Sorry- here's a very late chaper...

Usagi kept her head high as she walked through the crowded early Sunday morning streets. The church had just finished the early Sunday mass and its members where cutting her glances and whispers could be heard as she walked by. I wonder what has gotten into these people... what have i done besides not attend this Sunday's mass? Usagi watched as a couple walked up to her beaming at her and waving from half a block away.

"Usagi! We missed you at today's mass. You missed an interesting biblical tale of wolves eating a person!" Her friend Minako said enthusiastically as she held her husband, Kunzite, arm. Kunzite shook his head with a loving smile on his face. Leave it to his wife to leave out the true meaning of the story. "OH USAGI, I did not know you where taking up the oldest profession for women." That caught Usagi off guard. "Pardon me?" Minako laughed softly as she watched a few pedestrians pause nearby to listen to their conversation. "Well it has not been said yet, but a lot of the townspeople are coming close." Usagi frowned slightly but shook her head at her friend. "That is completely preposterous!" The pedestrians quickly moved away as Usagi began to walk with her friends towards the bakery.

Usagi was touched to see that her two friends walked on either side of her as if protecting her from the glances thrown her way. Though she did not need them to guard her, she had fought and worked hard her whole life, she could handle people talking about her. It seemed that she had two stories about her as she weaved in and out of people in the last block to the bakery. The older, more mature people where gossiping amongst themselves about prostitution while the younger women envied her for earning a place as secretary in the earl's home.

Her hand was outstretched to the door to the bakery when she heard a voice that was too sweet and sarcastic. "I just wanted to say to you that i admire your bravery, Usagi." Usagi turned to the voice of Beryl holding her newly made dress of the finest cloth in town. Oh i wish i could wear a gown like that... it must have cost a fortune!Mina placed a hand upon her friend's forearm, standing up for her. "She was not thinking of the consequences when she brought the poor woman home." Beryl's lips curved up slightly and her dark auburn eyes shined mischievously. "Oh, how could she think of that. Why, to put up with the whole town disapproving and to top it off she missed mass." Usagi smiled kindly and moved Minako's hand from her arm. "It is okay Beryl, im sure with extra prayer all will be forgiven. After all... the story of the sins of Jezebel has been told in the church before, i will not take the lessons so literally. However, the lessons may apply to other women in this town." Beryl narrowed her eyes and moved her hands through her dark wavy hair. "I would not know anything about that. You could not fault me for the company i keep." Beryl quickly walked away before the three could dispute. Minako shook her head and Kunzite opened the door for the two ladies. "After you of course." Usagi smiled gratefully and walked in.

Mother Kou handed the tray for Usagi to bring up to her bedroom and smiled sadly at her daughter in law. "I am sorry that you had to endure that woman. She is a very catty person." Usagi only nodded before bringing up some broth and bread to the young woman.

Pearl turned towards the door from her laying position when she heard the door groan on its henge. Usagi smiled towards her and walked in with her tray, setting it down upon the table beside the bed. "Miss.. I don't know why you're hel-." Usagi cut her off with a sharp look that made Pearl swallow the words in her throat. "Err.. I meant.. why did you take me in? Do you know what I am?" Usagi sat quietly on the bed at the girl's feet and took in a deep collective breath. "You where in the ditch on the side of the road, I could not leave you there to die. And..." Usagi looked away at the last question and blushed slightly at her modesty. Pearl sat up fully and grabbed Usagi's hand to gain her attention. "I am a prostitute, a whore."

Usagi nodded her head, "We thought you might be."

Pearl let go of her hand and leaned back, arms crossed against her chest. "Well now that we made that clear.."

Usagi went to the tray and placed the bowl in front of Pearl. "But I really do not see how that matters, Pearl." Pearl looked shocked as Usagi motioned to her to take the bowl from her hands and drink. Unthinkingly, Peal grabbed for the bowl and then sudden realization came into her eyes. "You're one of those christian ladies aren't you?" It was Usagi's turn to become shocked. "Wh-What?"

Pearl let the bowl lay in her lap as she eyed Usagi.

"You know... them older ladies who take girls like me off the street and try to change them to realladies. I heard they make them do slave work to repent their sins and feed them bread and water." Usagi blinked a few times before looking down at Pearl's bowl. " I don't believe i have made you do any work... and unless it changes on its own... is that bread and water?" Pearl blushed at her accusation and shook her head. "No i suppose not." Usagi smiled up at Pearl before standing up from the bed and began walking towards the door. "You may leave whenever you wish... I'm not holding you against your will. But perhaps you should stay here until your sister comes to collect you." Pearl beamed at Usagi, remembering the letter.

"That's right! Thank you for sending for her!" Usagi nodded before shutting the door and heading to her makeshift bedroom. After changing into her gown she slipped into bed and began to rethink the past few days... until her heart stopped and her eyes became wide in worry. She only then wondered what her employer would say.

THE END! (jk lol)

Usagi walked as quietly as she could through the halls of the earl's estate, quickly to dodge even his assistant and the chatty cook as she opened the door. Reaching out a shaky hand, she placed it upon the handle of the study and took in a reassuring breath. Quickly masking her face she opened the door and let out the breath she did not know she was holding. Darien was not in here yet. Closing the door, she placed her lunch basket upon the table and looked through a few pieces of paper left on her desk haphazardly. Placing them into the pile to be recopied, she glanced over at Darien's desk curiously.

Walking over she searched through his papers on his desk then down into a drawer on the end of the thick cherry wood desk. Looking through the stack of envelopes from various political persons until she came across a very feminine script addressed to him. Her heart racing, she looked towards the door making sure no one was coming in then opened to reveal its contents.

Reading only the first paragraph, the paper fell from her delicate fingers and tears blurred her vision. " I cannot believe I was worried at him being angry about Pearl! He visits a whore house in Liverpool, this is a bill!"Usagi wiped her eyes in frustration. Why should she be upset about this? Darien was not hers to get upset over. Picking up the paper, she folded it neatly and placed it into the envelope. Staring at the script for a long minute, she placed it back inside the drawer and closed is slowly. Taking in a shakey breath, she walked back towards her desk and began copying a letter the Earl wanted sent to the King.

Usagi was greatful that she had not seen Darien so far. It had been a wonderful day with no distractions and she had even finished most of her work before lunch. Looking at the time, she realized it was about the time Darien should be coming back to the estate from doing errands in town. Stretching, Usagi stood from her desk and began wandering around the many shelves of books which had been collecting dust. Picking one and wiping the dust off the cover, she brought it to the small but plush seat and opened up the neglected book.

Sadly, not even ten minutes later, Usagi's luck had ran out. " USAGI KOU!" Usagi sighed and looked up from the page as she heard Darien's furious yell. "Where the hell is that woman?" Usagi looked down back at the book and turned the page and continued reading. Where else would she be? She was only in one place from the time she walked to to the time she walked out. Hearing heavy boots hit the floor in a face pace she counted inside her head "".

The large study doors opened and Darien's silhouette filled the door. "What is this im hearing in town about some harlot girl seeking solace inside your home?" Usagi placed the book on the side table and stood up, holding her ground as much as she could. "Excuse me, my lord, but I found a woman on the side of the road on the brink of dying and I thought I should help her." Darien's dark blue eyes darkened more, if it where possible as he took slow, heavy steps towards Usagi. "Did you take a hit to the head? The woman is a whore."

Usagi's lips turned downward at the word and closed her eyes. Taking a deep breath she held her temper at bay. "Her name is Pearl, my lord." Darien stopped in his slow pace staring at her incredulously. "So you two are the best of friends now, are you?" Usagi's eyes opened quickly, showing the small fire burning behind them. " I was only stating she was a woman, not some beast that I should fear for my life." Darien crossed his arms continuing to look down at her. "You obviously have no regard for your reputation, Usagi."

She looked at him as if confused before saying gently. "My reputation is hardly the concern here, my lord." Darien uncrossed his arms, his temper finally snapping and he got the book she was reading and threw it across the room. "HARDLY THE CONCERN? USAGI! It is everything, you are a respectible widow of this city and you should uphold that. Continuing the course you are on will surely tarnish your reputation for good." Usagi raised a delicate eyebrown and she smirked sarcastically at Darien. "So now you are questioning my reputation, my lord?" He glanced at her from the corner of his eyes before rolling them. "No, of course not." Usagi stepped towards him. "Are you so sure?" Darien turned fully towards her. "Ah, Yes i-."

Usagi moved her hand through the silky long strands of her hair as if in thought. "So, my lord, if the words you just spoke to me where true, you should respect me and my good sense, as it part of my reputation you are so sure you are not questioning." Darien moved his mouth to object but her own fire started to flare. " Sure I may come across some misunderstandings within the city and criticism as well, but I am only a christian woman who is doing a charity to those less fortunate." Darien sighed angrily. "Those who consider themselves Christians will be the first to outcast you, Usagi."

"I do not-."

" You are a sure target. You are a single, attractive woman who-."

Usagi's eyes narrowed as she began to talk over him. "Is working for one of England's most prominent lords who happens to also be single." Darien's eyes widened from shock at her statement. " Listen to what I am saying! You must NOT associate with her." Usagi balled her fists up, her temper finally unleashing. "I can not associate with her?" Darien took a step back at her tone, eyeing her wearily. " WHAT ABOUT THE MEN WHO ASSOCIATE WITH HER?" Darien's mouth opened and closed quite like a fish out of water. "I cannot believe you would voice such horrid things Usagi."

"Well I do, and I think it is terrible that any man can frequent these cathouses and their reputations are not questioned but a woman on the other end of this equation is soiled goods." Darien could only stare on as this little slip of a woman took all the argument and turned it against him. "And I know there is not only lower class men and ill reputed men who visit these houses, respectable men do as well. But the very same, it is quite hypocritical for the men who partake with these ladies are the same ones who would not help one when she is need."

Darien threw his hands up. "MISS KOU!" Usagi snapped out of it her rage, tears threatening to fall. " I've got to go." Usagi grabbed her basket and quickly walked to the coat rack that held her cloak and quickly fastened around her neck and placed the hood over he head. Darien watched her as she ran out the door and continued to listen as he heard her small feet quickly run through the halls and out the front door. Did he just loose control over the conversation to her?

Usagi walked down the drive with her eyes casted downward. What was she going to do? She just lost the only job that she was qualified for, what would mother kou think?