
Disclaimer: I work at McDonalds, but I don't own it. Nor do I own Matt, or anything Death Note related (except Kat. For those of you who have read Because of a Prank and Multiplayer, you know who I'm talking about).

The interviewer was tired. She needed to find at least one employee that would work out by the end of the week! Well, maybe this new person would be ok...

Matt walked in, so engrossed in his game that he almost walked into the door. He sat down in front of the interviewer, still not turning off his game.

'And what's your name?'

'Mhm.' Matt replied, not even aware that she had asked a question.

'Your name is Mhm? But it says here your name is Matt.' She tried to make a joke, but it was totally lost on him. The rest of the interview didn't go much better, but they were desperate, so she hired him anyway.


'I want a big Mac meal, please.' The fat lady said. It doesn't really have anything to do with the fact that she was fat, but there are a lot of fat people that go there.

Matt, of course, wasn't even paying attention. 'Why are you telling me? I don't care. Get it yourself.' He would have added fatso, but he hadn't actually looked at the woman, choosing instead to play his game.

But, he looked up at the next person that walked through the doors. Mello.

When the manager saw his ex-employee, he ran to hide.

Mello walked up to the counter, pushing the lady away. 'Hey, Matt, let's go have sex in the library.'

'I'm working... but ok!' So Matt took off his McDonalds hat and left with Mello. He got back, an hour later. He asked his manger if he was fired.

'It was just one time. It's fine.' He was slightly afraid that Mello would come back if he fired Matt, and besides, Matt hadn't accused anyone of being Kira, hadn't opened all the kids toys in the whole store, hadn't held anyone at gun point, and hadn't killed a whole bus load of people. They were really short staffed.

'Ok, then I'm going to go sit in the back and play my game.'

So he went to the back and played his game. He even lit a cigarette. The manager came back and had a casual conversation with him, not even mentioning the fact that Matt was playing a game, smoking, and totally ignoring him.

They eventually put him on drive through. The first time the headset beeped to tell him there was a car, he jumped and made the person in his game run into a pit of death. 'Dammit! This place sucks! I'm quitting!'