A/N: Heya guys

A/N: Heya guys! I rewrote the whole story so try and reread the story because I edited some parts and descriptions of some chapters. Sorry, though, for the cliffhanger but can people please tell me if I should continue the second part, so far, I've written the second part up to the 7th chapter. And so far, the story's fine. Thank you for all those who have commented and reviewed for I Love My Best Friend, all of you were my inspiration for this revised version. I'm truly sorry if there are any grammatical errors in this revision, I'm still a writer-in-training. Once again, this is not a Naruto-based (Ninja setting) but a modern one. Read and Review further. Hoping the revisions would somehow interest you more. JA NE!

I Love My Best Friend

Chapter 1

The Closer I Get to Loving You

Sakura's Point Of View.

"Hey, Sakura! I've got news (it's about him…)" I silently muttered under my breath, reading Hinata's popped-up message on my monitor screen. I'd been online for hours now, just staring into my PC monitor, cheerfully listening to my radio, waiting for someone― anyone to chat of talk to me.

'Him? Sasuke?' I thought, trying to figure out what Hinata was talking about. I peered at my keyboard and was about to type something when I have heard another beep coming from my computer. Hinata. Another message:

"Look, you have to believe this since I saw the whole scene with my very own eyes. He was wearing a bracelet. Can you believe that? It even has a half-heart pendant dangling on it, I think it was supposed to be a necklace but he made it into a bracelet, himself."

'What? Bracelet?' I wondered, knowing my best friend, he wouldn't even take a handkerchief I gave him a while back and now ―a bracelet? I don't think so. I slouched my back and typed in words with serious curiosity, "Do you know who gave it to him? Maybe it's from Neji?"

"Haha, Sakura, Neji? Giving him a half-heart pendant? I don't think so. Besides, I'm not even done with my story yet. It was a girl who gave him, 'kay? She was spreading rumors that they (Sasuke and her) were best friends. Can you even believe that? The only thing I don't know is the girl's name but as soon as I find out, I'll let you know, I promise. Oh, and by the way, he was the 3rdguy she gave a bracelet to… You know Sasuke, he couldn't say no since we're at a new school and all. England's customs are still within him, I guess," I stared at her message, trying to recompose myself. Have I read something wrong? I don't know. Minutes passed by, my eyes were straining from the radiation the monitor gave off. I shrugged as a mere buzz came from my computer.


"Are you still there, Sakura?"

I shrugged once more and typed slowly and loudly at the same time, "Oh, yeah. But I think I've got to go, I've been online for hours, and I need to get some rest. Thanks for the information, though. I'll be hoping to see you soon."

I took a last glance on the monitor and typed a 'goodbye' to Hinata and turned everything off. I felt dreadful, not only physically but also emotionally. I've never felt this sad before since that day― darn, I've never been this sad since we changed paths. Maybe being with him just isn't good for me at all. I looked out the window and noticed that it was already late. I needed to go to school tomorrow and then, maybe, just maybe, everything will feel a lot better.

I stood up and laid on my pink bed, slowly drawing my soft pillow close to me as streaks of tears slowly run down my face. What I had kept inside felt so simple and I know it and yet, I prefer to keep it all to myself, it feels like something's eating me inside but I have nobody to tell it all to even if I wish I had. Minutes passed by and without me knowing it, I dozed off.

Normal Point Of View

'...it's yet another day,' thought a sleepy girl as she wore her uniform for school. She never really got the idea why people invented these clothing but she sort of liked it, seeing several people wearing the same thing. This silly thought made her smile a little as she went out her house and started walking her way to school.

The bright sun was beautiful as it rose from the east of Konoha, reflecting on a pink-haired lady's hair band as she was making her way to the Konoha central park, hoping to see her recent friend, Chii, who she's walks to school with. She gently sat down on one of the park's benches as she looked down her phone and was about to contact Chii but was interrupted by someone calling her.

"Hello?" she said letting the phone rest on her ear.

"Sakura-chan! I'm really sorry but I don't think I can walk with you to school today; I suddenly had this early appointment with Ryuka-san so I had to go to school earlier but don't worry, I sent a reliable person to walk with you, ok? Of course, I don't want you walking alone; you might get into trouble. Haha. Take care of yourself. Bye!"

Sakura tried to complain but before words came out of her mouth, fast short beeps were already coming from her phone, irritating her ears. She stared straight ahead as she kept her phone with awe. Why did Chii have to do that for her? She wondered silently as she felt a pang of self-consciousness; she wasn't any good with people she didn't know officially, it was hard for her since she was new at school. She looked around, her heart throbbing nervously.


She looked at her phone and slowly read a message from an unknown number, "Are you Chii's Sakura-chan?"

"Yes, who is this?" she replied, her heart almost skipped a beat.

Realizing the person who sent her a message won't reply to her anymore, she whispered, '…hello?'

Minutes passed as Sakura frantically looked around to look for the person Chii asked to walk with her until she gave up and bowed down. Slowly, a shadow covered the sunlight that was streaming down her hair.

"Ohayou," a fair tall man muttered, looking down at her.

Sakura looked up at him and observed him quietly. He had significantly dark green orbs that glistened as the sun's light hits it, complimenting his green cargo pants. His dark hair ―almost raven fitted his fair skin. He was wearing a white loose shirt that went well with the cargo pants, showing off his beautiful, muscle-strained physique and a soft sweet smile, showing his white glowing teeth that seemed to wipe all the darkness away from the world. There were only two words to describe this kind of guy: absolutely gorgeous but something in him stung Sakura's curiosity; there was something in him that enflamed her past.

Sweet laughter filled the air, breaking the silence, "Checking me out already, I see."

Sakura stood up, she could feel her cheeks burning. She shook her head, trying to deny it but she knew she couldn't deceive anybody with the current color of her cheeks. She tried to ground herself as she looked to his way once again, "Ohayou…"

He flashed her a big smile and bent over and got her things as he turned around and let her bag dangle on his back, "You might not know me, I'm Shin from 3-B and I think you've already figured out that I'm the person Chii asked to walk with you to school," he shouted as he stopped a few yards away from her.

'…Apparently, you're not really walking with me.' She whispered, starting to walk towards his direction and took his hand into a handshake, faking a smile, "Pleased to make your acquaintance."

He slightly laughed and looked at her as she released his hand. This was all so formal, so businesslike, so unlike Shin.

"What?" Sakura asked in confusion.

"Nothing," Shin shook his head and looked towards the direction of their school, "You just… seem gloomy today."

Sakura's eyes bulged. 'Gloomy?' she thought. How could he have known this? Was he a stalker? Who is he really is? Many questions ran through her mind as she stared at Shin with awe. She shrugged, trying to sound calm, and she muttered, "What? We've only met today… How can you tell that I'm… gloomy?"

He smiled at her insecurity, "Of course, how would I know that? Let's assume that I know just because you look unhappy? There you have it."

Obviously, there was humor in it but not for Sakura. She stared at him cautiously, 'Chii… What the hell were you thinking? He could be a stalker of sorts…'

"Okay. Change subject," she whispered, taking a step forward but looked back at him, "Do you really have to carry my bag?"

He walked up to her and joined her pace, "Not really, its just more necessary."

"Okay. Whatever you say," snorted Sakura under her breath.

The rest of the walk to school was filled with dead silence, just the sound of both their deep and shallow breaths but as soon as they were at the door of Chii and Sakura's room, Sakura quickly took her bag and muttered a soft 'bye' to Shin as she ran in and sat next to Chii, "Chii! I really have to tell you something!"

She looked at her and once again called her but now only as soft a whisper, "Chii…" As soon as Sakura figured that Chii wasn't listening to her, she stood up and went to her seat. Same old seat.


Sakura stood upright and stood up, locking her notebook on her chest as she walked up to Chii.

"Sakura! I have so much to tell ―wait, do you have some problem I don't know about? You seem sad today…" Chii quickly muttered meeting her at the door, she was wearing the same uniform as Sakura was and had tied her brown hair into a ponytail, her bangs almost covering her murky eyes.

Sakura looked into Chii's eyes and faked a smile, wanting to change the subject, "Chii… What the hell were you thinking asking a senior to walk with me?"

Chii laughed and walked with her out the door, "I wasn't the one who asked, Sakura."

Sakura looked at her, astounded, "What do you mean?"

Chii looked at her with a grin on her face, "He was the one who asked me to walk with you."

Sakura stopped and stared straight ahead. She now understood who she was reminded of when she saw Shin. Sasuke. How couldn't she notice earlier? She pictured Shin in her mind, his wry smile, his dark green orbs, his physique; he looked a lot like Sasuke. That was what it was. Shin reminded her of her best friend… even with some personalities. How could someone resemble another person so much?

"Earth to Sakura? Are you alright?" Chii's voice broke her train of thought.

She shrugged, "Huh? Oh, yeah. It's just… He seems―"

"Seems what, Sakura-chan?" interrupted Shin as he crawled up in between them and hung his arm around Chii's shoulder, forming a slight grin, showing off his perfectly white teeth.

Sakura looked at him and hugged her notebook tighter, whispering, "Nothing, Shin-kun."

Shin removed his arm that was slung on Chii's shoulder and stopped in front of Sakura, forming a bigger grin as he playfully but gently pushed Sakura to the wall, "Oh, really, Sakura?" he whispered as he observed her body, her curves, her beautiful long hair. He pulled up his hand and twirled several strands of Sakura's hair in his hand. She looked back and just stared into his dark green orbs, she felt awful as is and this just pushed herself to its limits, she looked dreadfully down the floor as a tear slowly fell down on her cheek.


Shin looked down the floor, too, and realized that Sakura was crying. He put up his hand and gently lifted her chin up as another tear fell on his finger. He just stared at her for a moment, trying to compose reasons why she was weeping over a little joke. He had seen her upset early in the morning but didn't think that this little joke would affect her that much. He slowly took his hand away from her face and panicked, "Sakura? Why are you… you crying? Sakura, please stop… I was joking, only joking!"

Sakura lifted her head and moved slightly forward and started pounding on Shin's strong chest, she didn't care if her hand would bruise, she didn't even care if she broke her hand. She was upset and that was all it took for her to explode like this, it was all too much. Too much similarity she couldn't take, "I hate you, Shin! Why are you so stupid? Why do you need to be so similar to him? You almost look exactly like him… You almost sound like him… Why do you need to… to remind me of… him? I hate you! I hate you…" she started shouting until her voice slowly subsided and she dropped down to her knees.

Chii ran towards her and helped her stand up, handing her a cup of water as she gave a deadly glare at Shin's direction.

"What the― Sakura? Are you alright? What're you talking about? Who's… him? We've just met this morning… You couldn't say such things… No…" he muttered, already confused with what Sakura said. All he felt at that very moment was confusion and worry. He just stared desperately at Sakura's and Chii's direction, ignoring Chii's glare.

"Stay away from her," Chii whispered to Shin as she helped Sakura walk away.

"Sakura-chan…" Sakura read the message on her phone as she sat down on her computer chair and turned the radio on.

'Hmm? Who could this be?' She thought as she continued to stare into her monitor, waiting more news from Hinata. She stared down her phone, wondering is she would reply to the message…

"Who is this?" she quickly replied, thinking she won't lose anything in this; thinking, 'Maybe… he hasn't completely forgotten me yet.'

"What? You don't know who this is?" the next message came instantly.

She slouched back deeper into the chair, getting quite irritated and replied, "Would I ask if I knew?"

"Let's say… I'm a person you know. See you tomorrow, though! Bye!" she read out loud, having presumptions of who it really was, 'SHIN…'she bitterly whispered, saving his number and quickly returning her gaze to her PC monitor.

"Haruno Sakura! You can't get what I'd say!" a frantic message appeared on her screen.

"Of course I can't, Hinata," she replied, slightly smiling at herself, she waited for the fast reply, "Silly girl. I heard that Sasuke's courting her… You know, the girl who gave him the bracelet," she read, but only in her mind. She stared, awestruck at the computer, trying to be strong as she loudly typed in bitter words.

"So? Honestly, I don't care about him that much anymore. Bye."

She turned off her computer and lied down her bed, wanting the day to finally end. She gave up forcing herself to sleep when she realized that she wasn't tired enough to doze off, and even if she saw, she was just thinking of too much things to probably sleep it over, 'Might as well get online…'

'Signing in as CherryBlossoms…'

As soon as she got on, a pop-up message appeared on her screen, "Aren't you supposed to be sleeping, Sakura?"

Yet, another unknown person to complete her horrid day, "Who―"

'SasukeDoesn'tCare is now online…'

'Sasuke? Online? That's new…' she thought swayed by the sudden appearance of her best friend. But that was it, she knew for a fact that he won't talk to her, even if he saw that she was online… and she wouldn't like to be the one to talk to him first, she had no choice but to just ignore him throughout the night.


She sat up in surprise, reading out loud the next message from her unknown person, completely forgetting about his/her pop-up window, "Hey, you've been on for an hour already and it's 2 in the morning. You have school tomorrow, Sakura. Go to sleep."

"Who the hell are you, anyway? And for your information, it's none of your business if I stay up this late," she angrily typed back.

"Do you have a problem, Sakura? I'm just being concerned," she read. She wondered what was happening to the world, people knew her, but she, though, doesn't know any of them.

"You're my problem, you moron," she started, "I don't even know you, you stalker!"

"I don't have to stalk you to get near you, Sakura, love," the quick reply came back. Sakura sank on her chair with frustration. She closed his pop-up window and quietly calmed herself down, 'Maybe I should just get―'

"Sakura, still up?"

'Huh? Who?' she thought, confused, "Sasuke? What do you need?"

"I'm going to go straight to the point… Hmm… What can be a great gift… for a girl, you know?" she thoughtfully read, her cheeks burning. Disappointment filled her entire body. 'Hinata was right, all along…' she whispered to herself and gave all her strength to reply, "I'm sorry, Sasuke, I have school tomorrow and I really have to go now."

She didn't wait for the next message, she quickly turned off her computer and slid down her bed, to her pleasure, she slept easily, her body shouting its tiredness.

1 new message. BUZZ.

"What the― Who sane person would message you this early in the morning!?" shouted Sakura as she slowly stood up and looked up at her wall clock.

7:14 A.M.

"Holy― I'm going to be so late!" Sakura panicked as she stood up straight and went directly to her bathroom and took a quick bath. She ran out her house as fast as she can as she got her phone and messaged Chii that she's going to be late even though she knew that Chii would've figured that out soon enough.

"Why aren't you at school yet, Sakura?" she read the early message. It was from Shin. 'He is really getting into my ner―'


Sakura almost jumped up in surprise, she turned around and saw a black, smooth Mercedes Benz in front of her. She wondered who it was but was startled once again with another annoying honk. Slowly, the passenger side door opened and she walked up to it, wondering who it was.

She came face to face with a dark-haired teenager and stared at him. Shin.

"Are you going to stare at me all day or will you just hop in? We're going to be late," he snorted.

"Oh! Right!" Sakura mumbled as she hopped in the passenger seat and closed the door. She looked at him, startled with his sudden laugh. He was staring at her, practically laughing at her, "What? Are you going crazy now?"

Shin reached for the sun visor in his car and pulled it down, trying to stop another laugh out his mouth, "Maybe you should try looking at yourself in the mirror before you go out of bed, Sakura."

"Huh?" asked Sakura as she looked up and stared at herself. She looked horrifying! "Oh my― I look like a retard! Darn!" she muttered as she hurriedly fixed herself up. She didn't bother with Shin's continuous laughter as he drove up to their school.

She opened the passenger door as soon as they'd park and ran to her classroom, luckily, she was just in time. She sat down on her chair and was startled by a message on her phone. Shin, once again, "No thank you again, I see."

She felt frustrated; she was so ungrateful to Shin. She quickly replied, "Oh, right. Sorry about that. Thanks so much."

"There you go. You're very much welcome. I have to go but you have to tell me something later. Bye," came the fast reply. Sakura kept her phone thinking about what Shin meant.

Sakura quickly sat on her computer chair; it seemed already a habit for her. She turned on her radio and got online using her old account and number of messages flooded her screen. Most of it were chain messages so she continuously deleted messages until one.

"Sakura… Can we work this out?" she read out loud. It was a message from SasukeDoesn'tCareUchiha Sasuke.

Mixed emotions filled her up. Why haven't she opened this account before? She angrily wondered to herself.

As if it completed her day, she can't hide back a smile and turned her computer off and laid on her bed, dozing off.


Sakura slowly opened her eyes, awoken by a phone call.

"Konbanwa, can I talk to Sakura?" she heard on the receiver, a voice so masculine, beautiful.

She yawned and stretched her hands, "This is she. Who's this?"

"It's… Sasuke," Sakura's eyes opened widely, 'Sasuke?'

"Sasuke? Why? Is there a problem?" she mumbled nervously.

"Sakura… You see, I have this girl… that I really like. I heard she's studying at your school and I was just wondering… Can you help me out?" That was it. Sakura dropped down once again on her bed, feeling drained. 'It was true… And she's at my school, too…'

"Oh? What's her name?" Sakura replied, trying not to sound surprised, sad and tired.

"I think it's… Mizu―"

"Mizuno Chii?" she cut him off.

"Yes, do you know her?" he happily muttered.

'SHIT,' thought Sakura. She quickly snorted, "Yes, I do know her but I don't think I can help right now, something came up. Sorry, I have to go. Bye," and she hung up the phone loudly, tired of the conversation.

She turned around, pulling her pillow to her chest. Tears were falling from her saddened eyes as she started punching her pillows, several emotions filled her up; anger most. She couldn't keep it anymore, she was just hurt so badly, she started shouting, wanting the pain to go away with her words, "How could she!? She never even bothered to tell me! And… and how dare he!? How come every time... every time I get closer to loving you… you always end up hurting me more? Why―"

Chapter Ended.