Anyone who's wondering why all the chapters where resubmitted I asked Wolf to beta them. They are much better now ;D and will attracct more fan-reviewers :P

Im only doing my Disclaimer once cause it's stupid doing it for every chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers and the fact that I have to write a disclaimer to not get bitched at is sad. Cause really If I owned Transformers it would defiantly be slash! AND JAZZ WOULDN'T BE FUCKING DEAD (cries)

Enjoy the story

--Part 1—All spark me? Pfft as if...--



How does one describe life? How can we describe what we have never been without? If we knew how to describe life, wouldn't we have to experience death?

He looked out his broken window watching the neighborhood. Others always complained about how hard life was. How much easier it would be if they had more strength if they were stronger.


They knew nothing; power is a burden, a heavy weight always bearing down on ones self. If you had power others would always expect that you would use it.

He remembered yesterday afternoon it had been a warm, sunny day in Tranquility.

He had watched a squirrel collect nuts and pondered how such a simple creature so innocent to the ways of the world was so full of fear. Always worrying for its own survival.

His eyes had strayed to another creature of this world. A human female he called her mother. She was such a sweet woman always so full of energy.

He found so much comfort from the human females of Earth. Like him, they also created life, loving their creations even if the love was hidden deep within their heart, it was there.

He had watched her as she smelt the lilacs in her garden and he couldn't help but wonder how such a simple flower could make her smile so.

He felt so out of place even trapped in this body that he had created to save himself. He felt guilty for lying to his adoptive creators. Pretending to be like them but feeling like an outsider.

He was hiding from his own creations, his children and only wished to return. But it was to late he would never get to see his children again for if he did, it would cause so much pain. Megatron the one being created by Unicron if only he had been able to protect his children from that monster.

He manipulated his Decepticons warping their sparks and minds until they were but shells of what they used to be. He started a war killing so many of his precious children. Until, he finally sought to control and manipulate the true creator of the Cybertronian race.

Megatron tried to use me for his own schemes and the Autobots fought against the Decepticons to protect me. The pain, oh the pain they were dying to protect me. I should have been protecting them. I couldn't let it continue so I fled to a new galaxy to an unknown planet called Earth.

He then abandoned his metal form leaving some of his power behind and hid himself in the most unlikely place anyone would look in the DNA of the Witwicky family. He had stayed dormant with in the generations.

Wanting to be free but staying dormant until Ron Witwicky met Judy. They fell in love and created a child but something had gone wrong and the child had no soul. The soul as the humans call it is much like a spark yet invisible to all hidden within the body. Such strange creatures humans were.

The child would have been born dead.

When the couple found out, they had been devastated and Judy had cried clutching her swollen stomach and Ron had mourned in silence. They had touched his ancient yet young spark in such a way and he decided that he did not want them cry to feel the pain of losing children he so often had to endure.

The feeling of losing a child was always a horrible burden to bare.

So he entered the soulless human fetus and was born as a human month later. The human medics had been baffled not knowing or understanding how I could be alive.

There had been a price for entering the body though. He was weak even by human terms often bed ridden because of weakness as a child. But he survived it would take a lot more than that to kill him he was the All spark after all.

His father had picked him up from school and they were now driving so he could get his first car.

They chatted with Bobby-B, the used car sales owner and then went to find him a car. The second he turned the corner he almost cried because sitting amongst the scrap heaps was the youngling primus himself had created as the companion for him.

Truly they had not known when they had found bumblebee amongst the ruins of battle that he was the destined spark mate of the Allspark himself.

His father asked him what was wrong and he hadn't known if he should have laughed, screamed or cried. His children were coming and the war was going to take another turn he only hoped he could keep the fact that he was the All spark and not Sam Witwicky a secret.

He was so screwed.

Authors Note

Okay its been Beta'd tell me what you people think!!

Please Review