I don't own InuYasha. Nope. Not at all.
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"Hey, Sango, do you know where Kagome is?" InuYasha called from across the camp. Sango looked up from tending the fire.
"She left with Kirara about an hour ago. Why?"
"Damn it, where'd she go?" InuYasha yelled. Sango's eyebrows raised.
"Home. She mentioned something about having a date with her boyfriend tonight. She said she'd be back tomorrow or the day after." She explained calmly. InuYasha started, and promptly got into Sango's face.
"What do you mean her boyfriend?" Sango looked him squarely in the eyes.
"The guy she fell in love with because she got sick of waiting for you to love her back. Besides, he's from her own era." Sango glanced at him sideways. "Why did you think she's been so much calmer than usual when someone mentions Kikyo? She doesn't care anymore." InuYasha just stood there for a moment.
"You mean... she doesn't care about me anymore?" His hands clenched. "I've got to talk to her!"
Sango shrugged. "Suit yourself. Hey- that's one of Kouga's whirlwinds, isn't it?"
InuYasha glanced over to the whirlwind. "Yeah, that's Kouga. Great. Just what I needed." It didn't take long for Kouga to show up, demand to see Kagome, and be as furious as InuYasha about her sudden transfer of affection. Kouga started running again.
"Where are you going?" Sango called after him.
"To kill the stupid human who's trying to steal my woman!" He yelled back. InuYasha's eyes lit up, and Sango sighed.
"Right. I'l'll go set the others, and tell them we're heading back to the village." Just then, Kirara landed next to Sango. "Hey Kirara! Let's go find Shippo and Miroku! It seems we need to tell them we're heading back."
An hour later, they saw Kouga pulling himself out of the well. Clearly, he hadn't been able to get through. InuYasha laughed, and jumped in, and fell through the space-time Continuum to Kagome's era.
He barged into Kagome's room, where she was brushing her hair. She started. "What are you doing here?" she demanded, setting her brush down.
"I'm here to drag you back!" he yelled. She looked at him.
"While that's very sweet, I'm not going. I'm busy." she informed him coolly. InuYasha glared.
"You have a date. I know. You're not going." Kagome glared back.
"Just watch me." she hissed, and stalked out of the room. InuYasha followed at a distance. The doorbell rang, and Kagome opened the door to reveal a tallish young man with light brown hair. He smiled at Kagome.
"Ready to go?" Kagome smiled back.
"Yeah, lets get out of here before Grandfather and Sota show up." She said with a laugh, and the boy put his arm around her shoulders. InuYasha snapped, and began an attack. Kagome and the boy whirled. Kagome's eyes took on a dangerous look.
"Let me handle this, Hojo." She said calmly. "InuYasha, sit boy!" She yelled. InuYasha felt the power of the beads pull him down painfully. He struggled to get up and fight this Hojo guy who had stolen his Kagome. "Sit!" the beads took effect again, and again, he tried to get up. "SIT!" This time, InuYasha was slammed to the ground too hard to get up again. Through a haze of pain, he saw Kagome and Hgo leave, and heard Hojo ask who the guy was, and Kagome answer that it was a long story.
A while later, he went back through the well, to find a small crowd waiting for him. Shippo, Sango, Miroku, and Kaede were situated around the well with identical looks of "You are such an idiot" on their faces.
"Judging from the look on your face, Kagome used the beads." Miroku said with a touch of amusement. InuYasha glared at him, confirming the other's suspicions. Miroku grinned. "You know, this really IS your own fault." he pointed out.
"Yeah!" Shippo chimed in, "If you hadn't chosen Kikyo over Kagome so many times, maybe she wouldn't have fallen in love with this Hojo guy!"
"And you could have apologized a little more often!" Sango added, a slightly evil smile on her face as well. "That's what Kagome told me she likes best about him, he actually APOLOGIZES when he hurts her feelings!"
"Aye, the child should love this boy. She is appreciated and cherished, and is not taking second place to my dead sister!" Kaede agreed firmly.
InuYasha was furious. "Are you saying this is all MY fault?" he growled. The others looked at each other, shrugged and answered in unison.
"More or less." InuYasha stormed off.
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A friend of mine and I came up with this concept when we were talking on MSN. I think that Kagome-Hojo is an unlikely pairing, and not even one I like, (sorry, but I'm a bit of a Kagome-InuYasha fan myself) but I just imagined how hilarious it would be off Kagome basically informed the demon and powerful half-demon guys who like her, "Sorry, I'm ditching you guys for your inconstancy and going to the guy who actually trusts and appreciates me!" It just made me laugh.
The original plan was for this story to end here, leaving everyone laughing. However, after posting this on DeviantArt, I got talked into making it into a full-scale novel-type-thingy, with a LOT more chapters….