The evening continued without much occurrence. House and Cuddy remained magnetic, but Wilson postponed the scolding of his best friend to a later date. The three co-workers simply enjoyed each other's company. There was no mention of rape, addiction, or Amber. The past and present were put aside for one night. The following day would prove to be challenging for the small, odd family.

At 7 a.m. PPTH's Head of Oncology called for an emergency board meeting to take place at noon on behalf of the Dean of Medicine. This was not an easy task. Rumors had spread throughout the hospital like a wildfire. The fact that House and Cuddy had two unexplained, synchronized absences was the talk of the nurses' station and the doctors' lounge. It was also the number on texting topic between benefactors and board members. Not one power hungry MD on the board was compassionate when Wilson spoke of the matter. They were all unwilling to listen when he attempted to explain that there had been an emergency. Each and every one of them was convinced that their boss had requested the meeting to announce her not so secret affair with the infamous Diagnostician. They were condescending and some even threatening.

They would eat their words before the day was through.

At the home of Lisa Cuddy, Dr. House tenderly awoke the administrator with a plate of food and watched lovingly as she ate in bed. There was no tension, but awkwardness remained. Both were silently wondering how the day would pan out and whether or not their companion could survive without the act of either retreat or attack. House thought she might flee. Cuddy thought he might fight. The consequence for each was public annihilation.

Preparing for battle was a slow process. Cuddy had made peace with her bathroom mirror, but still took extra time bathing. House, on the other hand, maintained his usual, speedy routine of shower, coffee, clothes, but spent an infinite amount of time on her back patio, staring into space. In the end, they met in the foyer an hour prior to noon and very few words were exchanged. Their preferred communication was to clasp hands. With that, they faced the world together and headed for the hospital.

Wilson was tedious in just about every aspect of life. Planning the meeting that would surely change PPTH forever would be handled no differently. He was careful in choosing the room in which the event would take place. Having its walls transparent was not an option, and making sure its location was towards the back of the building was a major priority. Neither Cuddy, House, nor himself wished for an audience, and he wanted the administrating sharks to be as far away from the hospital's entrance as possible when their bleeding leader arrived.

His off-again, on-again best friend called him at 11:30 a.m. to announce he and Cuddy's arrival. In response, Wilson paged all members of the board and firmly instructed them to be prompt. Then, he made his way to the main lobby and braced himself on its' balcony. He took the place with the best view to watch something he wouldn't forget for the rest of his life.

Outside, a black Mercedes Benz was parked in the handicapped spot the Head of Diagnostics usually dismounted his motorcycle in. The vehicle's tinted windows masked the two passengers' identities to the doctors and nurses outside on their lunch breaks. Still, the couple would have just a moment to collect their thoughts.

"You don't have to do this. You don't owe them anything."

The sincerity in House's eyes as he spoke was near divine. Cuddy's breath caught and her eyes misted.

"I know. I want to, House. I need to." She then leaned forward and nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck. Her body was uncomfortable and tinged with pain as she awkwardly maneuvered herself towards the driver's side of the car. In just a moment, Cuddy was almost completely in House's lap with his arms wrapped securely around her. Her discomfort was well worth it. Bruised ribs be damned, she would endure much more for this contact with him. He was a healer and he was healing her. His touch was medicine. Wherever his hands pressed against her, the aching muscles underneath would be instantly soothed.

"Whenever you're ready," He mumbled the words into her hair, inhaling her shampoo. She had all the time in the world. The board would wait patiently. Whether they wanted to or not, his friend would make sure of it.

It took her a few minutes to regain her composure, and when she did, House saw nothing but determination in her eyes.

"I'm ready."

The Diagnostician matched her unwavering stare and smirked proudly. He let her out of his hold temporarily. They could return to their embrace once everything was over. Despite his knowledge of nothing lasting forever, he still planned for always. He would embrace her until she requested otherwise and even then, he would faithfully remain. She would have a place in his arms until his death.

The couple exited the car simultaneously and immediately an audience was formed. Everyone within eye sight paid them their full attention. At first, House stole the spot light. Seeing the cripple depart from his boss's vehicle was shocking enough and all eyes were on him. This was not for long. Cuddy's battered face was on display for the entire world to see, and once it was recognized, no one could look away. Gasped whispers filled the small crowd as they took into account the Dean of Medicine's state. The people could not divert their eyes from the doctors as they mindlessly walked by hand in hand pasted the gathering and through the hospital's main doors.

House's determination left him ignorant to everything and everyone except the sight of the elevators' doors and the feel of his boss's small hand within his own. Cuddy's experience was entirely different. She was aware of everything. Since falling victim to Louis Cypher, her senses had heightened. Even the silent, unthreatening gaze of Wilson caught her attention. A quick glance upward and she offered him a reassuring smirk. Readjusting her eyes to remain ahead, she attempted to hide behind a mask as powerful of a façade as her savior's. A metallic taste filled her mouth as she felt the atmosphere shift from shock to confusion to pity.

Wilson did not move from his spot even when his friends were out of sight beneath him. He waited to hear the ding of an elevator before making his own way to the board meeting. However, he did not leave so quick as to miss witnessing the reaction of the crowd down below. He saw many of their faces melt from what he was sure was the sight of Gregory House expressing concern for the love of his life.

The Oncologist couldn't have been more correct. House's masquerade didn't break until stepping onto the lift with Cuddy. Irritation swelled inside the drug addict as he scrutinized the gathering before him and pushed the top floor's button with unnecessary force. Despite the amount of eyes watching him, his expression turned to heart wrenching concern as he felt Cuddy's hand twitch as he created the violent action.

When the doors' shut, the man faced his woman and hooked his cane onto the railing in favor of holding both her hands. He leaned forward and ducked his head to speak in a whisper.

"Please don't be afraid of me. I'll never hurt you." Physically. House didn't voice his pessimism.

No fear met his stare. She smiled warmly and removed her hands from his to reach up and frame his face.

"I know. You just startled me, that's all." She glanced to her right and saw that they only had two more floors to go. Quickly, she rose onto the tips of her toes and kissed the side of his face.

House's eyes closed at the feel of her lips touching his skin. Not a thing in the world mattered at that moment. He went completely numb for an unknown amount of time. The sound of the elevator was what jolted him from his trance and he awoke to see Cuddy smiling up at him shyly. He hadn't felt her move but she was a good foot away from him and holding his cane. As the doors opened, he took his walking aid and winked at her playfully.

"News travels fast." They both turned to face their friend. "They're all texting the people from downstairs." Wilson stood like a soldier with his serious frown and arms crossed.

"Let them," was House's reply. With that, they made their way to the daunting double doors.

Wilson was the first to enter, followed by House, and then last but not least Cuddy. The room had been filled with quiet, speculating chatter. It died. As the trio made their appearance, every person in the room shut up. Their mouths did not close, however. At the sight of their boss, they couldn't help but stare. The Dean of Medicine's closest friends were used to her appearance. They could look at her and not flinch at the sight of her stitched eye and split lip. They were no longer astonished by the bite marks on her neck or the way her hands would sometimes begin to tremble for no apparent reason. This did not mean their stomachs did not turn when they saw what had been done to her, however. It simply meant that for her benefit, they hid their horrified emotions. Their pity would do nothing but embarrass her.

"Are you kidding? For the first time in years, she's wearing pants and now all your jaws drop." There was venom in House's voice. He sent glares to everyone but Cuddy and Wilson.

"Uhh," Grayson Albrighton, pompous benefactor and not so secret admirer of Dr. Cuddy attempted to speak. "Lisa-"

"Dr. Cuddy," House interrupted.

"House," Wilson attempted to interrupts his friend's rising temper. "Shut up."

Cuddy sighed and held up a hand to silence all of them. She looked nothing like the confident woman whom usually addressed the board. Her shoulders were slightly slouched as though holding the weight of the world and her eyes were as wide as a frightened deer. Her distinct, determined jaw was the only resemblance she had of her former self. It's rarity the common cause for its beauty, now a symbol of her strength. A deep breath and she was as ready as anyone could be.

"I would like to formally apologize for my recent, unscheduled absences, but as you all can see, I have a legitimate excuse." She paused for a moment, gathering the courage a lesser human being would contain. "Two nights ago, I was attacked while leaving the hospital. Since then, my attacker has been incarcerated and I have filed charges. I am physically fine and mentally stable. That being said, I am not so arrogant as to resume my duties as Dean of Medicine quite so soon."

"It's expected."

"Please don't rush yourself."

"We understand."

The entire board spoke at the same time. Each offered useless platitudes with phony sympathy. Their audacity forced Wilson's eyes to roll and House's blood to boil. Cuddy had a different reaction. Suddenly, the recently raped woman became very much aware of the fact that she was the center of attention. She gulped down her fear and looked to Wilson for help.

The Boy Wonder was happy to assist not only his boss, but his fellow department head as well. House was just a moment away from going on a killing spree. With a gentle hand pressed to Cuddy's back and a warning glare sent to his best friend, Wilson worked his magic.

"Why don't we allow Dr. Cuddy to finish?" It wasn't a question.

Why don't you all fuck off? The statement never left House's mind, yet Wilson was still able to hear it.

As the board quieted down, Cuddy found her strength.

"Thank you, Dr. Wilson." For the first time, she scanned the room and saw all their faces. Everything was different. Once upon a time their arrogant smirks and overly fancy suits would have amused her. She had always had a cynical humor when thinking of her board colleagues. This was no longer true. She did realize that it was her perception of the world and not the world itself that had been altered. However, that didn't stop the uneasiness that upset her stomach. She wondered if the feeling would ever go away.

"I would also like to inform the hospital that Dr. House will be taking a week's vacation starting immediately." Eyes widened from all directions. "He has not taken a non-injury related vacation since being employed at this hospital and I am sure you all would rather not deal with his," she paused to think, "working style during my absence."

The Diagnostician smirked arrogantly. Wilson rolled his eyes.

"That being said, Dr. Wilson will be taking over my duties until my return which will most likely be a week from now."

"A month," House chimed in.

"Two weeks," was Cuddy's final offer. Wilson smiled at their old ways.

"Dr. Cuddy," Albrighton interrupted. This man really was begging for a punch in the face. "I would like to speak for the board when I ask of you to please take as much time as you need." Other members around the table nodded their heads. "You have been this hospital's rock on more than one occasion; however, it will survive without you."

This statement received a snort from House. Albrighton glared at him as a result.

"Thank you, Mr. Albrighton, but I am sure that a couple of weeks will be all I need. Are there any questions that pertain to hospital business?" Silence fell over the room. "Alright, then I would like to remind everyone here that my personal life is my own and I would appreciate all speculation about me to cease when I exit this room. I will be checking my email frequently if anyone has anything they'd like to discuss with me." Surprisingly, her tone left no room for objection. She sounded like her old self, her true self. The unspoken statement was clear. If anyone was to suspect anything between her and House, they were to say nothing. She would deal with that upon her return.

The next few moments pasted by in a blur. Wilson thanked the board for their cooperation and promised to be in touch with them all before the conclusion of the work day. Hardly any of them listened. They were too focused on Cuddy. One should never underestimate the power of greed. Their leader was wounded and they had just decided to turn on her. House could see it in their eyes. It was a matter of time before there would a rebellion over the management of Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. He saw a war of Vogler-type proportions in their future. It didn't matter. This time, the trio would fight them together. Cuddy would not have to stand alone.