Disclaimer: Don't own- HP belongs to Jk Rowling

A/N: This is a sequel to my first fanfiction: And the Greatest of these is Love. It refers alot to events that happened in that story. You can find it on my author's page. It is AU as Severus never had a sister or niece, but it follows the major events of HP. You might want to check the first story out but I tried to write the first chapter in a way that the major events of the first story were explained-if that makes sense. Oh, also...please review! :)

Chapter 1- Wanted

14 years earlier:

"What's wrong, Gracie?" Sirius Black wrapped his arms around the sobbing woman as she clung to him.

When she still didn't respond to his inquiry, he grew worried so he gently untangled her from him, and pulled back so he could see her. Tenderly brushing her hair away from her face, he studied her, his hands grasping her face. He was shocked by the anguish that he saw there. "What happened?"

"It's true, I didn't fully believe it, but he did it. He took the dark mark" Grace hiccupped, shaking her head. "We had a huge fight. I never have seen him so distant from me. I've lost him. I've lost my brother" She hitched her breath, struggling to regain composure.

Sirius closed his eyes, breathing in. He could throttle Snape for doing this to Grace. As much as he disliked him, Grace adored her brother and he knew how much this was breaking her. "I'm sorry, Grace. Truly I am"

Grace grasped his arms, gasping. "I need you, Siri. I feel so lost right now"

Sirius pulled her back into his arms. "I'm here, Grace. I'm not going anywhere. I promise" He moved to sit down in the nearest chair and pulled her down on his lap. He took her hand in his. "Just breathe- in and out. There you go. That's better" He wiped the tears from her face. "Tell me what you are thinking" His voice was low and tender.

"Did I cause this?" Grace lifted her head to look him in the eye.

"Grace Snape, you did not cause this. Your brother chose to take the mark" Sirius's tone was adamant as his thumb rubbed her hand, trying to soothe her.

"But he was so angry that we got engaged- he thinks I chose you over him. So he chose Voldemort over me" Grace's voice cracked.

Sirius sighed deeply, letting go of her hand before playing absently with the ends of her hair, twirling it around his hand. He knew he had to ask this next question, but part of him just wanted to let it go.

"Do you regret it?" He held his breath, waiting for her answer.

"Oh, Sirius, NO!" Grace moved to hands so she was cradling his face. "Merlin, I love you Sirius Black." She traced his face with her fingers. "You are one of the best things to have ever happened to me. I didn't mean to imply that. I love my brother and I will never give up on him and this hurts me to see him like that. But I want to marry you. You are different than the way he sees you. You are a good man. Don't ever forget that"

Sirius let out his breath, his eyes closed. "Good, for a minute there, you had me terrified, Grace. I thought I could lose you. If I did, I couldn't bear it"

"Oh, Sirius, you are my world. Please never doubt that" Grace kissed him gently. "Will you marry me?"

Sirius laughed- a deep rumbling laughter that filled his throat. "I already asked you that and you said yes."

"Indeed" Grace traced his face with her finger. "But I don't want to wait another six months. Let's marry next month. I want to start our life together as soon as possible."

Sirius's heart jumped. "Are you certain?"

"Quite certain" Grace bit her lip. "I can't do anything about Severus right now, but I can do something about us. And I want to be your wife and start a family."

Sirius grinned. "A family, soon-to- be Mrs. Black? Merlin, it sounds like I am talking to my mum" He gave her a mocked horrified look.

Grace smacked him. "Now that is romantic, Siri. Considering you hate your mum" She paused. "Do you want to have a family?"

He didn't hesitate. "Absolutely. I wasn't raised with a lot of love, you didn't either at least from your parents. I want the chance to do it right for the both of us."

Grace smiled. "Good" She kissed him again. "I'm going to love you for the rest of my days, Sirius Black."

Sirius smiled as he leaned over to kiss her more fully, treasuring this moment with Grace in his arms.


14 years later

The rain was pounded down on Sirius, the perfect companion to his mood.

"Oh, Gracie" Sirius choked on his tears. "We should have had our lifetime." He traced the headstone, examining its contents.

Grace Eileen Snape Black

Born June 11, 1961- Died Nov 19, 1991

Beloved Sister, Mother, Wife

And the Greatest of these is Love

"Why did this have to happen to us?" Sirius cried. "Why Gracie? This wasn't the way it was supposed to be" He buried his head in his hands. "Not with me spending the last years of your life in Azkaban. I should have been there for you. I should have been able to say goodbye. I'm sorry, Grace." Not even all his years in Azkaban had left him feeling so broken. He was out of that wretched place, but at this moment, he wished he was there. Or better yet that the Dementors had given him the blasted kiss.

He heard a shuffle of footsteps and even in his agony; he had enough presence of mind to transform into his animagus form, before going to hide in the bushes.

"We should have picked a better day, Uncle Sev. I'm sorry. I just felt like I had to come today."

Sirius had to use all of his willpower not to leave the bushes. "Could that be her?" he thought as Padfoot yelped. "Turn around, Sarah. Come on Paddy, let me get a look at you" He recognized Grace's brother all too well and he could only assume that the little girl with him was his daughter.

"That's alright, Black" Severus held an umbrella over both of their heads. "Are you certain you are warm enough?"

"Yes, sir" Sarah replied. "Stop worrying" She moved forward to step closer to her mum's grave, putting a bunch of flowers on top of it. "Thank you for charming the flowers so they wouldn't get wet"

"You're welcome" Severus replied. "Would you like time alone?"

Sarah shook her head. "No, Uncle Sev. I want you to stay here."

"Alright, Black. Whatever you wish. Take your time"

Sirius watched as Sarah knelt down; still close enough to be covered by the umbrella. He was close enough that he could here every word she was saying, though he still couldn't see her face. "Hello Mummy. Well, I know you aren't really here, but I'm going to pretend like you are. I hope that's alright. I finished my second years at Hogwarts. Uncle Sev said I finished really strongly. I even got an E in Potions. Amazing, I know but Uncle Sev really drilled me on it. He's not fun when it comes to his potions in more ways than one, but we don't have to talk about that"

Severus cleared his throat. Sarah glanced back, but not enough for Sirius to get a good look. "Well, its true, Uncle Sev" she said matter-of-factly.

"I'm not denying it, Black. Just continue" Severus commanded.

"Ginny got into a bit of trouble at the end of this year. Voldemort tried to come back through an old diary, but Harry, Ron and I stopped him…well, mostly Harry. Uncle Sev was not happy. Can you believe he punished me for that? I got house points and everything, yet I get in trouble with him for it!"

"Sarah Grace" Severus warned, leaning down to place a hand on her head. "Somehow, knowing your mother, I think she would have been firmly on my side with that one"

"Well, I can try, can't I?" Sarah gave him a saucy look.

"Continue on" Severus raised an eyebrow.

"That's pretty much all that's new, Mum. Well, besides the fact that I still really miss you, but that's not new" She touched the headstone. "Things are just not the same without you. I'll come next year, I promise. I love you, Mummy" Sarah whispered. Severus leaned down and offered her his hand. Sarah took it and stood up, but held on to his hand.

"Thank you, Uncle Sev" Sarah said, squeezing his hand. "Let's go"

Sirius whined as he transformed back. He still couldn't get a good look at her face. What were the chances of Sarah showing up this day of all days? And what was she doing with Snape? He leaned back, suddenly out of breath. The way Sarah acted around Snape- it was so much more than a way a child acts around their guardian. It was the way a daughter acts around her father.

"Oh, Gracie, did I lose our daughter too?" Sirius shivered. To see Sarah with a man that he loathed, to look at his wife's tombstone- he broke down again in sobs. He had his freedom for now, but what was the point? As he closed his eyes, a picture flashed in his mind of his best friend, James Potter. The person who had become like his brother as his family practically adopted him. He steeled himself as he remembered his task. No matter, how he felt, Sarah was safe for now. But perhaps not for long with that rat out there. He had nothing to lose now. He had lost everything- he would finish what he started. He would avenge his friend's death. But right now there was one thing he had to do- one other child he had to make sure was safe- his godson: Harry James Potter.


Albus Dumbledore sighed. It was days like this that he felt his full age. Twining his hands together, he contemplated his visit from the Minister of Magic. Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban. He was enraged that the ministry kept it a secret for over a week, but now they were going public with the information. In addition to that, last night, Harry Potter had quite literally blown up his aunt and taken the knight bus to the Leaky Cauldron where he was staying, unsupervised and unprotected.

"That will not do" Albus thought. He had flooed Severus minutes ago and now he was expecting him. Albus knew that he would not take this news well. Indeed, he had no doubt that Severus Snape would want to throttle the minister for withholding this information, not only because it dealt with a man he loathed, but because it impacted his niece, with whom Severus was quite overprotective. Severus had taken guardianship of his niece upon his sister's death two years prior. Even though he was weary that he could ever love Sarah the way she needed to be (partly because Sarah's father was Severus's childhood rival- Sirius Black), he had indeed fallen in love with this little girl. He ended up adopting her at Grace's request. Albus knew that he would not take the news well that Sarah's father had escaped. It would most certainly promise to be an unpleasant conversation.

Resigned Albus walked over to his fireplace and took a handful of floo powder. "Snape Manor" He said commandingly.


Sarah Black looked up from the book she was reading. "Potions, Level 3". Well, that was the book she was supposed to be reading. The book she was actually reading was entitled, "101 Pranks" given to her by the Weasley twins, who insisted that while the title was droll, there were many good ones that they could use.

"Hello Professor Dumbledore" Sarah smiled up at the Headmaster coming out of the fireplace.

"Hello Miss Black" Dumbledore said, taking a seat across from her. "I see you are getting a head start on your potions reading. A most splendid idea, I take it was your uncle's."

Sarah nodded. "Of course" She sighed and then grinned mischievously, her blue eyes gleaming, holding up her real book. "Don't tell my Uncle Sev."

Albus threw back his head and laughed. "I wouldn't dream of it. The Weasley twins?"

"Yes, sir. It is most fascinating reading." Sarah laughed, shaking her black hair.

"Your potions reading?"

Sarah jumped at the sound of her uncle's voice. Severus was standing over her, with a slightly amused look in his eyes. He exchanged a look with Dumbledore. "Hello Headmaster."

"Severus" Dumbledore replied.

Sarah absently tugged at her shirt, a sure sign to Snape that she was hiding something. "Yes, sir. I have always wanted to understand the way….um….um…um sleeping potions work. What can I say; living with you has rubbed off…" Sarah finished lamely.

"You are a terrible liar, Sarah. You always have been" Severus reached down to pull out the book that Sarah had hidden as she grimaced.

He studied the book she was reading, flipping a few of the pages. "Weasley twins?"

Sarah nodded tensely, silently waiting to see how her uncle would react.

"Sarah Grace Black, if you dare play any one of these pranks this year, you will have detention with me every day of the school year until you graduate from Hogwarts" Severus growled.

"I was just reading about them" Sarah protested. "I never said I was going to do them."

"All the same, I think I will take this book for safe keeping. I wouldn't want you to be tempted by it" Severus put the book in the pockets of his robes.

Sarah gave Dumbledore a pleading look, which he ignored innocently, while flipping through a potions magazine that was on the table.

"Now, off to your room. Professor Dumbledore and I have business to discuss. And you have your real potions reading to do. I will be testing out your knowledge in the lab this afternoon." Severus patted her shoulder at Sarah's wrinkled nose. "Cheer up Black. It won't be so bad." He leaned down to whisper in her ear. "And if you are a good girl, I'll take you flying afterwards."

Sarah smiled at Snape's words. "Goodbye Professor Dumbledore."

"Goodbye Sarah. Good luck with your reading." Dumbledore smiled as he tossed the magazine back on the table.

"Thanks!" Sarah bounded off with her potions book in hand.

Albus's eyes twinkled as he watched her leave. "Severus Snape, did you just promise to take Sarah flying if she did her reading?"

Severus plopped down on the couch and looked pained. "I thought you were slightly hard of hearing, Headmaster. At least that is what you tell me often."

Albus laughed. "It comes and goes my dear boy. But who would have thought? There are some children at Hogwarts who would rather believe that pigs can fly without magic, than believe that you would be so soft."

Severus gave him a mocked offended look. "It just so happens that I have a weakness when it comes to Snape women. I try earnestly to combat it, but one look from Sarah, and all my efforts are in vane. But rest assured, Headmaster, even Sarah knows her limits. She would tell you that I am anything but soft. Ask her what I did last year when I caught her and her hooligan friends brewing the polyjuice potion."

Albus grimaced. "Those children. It is most fortunate that Miss Granger still doesn't have a tail."

"Indeed. I don't think Sarah will be brewing any unauthorized potions anytime soon." Severus asserted, raising an eyebrow at Dumbledore. "Or that she would have the audacity to steal from my potions store"

"That was a most unfortunate choice on Sarah's part. I trust that you were not too harsh with the child, Severus"

"Indeed no, she got exactly what I told her she would if she dared to touch my potions. She knew what to expect and none the less, she went and stole them. I was stern, but fair, trust me, Albus" Severus's tone was adamant. "And I can almost guarantee that she will think twice before doing so again"

"Still you can hardly deny that she has you wrapped around her little finger." Albus grinned. "Any other child you would have devoured for a stunt like that"

"I hardly think it is that bad, Headmaster" Severus scoffed.

"Perhaps not" His expression darkened, as he leaned forward and lowered his voice. "Severus…"

Snape stiffened in reaction. His pulse quickened and he was filled with a sense of dread.

"What is it Albus?" he said in a low voice.

"Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban"

Severus jumped up and clenched his fists. "What do you mean Sirius Black has escaped from Azkaban?" He growled fiercely.

"Sit down Severus" Albus said commandingly. "Let's discuss this calmly."

Severus scowled, but obeyed, his dark eyes flashing with fury.

"I was visited by the Minister. He told me that Sirius had escaped a week ago, but the ministry had kept it quiet. They are now ready to go public with the information."

"Do you mean to tell me that Black has been on the loose for this ENTIRE WEEK and the MINISTRY DIDN'T THINK IT WAS IMPORTANT ENOUGH to let me know?" Severus spat, enraged.

"Calm down Severus" Albus instructed calmly. "It will do no good to dwell on things you cannot change."

"Why are you not more upset about this?" Severus asked, frustrated.

"I am, Severus. Indeed, I am. It is a very grave situation" Albus laced his hands together. "Grace wrote me before her death that she believed Sirius was innocent."

Severus snorted. "Gracie was always blind to Black. You cannot tell me that you believe that he is innocent?"

"I have thought long and hard about that. I have no evidence which would lead me to believe that the Potters changed their secret keeper. We must act on the assumption that he is dangerous. The minister stated that his last word were 'He's at Hogwarts." Albus looked at Severus pointedly.

"Potter?" Severus asked.

"What else could it mean?" Albus replied.

Severus groaned. "That may be the case. But Black will not only go after Potter. You know that as much as I do."

"I do" Albus replied.

"And if Sirius Black thinks that he is going to get within three meters of Sarah, I'll kill him" Snape said, his voice laced with led.

"Severus" Albus sighed. "I'm not only concerned about Sarah and Harry's safety, but also their emotional wellbeing."

"And you think I am not?" Severus snapped. "She is my child. I adopted her. I have cared for her for the past year and a half."

"And you have undoubtedly done a fine job. However, how do you think Sarah would feel to hear that you want to kill her father? You can tell by the way she looks at her album, that the connection between Sarah and Sirius is still strong, regardless of the fact that Sarah doesn't remember him. She has built him up a certain way in her head. She has no idea of what he did to be sent to prison. She would never tell you this, but one day last year, she let it slip that she hoped that her mum was right and it was all a mistake"

Severus grimaced. "She's young. She doesn't understand" he argued, shifting restlessly in his seat.

"Yes, she is. As her adopted father, you need to decide what to do and what to tell her."

Severus shook his head. "Gracie wanted me to tell her as little as possible. I have to honor her wishes. I'm not going to tell her that her father was a murderer no matter how much I hate Sirius Black. And to know he was the reason, Lily and James are dead. It was devastate her and Harry. It would be best if neither of them knew that."

"Think Severus. The children will talk. Sarah will find out that Black was a mass murderer. Would you rather she hear it from you or from other children?" Albus's eyes entreated him to see reason.

Severus sighed. "I suppose I must. But I will not tell her that Black was the reason for the Potters' death. Grace was firmly against that and I have to agree."

Albus nodded. "For Harry as well. I believe that he as well as Sarah might do something rash if they found out. But just remember, Severus, the truth has a nasty habit of revealing itself and when it does, it can be even more painful" He paused. "I must ask of you a favor. One that you are not going to like."

"What is it?" Severus groaned. "I seriously doubt it can get much worse than this."

"It would be easier to protect both of them, if Sarah and Harry were in the same place. When they are at Hogwarts, obviously this will not be an issue, but as of now, Harry is at the Leaky Cauldron" Albus replied.

"What is he doing there?" Severus said with some interest.

"He blew up his aunt and ran away from home."

Severus rolled his eyes. "You have got to be joking. Leave it to Potter"

Albus proceeded in a gentle voice, "I need you to go to the Leaky Cauldron with Sarah and pick up Harry and bring him to spend the rest of the holidays with you two."

Severus shook his head. "Absolutely not. It is entirely out of the question."

Albus sighed. "Severus, please listen to reason. Harry and Sarah are both in danger right now. They are both friends, they would get along. It would not be that difficult and it is only for a few weeks"

"Only that he is an arrogant brat, who has no respect and hates me" Severus argued. "I won't do it."

"You once said that about both Harry and Sarah."

"But Sarah is different. She is family" Severus refused.

"Severus Snape. Stop and listen to me. I don't know why you are so hell bent on hating Harry, but it needs to stop. He is Lily's son" Albus said firmly, with a rare fire in his eyes that Severus recognized.

Severus sighed. The old coot had found his vulnerability. "Fine, but I don't have to like it" He sulked.

Albus smiled. "Good, I'm so relieved that is settled. Go retrieve Harry and I'll strengthen the wards to protect both Sarah and Harry."

Snape stood. "I'll go tell Sarah now that she and I are going to get Harry. Then I will tell the two of them together about Black."

"Good Luck"

Severus rolled his eyes. "I am going to need it."