The Adventures of SG-1


San Diego

As far as Mark and Ruth Carter knew, the kids were really playing into the apparent role of Harry and Sam being their Jedi masters for their entire visit. They'd still call Sam, Aunt Sammie, sometimes. But then they'd call her Master Jade, when playing up the Jedi thing.

What neither noticed, was that the kids not once called Harry, Harry. It was always 'Master Skywalker' or 'Master Luke'.

Mark still hadn't told Sam just who Mara Jade was, although Ruth thought that the pair new very well what that was about.

Busy as they were with the kids much of the time, neither Sam nor Harry saw the occasional disapproving looks Mark had sent them. If they had, neither would know what it was about.

On Sunday, it was the 2nd of November and the day they had picked to have their thanksgiving.

Considering Ruth, as she was Canadian, celebrated the holiday early October prior to marrying Mark and living with him in San Diego, found it a good idea to have the holiday early November, rather than late November as the Americans had it.

And while She and Mark prepared the large dinner, Harry and Sam had taken the kids out for the day.

It was the Saturday morning when Sam found Harry had packed the smallest working M-Generator instead of various holiday items that had her not curious about why those crystals were recharged and ready to hold energy.

She couldn't, not after the night before, chide him for it. Had she found it on Friday morning, or indeed, the Thursday they left, then she definitely would have.

And so, on Sunday in a secluded place, the kids had somehow gotten the pair of adults to demonstrate 'the force'.

Before doing so, Harry had told them that only a few people could do it safely and without side-effects.

"Now, Unfortunately, Mara cannot use abilities like, Force push or pull, levitate, or Force Suggestion."


"What she can do, are various lightsaber moves at similar speeds to the Jedi in the films."

Sort-of true. Staff fighting with Teal'c had taught her how to move around bladed weapons, and while she wasn't good at that, she could mix it with some of her fencing skills she had acquired in the Air Force Academy. The holosaber, as Harry called it, was light enough for it.

"Only a few people in the galaxy, can do what I can do."

Sort-of true. Those 'only a few people' just happened to be the ascended. And they didn't know how many ascended there were, after all.

Harry amused himself with a thought, 'From a certain point of view.'

"You're Luke Skywalker. You're the best Jedi in the galaxy." The youngest, the girl, spoke.

"Ah but my name is Harry Potter as well. With those pesky films, I cannot use my other name in public, could I?"

The kids shook their heads.

"Just as the others wouldn't believe you if you told them Jedi were real." Sam added.

They nodded. They weren't that bothered about telling others, once Sam had said they had taken ideas from earth 'superheroes' with the alter-ego thing.

They understood, the concept that it was bad to tell people who batman really was, as the bad people could find out.

If Batman was real, that is.

"Now, even I struggle to use much of the force in a short time. My training is not complete."

True, his engineering apprenticeship wasn't over. As for the magic, he hadn't exactly been able to complete his Hogwarts education properly... and 'force' was just another word for Magic, in this case.

Forewarned not to tell others and that he wouldn't make it a big demonstration, the kids found themselves happily floating in mid air, as sweat began to bead down Harry's forehead. After shielding an F-302 from an exploding Stargate, this was, literally, childs' play. The sweat was intentionally done to do the whole 'can't do much' thing. Which was true, given the power used up from a single crystal into just levitating two kids 2 feet off of the ground for 30 seconds.


After the thanksgiving dinner, the kids went up to play in their room, while the adults had a nice quiet drink.

After a few hours, Mark and Ruth went up to bed, making sure the kids were getting into theirs first, leaving the two snoozing members of SG-1 on the couch.

Only because of Ruth, did Mark not immediately wake the pair. Unlike her husband, she rather approved of Harry.

It was quite late, probably past midnight, when the pair woke to find that they had fallen asleep on the couch, and in their sleep, cuddled up for warmth.

They were in that hazy place between sleep and wakefulness for several minutes, knowing what position they were in but just too damn comfortable to care. When the woke up, they just shared a smile, and Sam got up, to the bathroom to get ready for bed properly. While Sam slept in Sarah's room, Harry had the guest room.

As they passed each other, Sam finished in the bathroom and Harry going in to have a wash, Sam pulled him into a hug, then separated and without a word, went into Sarahs room, and shut the door.

Harry was motionless for a second, wondering what brought that on. Then he continued on with what he was doing.

It was just one of a number of times Sam had hugged him, hooked their arms, or other such physical action. The shadowed look in her eyes a few of the times when he had sent a questioning glance was all the answer he needed. He liked this new development of their friendship, for however long it lasts.


They had left Mark Carters' that Monday morning, with a bow to the kids who held in their giggles and bowed back, a hug between Sam, Mark and Ruth, and shaking of hands between them and Harry.

The two piled into their rental car, and they were off, grand tour of California.


Stargate Command

Sam frowned at the voice-mail she had received from Mark during her and Harry's tour of California. The pair had gotten back to the SGC in the early hours of Thursday morning, as Harry wanted to put away certain devices, only they both then collapsed in the only quarters available to shower in after the horrendous flight back. Perhaps it was fortunate that they had stayed awake long enough to shower separately, and remember to put pyjamas on, because neither had the energy to actually get in under the covers. And as happened at Sam's brothers house, they had shifted during their sleep, and woke up far too comfortable, cuddling together. Once was accident.

Twice, was coincidence. Sam was up first, and after her shower, had gone to check her voicemail, and the last one was Marks'.

She put the phone down as Harry came out from his shower. While Sam didn't notice his lack of clothes, as angry as she was, Harry did notice her anger, and sat beside her, giving a side hug, aware that it was best to let her speak, than to ask if he wanted an explanation.

"Mark wants to set me up on a blind date!" She said after a minute.

Harry really didn't know how to respond to that.

A knock on the door, and Harry went to it, making sure to keep himself but his head hidden as he opened it slightly. It was Jack.

"Morning. Got in a little late did we?"

Harry nodded.

"Missed us so much you had to come here?"

"I can't believe him!" Fumed Sam, prompting Jacks' attention.

Jack raised an eyebrow, and asked, "Carter in there with ya?"

"Mark wants to set her up on a blind date." Harry shared.

Jack nodded with a wince, "Ah. Right, well I'll let you calm her down." With that Jack left.

He shut the door, and strode over to Sam, and calmly spoke, "Sam, calm down. Just... how bad can it be?"

Harry ignored his own instinct for a moment, to say that. But he knew, somehow, he knew, it was bad intentions behind this. He didn't know why, though. Mark loved Sam.

It didn't occur to him that Mark was under the sort-of mistaken impression that Sam had 'inappropriate feelings' for Harry. He pulled her to him, trying to cheer her up.

Sam huffed for a minute, before she melted into him, and mumbled, "What if I don't want to be seeing anyone?"

"You'll miss the sight of me." Harry punned. "And Teal'c. And Janet. And Cassie. And Daniel. Maybe Jack."

Sam smiled a little, and lifted her head. "Thanks."


Then Sam looked down, and looked back up with a quirked eyebrow.

"Hmm?" She did it again, and he realised. "Right." He then got dressed.

"You go commando?" She asked curiously.

"Call it years of getting used to no underwear and baggy trousers."

At the back of her mind, she figured that to also be why he didn't seem embarrassed at being naked in front of her. And at the back of her mind, she remembered that there were times she was naked in front of him, and wasn't embarrassed.

And only in the back of her mind, did she question why she wasn't. But no one pays much attention to the backs of their minds.


Authors Note: Related Omake coming soon i.e. a few days (I got a few) I'm upto C32 with this... so I have one chapter buffer. I won't be putting 32 up for a fortnight or so, give me time to get the muse back... however, I got 3 omakes (14-16) which I'll post tomorrow, Friday and Saturday.