Author's note, feel free to ignore:
OK, this is the plot (and the character) who wouldn't leave me alone. There were references to her in my last story, because I can't cope with stories that don't follow, I get far too confused lol. She started as a Mary-Sue and then developed into a fully fledged character of her own, but her roots in Mary-Sueness are just too deep to wheedle out fully. It's AU, as you may have noticed, but there are also AU Harry Potter References. In my original totally Mary-Sue universe (which is staying in my head except when I talk to myself), the other OC who appears is the wife of Severus Snape, and he survives and they have several children, just so's you know. She can be a stand alone character, however.

Fluffy opening chapter, AU rewrite of Boomtown, then we'll get all angsty and moody, I promise (whether I want to or not usually. OK, waffle over.

Dedication: To my lovely family who put up with me talking through this story constantly, and my brother who agrees to sleep until mid afternoon so I can talk to myself in privacy (such a chore I'm sure)

Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood or Harry Potter or anythign pertaining to them. Jasmine and Amber are free to loving homes, as they're original.

Here we go...

"Awww, aren't they sweet, how come I never get any of that?" The attractive American asked

"But me a drink first."

He pouted theatrically at the lanky, big eared northerner, "You're such hard work."

The Doctor responded with an exaggerated grin, "But worth it."

The new arrival announced her entrance with a laugh as she wandered across and slipped an arm around her boyfriend's waist, "Oi, behave yourself. Honestly, just 'cos I'm out of the room…"

Jack chuckled and pressed a kiss to her lips, "You know you wouldn't want me any other way."

"Probably true." She conceded with a rueful grin, "You must be Mickey?" she approached a young man she's never met before, "I'm Jazz."

"Nice to meet you Jazz, you part of this nutjob crew too?"

She laughed and Mickey noted the way that Jack's eyes followed her around the room and he smiled slightly when she laughed, the poor guy was completely gone. "Yup," she grinned at him, "and believe it or not, I'm the wild one. Anyway, nice to meet you. Will you be sticking around for a bit, 'cos I've got to dash, hence the fancy dress." She gestured down at her Victorian schoolmistress style black pinafore dress and white blouse.

"Yeah, I'll be around for a while, catch you later."

She danced back to Jack and kissed him briefly before dashing out the door with vague threats of what would happen if he didn't behave himself whilst she was gone.

Rose rounded on him with a grin, "And you say WE'RE sweet?"

Half an hour later, Jasmine jumped off a bus in Butetown and reached for the wand holding her hair up as she made her way to an empty Warehouse. She let herself in and dropped her bag against the wall, leaning next to it to wait. Before very long the door swung open again and the headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry pulled her into a hug.

"Jasmine sweety, you're looking fantastic! Found yourself a man by any chance?" Amber asked

Jazz smiled fondly at the only mother figure she'd ever had, "Maybe… How's the boss man?"

"He's fine, he sends his love, so do the kids." As they talked she was pulling items out of her bag and setting them on the floor, two large plastic rings and a clipboard, "Are you ready for this?" She asked

Jazz nodded and went to stand in one of the rings, waiting for the nod from her friend, then concentrated, turned on the spot and moved.

The headmistress checked her over and smiled, "Well that was painless, do it another couple of times to be sure." The younger woman repeated the process and then looped the ring she was standing in up into her hand with her foot.

"Good?" she asked with a smile

"Very good and you know it. You're good to go, which means we have plenty of time for a coffee if you like?"

"I'd love to, here or find a coffee shop?" She grinned as her friend made a complicated gesture with her wand and a small coffee table and two large beanbag chairs appeared out of a bag that shouldn't have been big enough to hold them, followed closely by a pair of coffee mugs and a cafetiere, "Here I take it then."

Jazz was halfway through a story about a visit to 18th Century Brazil when her phone rang on the table. She caught it up with an apology to her friend and only realised when she answered it that she had no idea who it was, "Hello?"

"Heya baby, how did you do?"

She grinned, "Jack! Should have known really, I passed of course. No problem. What about you, where are you?"

"We're at City Hall, and we've got a Slitheen, care to join us?"

"OK, you up for meeting my mother?"

"I'll take the Slitheen thanks."

"Tough luck love, we're both coming."

They apparated into a back alley and walked around to the front, a charmed piece of paper getting them into a large room with a model of something in the middle. Her friends were standing around the model glaring at it and a large blonde woman standing off to one side. The moment she stepped into the room Rose spotted her and grinned excitedly, "How did you do?"

"Passed of course!" She laughed, pulling Amber in behind her.

"Knew you'd do it." The Doctor grinned as Jack hugged her close, "So do you want to introduce us?"

"This is Amber, the Headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"Whoa, you mean Hogwarts is real?!" Mickey exclaimed in shock

They stared at him, "You're perfectly willing to believe in time travel with aliens in a blue police box, but a school of magic is beyond you?" Jack asked sarcastically

"Well yeah, but he's not fictional." He looked like he was aware that this didn't make sense, so Amber came to his rescue

"Hogwarts is real, Joanne was a student, not brilliant but with a wonderful imagination. She just used the school as a basis for her novels when she left, got into a lot of trouble for it but nothing really came of it. People are so willing to believe it's fictional."

"That's just weird, you mean you're a witch?"

"Yeah, got a problem?" she teased before continuing with the interrupted introductions, "Amber, this is Mickey Smith who blew up number 10. Exhibit B is Rose Tyler, who was inside it at the time and rules the world. The we have the Doctor, who was also inside it, has saved the universe on a pretty much daily basis for several hundred years and rules the whole of time and space. And finally we have Captain Jack Harkness, who keeps nearly destroying the world and rules my heart, but I guess he's OK when you get to know him."

"Love you too darling." He stuck his tongue out at her

"I don't rule time and space, Jazz."

"I was being metaphorical. What's going on here?" she gestured to the plan in the middle of the room

"The mayor's trying to destroy the world." Jack answered

"Oh, a normal day then, yeah?"

A few hours later, Jack and Jasmine were alone in the TARDIS and Jazz was patiently passing him tools, "So I take it you've used one of these?" she asked, gesturing to the device he was installing into the console.

"Yeah, once or twice." He read her glance correctly, "OK, twice then, lower spec than this, we just surfed solar flares out in the Caribbean Galaxies.

"Caribbean, seriously?"

"Cross point screwdriver please. Yeah, Caribbean, you got a problem with that?" He took the tool from her and grinned

"Nope, no problem, but do they have pirates?

"One track mind, you." He paused in his fiddling and looked at her seriously, "If you had to choose though, me or Johnny Depp?"

"You of course, you daft git." She ran her fingers through his hair, "You're my Captain Jack."

He sat up and pulled her into his arms where she snuggled against him, "And you're my pirate queen." He felt more than heard her chuckle, "Do you want to watch it again, whilst we've got the place to ourselves?"

She considered it, "Nah, but Shrek though?"

"Go on," he nudged her and smiled fondly, "Go and get it."

As Antonio Banderas and Eddie Murphy danced and sang their way through Livin' La Vida Loca, with some help from Jack and Jazz, something went very wrong. Sparks flew from the central console and the whole room shook, so Jack instinctively pulled Jasmine close to himself to protect her. She pulled away and ran towards the console, putting a hand on a pillar to steady herself, "It's the… thingy! We've got to detatch it."

"You stabilise the TARDIS, I'll do that." He ordered, slipping into a controlling role again.

As they struggled to regain control of the ship the doors burst open again, "What did you do?" the Doctor demanded.

A/N Aaaaah fluff. If only it could last. Offers cake and Janto for nice reviews XD