The night was, as usual, dark and full of noises common to that of a big city. Not that Mikey noticed. His thoughts revolved around the fight he and Raph had had, not two hours ago.

It had been about some dumb thing or other, but it had quickly escalated to the point that it resembled a fight between Leo and Raph instead of Mikey and Raph. Harsh words had been spoken and the end result was with Mikey more angry then he could ever remember being and Raph looking, if possible, more murderous than usual.

After locking himself in his room for an hour or so, during which Don had come and tried to persuade him to unlock his door and come out, he eventually snuck out his door and to the sewers from where he quickly went up top. On his way out he had seen Leo standing in the doorway of Raph's room with an anxious Don hovering in the back round. He could hear his two oldest brother's yelling themselves hoarse at each other so he figured no one would notice his escape.

It was just as well. He was simply up here to cool off for a few hours and would be back before they realized he was gone.

After several more minutes of roof jumping he came to a stop on high perch on the far side of town. It gave a good view of the surrounding area so he figured that if some Purple Dragon's decided to show he would see them before they saw him.

'Stupid Raph, it's his fault anyway. I didn't want it to go that far. But nooo, he just had to go and be the stupid hot-head that he is.'

Mikey paused for a second before slowly letting out a rare, almost bone weary sigh. 'Okay, that's not entirely fair, I guess. I let him get to me. But still, why'd he have to go and goad me on? I mean seriously, if he doesn't have any Foot ninja heads to bash, why's he have to go and take it out on us, huh?'

The Orange ninja stood having decided that if he waited much longer to go home, his absence would be noticed and he would get a lecture from Leo on top of everything else. Hopping from rooftop to rooftop he made his way back towards their main sewer entrance. He had just about made it when he noticed a strange purple glow coming from an ally across the street. And of course being Mikey, he just had to check it out.

'Hm, strange purple glowish thing, creepy, but not immediately life threatening.'

He landed on the sidewalk and peeked around the corner towards the purple glow. Now that he was closer he could hear something that sounded like voices drifting from further in.

'Voices coming from the same area as a creepy purple glow, even creepier, and potentially life threatening. I should probably head home. Knowing my luck it'll be some alien super ninja, or some kind of…'

Mikey slowly turned, hearing a low guttural grow behind him. Smothering a frightened eep at the sight of what could only be a…



"Damnit Raph, I don't care what I have to do to get you to apologize but your going to whether you like it or not."

"I'm not apologizin'. It's his fault, so why should I be tha' one ta' say sorry?"

"Because you're the one who started it! How could you even say that to him, Raph?"

Raph scowled. "It's none a ya' business what I say or do to that Shell-for-brains"

Leo's own expression could have been carved from stone. "He's my little brother, and so are you. That makes is my business."

"Well could ya' butt out for once? I've had it up ta' here with you an' your attitude."

"My attitude?!"

And it went on, back and forth for several more minutes before Don decided had had enough of it.

"Guys! Will you stop fighting!"

Raph from his position inside the room, arms crossed, glared at his younger brother from the corner of his eye. "Stay out of it, Don."

Don glared right back. "Right, because I should just watch as two of my brother's kill each other while a third is probably miserable right now."

That actually achieved a slight flinch from the Red ninja before his anger covered it. "If he wants to be miserable, then let 'im be miserable. I don't care either way."

The purple ninja just sighed as shook his head before turning away and made for his younger brother's room. He would leave Raph to Leo, and see if he could get Mikey out this time.

Behind him a fresh wave of yelling could be heard but Don didn't pay any attention. He stopped in front of his brother's door and knocked lightly. "Mikey? Come on, Mikey, you've been in their for hours. You've got to be hungry by now."

When he was given no reply he frowned and knocked a bit harder. "Mikey? You awake?" Again receiving no reply he tried to doorknob and found to his surprise it was unlocked. He slowly pushed to door open to be greeted by a dark room. "Mikey?"

He flipped on the light only to see that his orange brother was nowhere in site. He cursed lightly under his breath and quickly went back down the hall.

"Shut your mouth, Leo!"

"And why should I? Its true isn't it?"

"I'm warning yo-"


Both Raph and Leo jumped and turned to their brother. "We have a problem."

"Ya'? What?"

"Mikey's missing"


AN: Well, at 2 in the morning I say that went pretty good. Writing Raph and Don is kinda awkward though. Oh well, practice makes perfect. I can't get Raph's accent right though. Couldn't he just talk normal for the sake of all of us FF authors?

Anyway, thanks for reading. Should have the next chapter up pretty soon. A week tops.

There's a little button down there. You know you want to click it, you know you want to…