On that note, special thanks to 10th Weasley for always being there to tell me to get my act together (in a nice way of course!), you are AWESOME!!!

And since I'm such a horrible, non-update-y author, I shall apologize by fusing two chapters together into a better lengthed (if that is a word...) chapter.


A Harry Potter Fanfic

By Yolapeoples

(I own nothing.)

"I knew it!" The familiar voice stopped Harry and Sirius in their tracks, freezing in mid-tackle as they cursed the fact that Snape was getting away, "I knew it! What have you two done this time?!"

"Moony!!!" whined Sirius as he turned around, "How-"

Sirius froze again, taking a sharp breath as his eyes went wide. Harry turned and looked at Remus exasperatedly before looking questioningly at Sirius who stood in a state of shock. Remus blinked, raising his eyebrows before smiling.

"Well, someone got old." chuckled seventh-year Remus Lupin. Slowly, Sirius regained composure.

"What was that, kid?" joked Sirius, emphasizing "kid" and grinning maniacally.

Harry sighed, "Time travel is just messed up." Both Remus and Sirius laughed.

"But seriously," Remus' tone went strict fast, "what have you done this time?"

"Just saved your-" started Sirius before Harry shut him up by cutting him off, "Just some complications due to time-traveling for important reasons."

Remus half-smiled, "Not too many details. Good." Harry grinned.

"BUT" cut in Sirius, "You happened to foil our plans, you evil child!"

Remus glanced at him sidelong, "You're enjoying the age difference a bit too much, Sirius." Sirius shrugged; guilty as charged.

"So, your messing with the time stream has something to do with tackling Snape unless I am otherwise mistaken?" asked Remus.

"Yes." answered Harry, "While we were in the future, Snape used the mirror to come back here and tell himself what he could do to make the future into what he wanted it to be. We came back from the… uh… farther future to my time, which was all screwed up, so I questioned the Snape of that time about how he had changed everything, he told me and after some... complications, Sirius and I came back here to stop it. We were in the midst of apprehending this time's Snape in order to erase his memories of future-Snape when you showed up…" Harry paused, "Did I get everything?" he asked Sirius.

"I think so. Though, I'm not sure; this time-traveling stuff hurts my brain sometimes."

Remus nodded apprehensively though so the two assumed they had done a fair job of explaining.

"I guess I'll help then." replied Remus after due consideration.

"Awesome!" cheered Sirius.

"But first I need to get back to the Great Hall. If I don't set up the dance then Harry will never get back to his own time in the first place and then we'll really be in trouble." Sirius and Harry nodded in unison, both pondering on how that could be a downside.

"But first," Remus pulled out his wand, "I'm giving you different colored eyes before people start thinking Lily has a brother."

Sirius rolled his eyes in mock annoyance, "You always did disapprove of my work."

"This good?!" called Harry as he adjusted a banner that read "Hogwarts Dance; All-Years, All-Houses", glancing at Remus with his newly golden eyes before looking back at the banner, careful not to drop it.

"Yup!" responded Remus, carrying a box of random decorations over to a table that the Great Hall had so graciously made appear, the four long tables now replaced by several smaller round tables arranged around a dance floor in the center of the Hall. Other students were helping out, casting spells on the lighting, setting up a small stage for the band, the Strange Brothers, and various other things. Sirius stood over by a longer table where drinks and food were to be put out by the house elves that had gladly offered their services, instructing a few elves on the fabrication of punch.

"Just keep pouring… yes, keep going. Don't worry; you're doing fine…"

Some of the students had looked at Sirius funny when he had entered the Great Hall; it was rather strange to see a mysterious adult at Hogwarts but Remus quickly covered, saying that he was a new hire of the staff and that he wanted to help out. "I think this dance is a great idea." Sirius had added. Harry's cover story was much simpler: New Student. There would be whispers of it being odd that there should be both a new fifth year student and a sixth year student during the same year as Hogwarts was not accustomed to so many late entries, but what could you do?

"Okay," announced Remus, having finished placing all the decorations in their designated places without even moving an inch with the use of his wand, "Well, everything seems to be going alright in here. I'll trust you all to keep up the good work." Then to Sirius and Harry, he added, "I'm going to go check on James, and uh, Sirius and Harry." He chuckled some and left them to decorating.

As Remus left, Harry remembered his father's epic fail at asking Lily out and Sirius' intense pep talk before helping a couple third year boys with some Filibuster's Indoor Fireworks they were setting up near the back corner. Meanwhile, something knocked Sirius in the back of the head. He turned around to see a floating piñata and looked at it, slightly bewildered.

"Oh! Um, I'm so sorry, Mr. … um…" A sixth year girl, holding her wand in one hand, the source of the piñata's ability to defy gravity, looked distressed at the fact that she couldn't remember Sirius' name.

"Oh, it's no problem." smiled Sirius somewhat awkwardly, "I never properly introduced myself. My name is… um… Stubby Boardman."

The girl smiled, "I'm sorry, Mr. Boardman. I didn't mean to hit you with the piñata."

Harry glanced skeptically over at Sirius. How do you come up with this stuff so quickly?

"MOONY!!!!" came a voice from right outside the Great Hall.

Sirius and Harry froze in mid-motion, Sirius in mid-conversation with a few sixth years about piñatas and Harry bent over as he was putting down a crate of fireworks. They had heard this voice before. Actually, one of them had to hear this voice ever time he opened his mouth, which happened quite often.

"Padfoot, I'm telling you to go find Harry!" another voice, obviously Remus', protested.

Sirius and Harry excused themselves from the rest of the preparation crew and looked at each other frantically.

Obviously ignoring his friend's protests, as he tended to do, Sirius Black, seventh year Gryffindor burst into the room, Remus Lupin closely in tow. The first looked around the room, his hand on his chin pensively, "Like what you've done with the place."

Meanwhile, Harry and the older Sirius were trying to make themselves inconspicuous-looking behind the punch table.

"Padfoot, for the last time, we need to find Harry. Every time he wanders off by himself, something bad happens." Remus continued to argue with his classmate though his eyes drifted to the punch table, Harry and the older Sirius. The three exchanged panicked glances.

Unfortunately, the younger Sirius turned around to face Remus and followed Remus' eyes to the punch table.

"Ha! Punch! YES!" he exclaimed happily. He marched over, grabbed the metal serving spoon, poured himself a cup and tasted it, "Whoa, this stuff is great." He glanced up at the redheaded Harry and older Sirius, both of whom had gotten very pale, "Good job."

Meanwhile, Remus walked over to them and repeated, "Padfoot, we need to find Harry."

Sirius looked at his friend curiously, "I suppose that's true, but you were just being so bloody obvious about not wanting me in here that I just had to come see."

Remus, Harry and the older Sirius all shared a look of 'You would.'

Remus grabbed Sirius' arm and began to drag him forcefully away from the punch table, "Now. Let's. Go. Find. Harry."

"Alright, alright." said Sirius nonchalantly, letting himself be pulled away before halting by digging his heels into the floor, forcing Remus to stop as well, and turning back to the two at the punch table who were trying their best to find a way to escape, "Who are you, anyway?"

Remus, Harry and the older Sirius froze.

"Um," Remus tried to regain composure, "he's a new hire who thought the dance was a good idea and offered to help."

Younger Sirius brightened, "Yes, well, it was quite an ingenious idea."

Remus, Harry and the older Sirius all shared a look again before Remus gripped his friend's arm tighter and dragged him even more forcefully towards the door.

"Farewell, good punch makers! It seems I must be off." proclaimed Sirius melodramatically, his shoes scraping against the stone floor, "Do leave me your recipe!!" And the two disappeared out the door.

"Well, I was quite the strange child, wasn't I?" pondered the older Sirius out loud. Harry grabbed a tray of cutlery and such to distribute on the tables and shot him a look that made Sirius wonder if he wasn't related to Remus somehow due to how clearly it read, 'Yes, you were a VERY SPECIAL child who was no doubt dropped on the head as an infant.'

Timing note: The first portion happens around when (in my first BTTF fic) James tries, and fails, at asking Lily out ('density'). The rest - everything with 7th year Sirius - happens between when James giving up on asking Lily to the dance and Sirius has a plan to switch Harry and James, a.k.a. right about when Lily asks Harry to the dance and doesn't give Harry the chance to say no. I was curious as to where Remus and Sirius disappeared to anyway during that scene so this is where they ended up. Perhaps it was completely plotless, perhaps not...

And though Sirius may be a strange child, he's really a lot of fun to write. Please review!!! I promise (and this time REALLY!) to update after my AP World History exam! ~ Yolapeoples