Disclaimer : I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!, the characters within, or any references mentioned. Shira is copyrighted by me, and remains my creation forevermore.


Back from holidays, and now about to provide the next series, sequel to Playground or Hellhole?. Not completed yet, and will be continued after all creations from the Quizilla account is transferred onto here. For those who have just stumbled onto this, this is a Yu-Gi-Oh! story dedicated to Ocs within their pairings. As a triple love story, it brings Bakura, Ryou, and Yami Marik to the spotlight. It would be recommended to go read Playground or Hellhole? to understand what is going on.

I'd like to thank everyone who's reviewed on the story before this one. You've been supportive of me, and I really appreciate it! However, I'd like to personally thank critical reviews, as well. Don't be afraid to speak your mind about what I'm missing, lacking, or doing wrong! It helps me know what my readers are thinking, and would like to have made clear. In the recent critical review I've gotten, I know what some of the questions the audience is asking after the last part of the last story;

Who are the murderers who killed Tenchi's parents and friend, and what was their purpose?

Why was it so calm and content soon after their deaths?

Why has Bakura been so BLIND to the Millennium Circlet? (Bakura: HEY!)

All of this will be explained in time; the second question hasn't been gotten to yet, since the story is still in progress. Now, onto the OC Introductions.

Shira of the Millennium Circlet: A spirit condemned to the Millennium Circlet 5 000 years before. A great thief of her time, she faced many hardships, but had always managed to take care of herself and her sister, Karen. She had fallen in love with the Thief King, Bakura, and she deeply regretted it. Riknim, her apprentice in magic, murdered Karen and Shira's closest friends while her guard was lulled by Bakura's words, and attempted in killing Shira herself; all for the possession of the Millennium Circlet.

Shira, weak from the battle, fell off of the waterfall of her hideout, with Bakura's smile burnt into her memory. He had betrayed her. Soon after, Shira died.

But she was then revived by her Ka, Serpentine, and Shira was changed; her heart only carried loathing and sadness, and she mourned for her sister as she slaughtered others without mercy. She attempted to revive Zorc Necrophades and kill the Pharaoh, Seth, and Bakura, but had failed and faced her imprisonment in the Millennium Circlet.

She was then awakened by Tenchi Suzuki, who received the Circlet from her great-grand father, and she became Tenchi's Yami. Shira took care of Tenchi through her life, and offered comfort and compassion over the time in Domino, Japan. She is unknown to all except Tench and her new best friend, Amadare (Adare) Takahashi.

Just recently, Shira had gained her own body made from the energy and darkness she stored in the Millennium Circlet. She is now free to do as she pleases without taking over another person's body, but she is limited to her power; the Millennium Circlet was drained during the process, and now remains useless. The only way to regain its strength is to travel to Egypt and visit the Millennium Stone. Our new adventure begins as Shira and Tenchi head out.

Personality: Tough, insane, and stubborn, but otherwise caring. Since her past death, her heart is shattered, filled with hate, anger and sorrow. But she tries her best to overcome it and take responsibility over Tenchi, who strangely reminds her of her deceased sister...

Tenchi Suzuki: A seventeen-year-old girl who traveled from Canada to Japan for a new life and education. She was accompanied by Shira, the spirit of the Millennium Circlet. After going to Domino High for a while, she befriended Amadare Takahashi and the Gang, and fell in love with Ryou Bakura. But despite all the heavenly events, Tenchi's parents and friend Tadao were murdered by an unknown group in pursuit...of her. Shira then became Tenchi's guardian, and she sworn to protect her. Tenchi couldn't ask for a better person, and she felt as if Shira was her sister, even if she was born an only child.

When Shira gained her own body, Tenchi would not allow Shira to go to Egypt alone. And so, their adventure begins.

Personality: Shy, modest, and sometimes has a short-temper when situations go completely ridiculous and unnecessary. When it comes to defending herslef, she's not afraid to hurt anybody with her fighting-skills; she was a black belt at her karate back in Canada. She is a passionate soul and is always up to helping others.

Amadare Takahashi: Just a headstrong girl in Domino High. She's cool, punk, and doesn't care what others think. But she's offered friendship and compassion when she met Tenchi Suzuki. In a way, Adare was Tenchi's guide through highschool. She is friends with the Gang, and totally despises cheerleaders and jocks, especially the slutty Nina. Adare soon discovered Shira, but understood not to tell anyone about her.

Adare experiences dreams as a thief of Ancient Egypt named Arwen. She could not understand why her mind would create such detailed fantasies, but Shira believes that they are memories, not dreams. Shira believes that she knew an Arwen once, and so Adare is believed to be the reincarnation of the Merciless Mustang.

When Shira regained her body, Adare promised to stay behind and cover Shira's and Tenchi's absence. But who knows if she'll be sitting in one spot...

Personality: Tough, headstrong and crazy. She gets hyper and is really friendly to some, but can be a monster if she wishes. She really cares about her friends.

And now, the true journey begins.

Chapter 1

Shira's POV

The constant sounds and rumble of the train was getting on the spirit's nerves. Shira and Tenchi were sitting across from each other in the compartment, and the scenery outside just whipped past. She sat with her fingers at her temples, and her hand tapping her knee in annoyance.

"You look like you're about to shoot yourself." Tenchi giggled when she looked at her yami.


"Oh, you don't know what a gun is, do you? It's something people use to kill one another."

Shira managed a small smile, but her eyes darkened. "Well, I'll tell you one thing; my people had more sense than people today. They'd NEVER invent something so annoying."

"Well at least we're getting somewhere fast," she said, and turned back to her sketchbook, her pencil touching the page.

"It's beyond me how you could draw so steadily when the train's hell of a earthquake is going on. How do you do it?"

Tenchi shrugged. "I don't know. I guess I've just adapted, that's all."

Shira sat up and got a glimpse of her drawing. "Can I see it?"

Tenchi shielded her sketchbook. "Not yet."

She leaned back. "Fine, but that's no excuse to not show it to me at all."

"Okay." Tenchi continued, her swipes light and creating shapes.

Shira got up and headed for the screen-door, telling Tenchi she was just going for a walk. She slid the door back, and went to explore the halls.

The windows were wide on this side, and the sun was setting, its red glare bouncing off the compartments through the windows. Shira squinted as she came into its way, and felt its warmth before it plunged itself below the horizon.

The spirit heard voices in all the compartments; happy ones. There were children laughing, parents telling them to calm down, and the elderly telling them stories. Shira remembered something that resolved around that...her time with her fellow thieves at the oasis. The celebrations they shared, and the dances they had. She wished she could be as happy as the people in those compartments.

The thief came to the end of the cart, and she opened the door and came to the link. She stared down as the fast pattern of wood between the rails sped past, and she felt the air wind and unwind its cool fingers in her hair. She closed the door behind her and sat on the railing around it, feeling the need for air and the outside.

Shira didn't know how long she had been there, but the stars shone brightly. She couldn't recognize any of them; the constellations were so alien. She couldn't see Orion or Monoceros, or the Tree of Life or the Celestial Sphinx. None were present. She sighed in disappointment.

The yami stayed a bit more, and then she returned back to the compartment. A lamp was lit, but Tenchi had already snuggled herself into the cushion, her sketchbook tucked under her bag. Shira closed the door lightly, and returned to her seat. Curious, she leaned forward and carefully removed the sketchbook from its hiding place. She sat back and flipped it open.

Shira felt herself smile. The most recent picture was a woman in a long dress from smooth fleece. She wore sandles on her feet, and from the shading, Tenchi provided her a dark skin tone. But the eyes were bright and happy, and the woman's hair was long and tied back into a braid, flowing over her shoulder to the front. The woman's smile was warm.


Tenchi's POV

Tenchi's neck creaked and ached as she stirred, and when she opened her eyes, she realized that she left the lamp on and fell asleep. She felt a presence, and saw Shira sitting in her seat, slouched, and looking at nothing. Her expression was unreadable.


It seemed that she heard her hikari, but it took her some time to register and look at the teen. She had the girl's sketchbook closed on her lap. She finally looked at her, and asked, "Did I wake you?"

Tenchi shook her head and adjusted into a better sitting position.

"You're very talented in drawing."

The teen looked at her. "Thanks," she said modestly. "Most people say that, but I have much to learn."

"Tell me, if you coloured this picture, what colours would you use?" she opened the book and flipped to her most recent drawing; that woman who she imagined. It didn't take much time to see her in the girl's mind's eye...it was just like she popped up in her memory, as if she'd seen her before. Shira handed her hikari the book, and the girl described her choices.

"Well, I imagine her dress to be old-fashioned, like as if they didn't know how to dye cloth yet; but the designs on her collar and sleeves would even things out. Her skin, I picture a sun-kissed tan colour, and her eyes a sapphire blue. Her hair..." she paused, then continued, "I feel should be a kind of purple."

"A lighter purple than mine was, right?"

Tenchi tried to remember back to when she first met Shira in her soul room. "Yeah, I think it is a lighter purple than yours."

"I see..." Shira grew quiet suddenly, and looked off into the distance of the window.

"Why do you ask?" Tenchi asked.

"Hm? Oh, just out of curiosity." She would say no more.

The teen sighed, and looked at the clock; it was 7:47. There was only 13 minutes left until she and Shira arrived in Tokyo, and they will have about 11 hours of sleep until the flight tomorrow morning. The adolescent rested her chin in her hand, and her elbow on the windowsill, watching as the ground spun beneath them, unraveling new mountains and lakes and hills that had wonders beyond them, and waited for arrival.

End of Chapter

Vixen: BACK, BABY!!

Bakura: You got back five days ago.

Vixen: And all the while I was editting the parts of this story! XP

Shira: sigh That was a nice break.

Star: Now we're back with more excitement! XD

Bakura: -rolls eyes-

Vixen: Hope you liked the chapter, and R&R!