within a long sleeved t-shirt and gloves. Never allowing skin contact. Or friends.

He was so lucky to have his fellow rangers. They were more than just team-mates, they were his family. They were all connected, and Sam too. The only people who really understood him. Or thought they did. None of them had ESP to deal with.

"Watcha thinking?" Jack startled him with, causing him to fall in a heap on the floor.

"Just, like, how weird it is that the two things people want more than anything are freedom and safety, but how, to be safe you have to be secure, and how, to be secure you have to be monitored and how, if your being monitored you can never really be free, can you? So you have to choose." Bridge hoped his long winded lie was long winded enough that Jack wouldn't even try to figure it out and just let it go with an "um, yeah, sure."

"Um, yeah, sure." Jack said slowly, choosing not to try and decipher Bridges ramblings. "Anyway," he recovered "we're all heading into town, 'cause it's been so quiet lately. You wanna come?"

"Uh, yeah, okay." Bridge said uncertainly. If his powers were bothering him here at the base, they were gonna be completely out of control in a public area, where no one even attempted to rein in their emotions.

As if sensing his unease, Jack asked him "Bridge, you okay?"

"Uh, no, not at all. Uh, I'm great. Fine." Bridge responded, a big fake grin plastering his face.

"Okay," Jack said, not entirely convinced, but willing let it go as Bridge being Bridge. "let's go then."


Walking into town with his team-mates, Bridge could hear a constant buzzing in his ears. It was making it very hard to concentrate and contribute on the discussion of where they were all gonna go to hang out. Sky and Z were routing for the park. Jack and Syd, the pizza parlour. It was up to Bridge to make the tie break, but honestly couldn't care less. He just wanted to find a way to get the bee out of his head. Vaguely he heard his name being called.

"Bridge. Hey, Bridge" Z, as the nearest, nudged him.

"Uh park. Yeah, park. Definitely park." he said.

Z and Sky grinned at him, while Jack stuck his tongue out and Syd pouted.

"Park it is then." Z said grinning.

Bridge tried to grin back, but found it faltered on his lips. He saw Jack and Sky exchange a glance. They'd finally figured out there was something wrong with him. He waited for the inevitable worried looks he'd get from Jack and Z, the mothering from Syd and the lecture about keeping things to himself from Sky. But none came. They all just trundled towards the park, seemingly oblivious. So he followed

Even though Syd had voted for the pizza parlour, she couldn't help but being exited by the fete they found awaiting them in the park. She grabbed Sky's hand and bounced off towards one of the stalls with him.

Bridge was, however, less happy. The sheer pressure of all these people was weighing down on him like a ten tonne weight. He was losing it. His thoughts were becoming less coherent, harder to string together. And there was a slow blackness seeping in the edges of his vision. He was falling backwards, the darkness swallowing him and cushioning his fall. And then he was out.


Jack was the first to notice Bridge swaying. He shouted for the others, who came running immediately.

"Bridge. Bridge can you hear me?" he shouted, catching his falling friend and laying him down with Sky's help.

"What happened?" Syd questioned.

"I don't know. He just passed out." Jack pulled out his communicator and rang for an emergency vehicle, watching as Sky checked Bridges vitals.

Remember R&R
