Chapter 8: Falling Apples and Cats

A/N 40 reviews! Yay! Now if I didn't try the system thing I wouldn't be super pushed to write this chapter since I feel so bad if I didn't and I did promise to write when I got 40 reviews. Though I do feel slightly pathetic for doing that. Sorry if it is too darkish emoish because this is the "crash realization" part of Neku's life. Later it'll be much better once Neku understands himself. Go try out JoshuaxRhyme! I actually have an idea much better than this one (this is just basically a continuation of their lives) but my other idea I think is more... original? Hm. Well give some feedback, I'll put it here.

Graffiti Heart

Shiki's mother is a child care agent and volunteers to let one of the "street kids" stay at her house. How can Shiki warm the heart of a frozen artist without falling for him at the same time? ShikixNeku

Please don't take the plot idea without asking me =.='' (Disclaimer I don't own anything that the owners of TWEWY own.)

Enjoy and I hope my writing isn't confusing. Sorry it's short T.T


Neku's eyes fluttered open slightly, his sight blurry and unfocused. His mind remained numb as he stared blankly at the concrete wall before him. No questions passed through his thought process, only the empty feeling that shock could only produce. No glances scanned his broken figure in the dark and damp alleyway, his bright orange hair barely visible through the dark shadows. His blank eyes stared at his trembling hands and at the dried dark splotches that stained his palms. The sticky substance coated his scalp and dried onto his skin as a crusty reminder of what happened. His legs trembled and shook as he pulled himself up and grabbed onto the wall for support. His hand scraped on the harsh brick wall but he continued to attempt to shuffle over to the bright light of the sidewalk. A flash of light pink met his tired eyes and his heart speed unconsciously reacted.

"Shiki!" his voice was low and harsh as it came out in barely a whisper. The smiling and stylish girl just chatted with her friends and walked right bye his shrouded figure . Neku's heart slowed down as he sank to the floor. Realization grew over him about his mistake and how stupid he was being.

"I'm such an idiot…" Neku sighed as he mentally beat himself up. He was just going to continue thinking that Eri girl was Shiki and that Shiki was some stranger.

"Dammit! Why the hell am I acting like this?!" Neku pushed himself up and staggered out into the light. Strangers stared at his bloody appearance as he started to run with a determined air. And then promptly crashed into someone.


Shiki shoved through the crowd with tears blurring her sight. Questions filled with grief and confusion infected her thoughts as she ran blindly in any direction. Her motion suddenly stopped as she crashed into another running form. She blinked quickly to clear her vision and was surprised at the sight of a bloody and unconscious Neku draped over her.

"Neku?" Shiki shook him slightly as she struggled to get out from under his heavy form. After a long struggle that grew many stares from curious onlookers, she managed to sling his arm over her shoulder and drag him over to a homely looking cafe. The high pitched bell rang sweetly as Shiki managed to drag him into the cafe. Customers looked in worry and curiosity as Shiki almost collapsed on the floor with the combined factors of hunger and exhaustion. A stuck up looking waitress walked over to them and started to discreetly them to go somewhere else.

"What the hell are you doing?! Can't you see he needs help?!" Shiki shouted at the pushy waitress while everyone in the cafe turned their heads.

"Annabelle! What are you doing? Bring them in" a kind sounding voice shouted from the counter. Shiki looked up in relief to be meet eyes with a kindly old man.

"Thank you sir" Shiki gratefully thanked as she brought Neku to the back of their cafe.

"It's nothing" the old man shot a disapproving glare at Annabelle as she frowned and helped Shiki put Neku onto the simple bed. Annabelle was to be considered an "Asian American beauty" with her long blond hair and light brown eyes. Her pale skin was still considered yellow, but so light it was hard to tell. Her waist was thin and her body hourglass shaped as she walked away to get bandages with an annoyed face. Shiki looked self consciously at her shapeless form and fingered her light brown hair. The elderly man studied her with his sharp eyes and a frown of concentration as he walked slowly towards a chair.

"So young woman, what's your name?" he smiled with a totally reversed face as he sat down slowly.

"It's Shiki Misaki" She introduced while sitting down on the chair opposite him. Her fingers twiddled nervously as she shuffled her feet in uncertainty.

"Will Neku be ok?" blurted out of her mouth before she could stop it from escaping. The old man's white eyebrow raised in humorous suspicion as Shiki waited for his answer.

"He should be ok with proper treatment" he smiled as he started to get up from his chair. Shiki stood up abruptly and hurried over to help him as his legs trembled from the effort. He nodded in thanks and walked over to Neku with an almost sad looking face.

"Don't mind Annabelle. She just doesn't like taking in injured people after what happened last time. She used to be such a sweet and kind girl."

"...If you don't mind sir, what happened?" Shiki asked in a confused tone as he chuckled at her surprise.

"I don't know what exactly happened but... she fell for him and he left without a trace. He was a young dark haired lad. Extremely skinny and sickly looking though." He once again had a look of sadness as he looked at Neku.

"Somehow... he seems familiar to me..." Shiki looked with curiosity at him but he shook his head with a smile.

"Don't mind this old man's ramblings. Usually everyone looks the same to me" he laughed with a twinkle in his eye. Shiki just laughed back but stopped abruptly as Annabelle walked into the room with a steely glare of annoyance and... jealousy?

"Thank you" Shiki bowed before taking the bandages and disinfectant from Annabelle and starting to work on Neku's wounds. Annabelle just frowned as her and sat down with a haughty air. After pouring the rubbing alcohol onto a piece of cotton, she slowly tilted his head and softly pressed the damp material against his wound. She winced uncontrollably as Neku's face turned to pain and he hissed with pain as the alcohol burned onto his skin like an iron brand. Shiki removed the cotton as soon as it was judged to be disinfected enough and slowly bandaged his head. Once the bandages appeared to be just right Shiki turned to face the two and bowed.

"Thank you very much for helping Neku." The old man just smiled while Annabelle just continued frowning. Suddenly a growling sound erupted from Shiki's stomach as a blush blossomed across her face. He chuckled and beckoned her over to him while Annabelle sighed with an icy glare.

"Lemme see if I can steal anything for you" he winked while looking getting up to look for something to give to her.

"It-it's ok!" Unluckily for her, her stomach took that as the perfect timing to growl loudly once again. He just continued smiling and looking through the pantry. The sound of the door opening interrupted his search as he looked up and impossibly smiled an even larger smile.

"Finally he's back with supplies!" Shiki just looked at the newcomer with her face frozen in shock while Annabelle looked slightly confused.

"Let me introduce my son Masaru" he said as he shuffled over to him and rustled through the bags he was holding.

"Anything wrong?" they questioned as Shiki remained frozen with the same expression. Annabelle kept glancing between Neku and Masaru with an expression like she just saw a ghost. Shiki's eyes stayed glued to one feature that was truly unmistakable from the picture she found in Kemurai's office. That feature was his shock orange hair that was the same exact shade as Neku's.

A/N Another cliffhanger I guess. Now I feel slightly guilty. Well I wrote the ending at 2 in the morning so I hope it doesn't sound that awkward. And Annabelle will be more important later on. Ahhh so short. -BANG- the authoress has killed herself out of guilt. Well the next chapter should be longer. I hope.