Disclaimer: Nope, don't own Yu-gi-oh! Darn!

This is actually based off of dreams I have when I die…creepy, I know! But everything after I "die" is always black, so…Anyway, I know it's short. It takes place in season 2, with a reference to season 0. Just drabble.

Ryou's POV

I've Been Dead Before

I've been dead before…so trust me when I say that I'd almost rather be dead.

It's not bad, really. I didn't even know I was gone until I was alive again. In between…it's just black, time I'll never get back again but didn't really miss. It wasn't cold, wasn't terrifying at all…just…gone.

But this…I'm conscious for. I know what's happening in my body as I watch, unable to do anything. My yami doesn't know I haven't faded like I should, taking his place in the ring as he takes my body. Even I don't understand it. I can feel every pain lancing through my arm as Yami moves. I don't know how he can stand it. But then, he's always been stronger than I am.

I don't know how long I can stand this. The pain is tearing at me…physically and mentally. I want him…need him to stop hurting people.

To stop hurting me.

The solution is simple, of course. I know a way to stop him from taking over me and anyone else. But my heroism is overshadowed by cowardice.

Like I said, being dead isn't so bad…I just can't force myself back there, yet…

The End

Even though it was short, I hope you liked it. Please review and tell me if you like fics like this. I might dig up a few of my other ideas.