Setting the Pace

"Inuyaaashaa?" a syrupy voice teased. A gentle finger traced his jawline.

He kept his eyes closed. This dream was way too good to let go of just yet, especially if Shippou was in the mood to taunt him about it afterwards.

"Inuyasha, wake up...I'm waiting for you..." the voice repeated, husky with want.

Damn. Seemed like the kit got some tips from the monk. Good thing his dream had exhausted him, so he was in no danger of tenting. He snuggled further into the delicious warmth in his arms, nuzzling the silky hair of dream-Kagome with the tenderness of a new born pup.

"Shut up...tired..."

"But...but I'm ready again! What do you mean you're tired?!" she whined, still not quite believing it.

Hmm. It couldn't be had to be Shippou...but since when could the fox imitate her confusion so well? Just to be sure, he grudgingly reached for the brush of his tail. He froze when he found a silky soft behind instead.

"Not so tired after all, are you?" she grinned at him, flexing under his hand in a flirt, confident once again with the reinstatement of what she deemed the natural order of things. He was stronger, faster, had endurance a marathoner would envy. Of course he would have better stamina! The opposite was unthinkable.

He froze for a moment, considering his options. Failing to come up with any proper explanation for the sultry voice, and even less for the bare ass under his hand, he forced himself (it was a monumental effort) to crack an eye-lid.

He froze again, stiffer than before (though not where it counted) at the salacious girl in his arms. He shuddered when she gave him a wink. Now was definitely not the time...

She mistook it for a sign of pleasure. "I was wondering if you planned to take me with your eyes closed...Any positions you feel partial to? Just try not to wear me out too much-"

His memory rushed back to him. No wonder he was so exhausted. It had been a hell of a first time, after all. Sighing, he closed his eyes again and just pulled her tighter into his embrace, his hands quite firmly wrapped about nonvolatile bits of flesh.

"Inuyasha?" she asked, surprised by the move. It didn't seem like a good position at all to her...

"Shhh...sleep...'L wake you up when 'm ready..." he slurred, losing himself once more to his blissful oblivion.

She lay in his arms for a long time, gaping like that. He would have laughed, if he wasn'

A/N: This was an idea of FrameofMind's: to tackle that fabled hanyou stamina. I, well, couldn't resist. I bow to the nudges! It is posted!