A/N. Whoooooo. This little epilogue is dedicated to all my reviewers- you know who you are!!








A couple days later, just outside the WildKat cafe, three figures sat at a table. The 13 year old girl nibbled lightly on a muffin as her older brother ploughed through the rest of the box. Their companion, a 16 year old girl with a plushie cat on her lap, was picking lightly at some ramen.

Her phone laying on the table beeped suddenly, and with lightning speed she reached for it. Beat, however, had beat her to it.

"It's from Neku. Let's see...

Today's mission- Come to my apartment. You have 15 minutes. Fail and face this eraser. "

Shiki snatched her phone from him and took off down the street, Mr. Mew tucked securely under her arm.

The blonde 16 year old watched her leave with one eyebrow raised. "...di' she just get a 'booty call' text? "

"BEAT! " Rhyme gasped, scandalized. "You know Saturdays are movie days. Mind out of the gutter. "

A new voice joined the conversation. "Seriously. "

Joshua had literally appeared in Shiki's chair, casually pouring salt on the left-behind ramen and munching away blissfully as if he hadn't just materialized out of thin air. Both Bito's fairly jumped out of their skin. Rhyme, being the docile girl she was, recovered quickly- Beat's reaction was far more satisfying.

"BWAAAAGHH!! What the hell, man? "

"You startled us, Joshua. Um... what are you doing here? "

"Eating. Is it so wrong to want food every once in a while? " Joshua jabbed at his noodles, a faint smirk still hovering around the corner of his mouth. "Actually, I came here to tell you all how our dear friend Satoshi is doing in the Game. "

"Spit it out, pretty boy. "

Joshua arched one eyebrow, looking decidedly pissed before sighing and ignoring Beat entirely to smirk at Rhyme. "She's having a rather rough time. "

"SHE?! "

Still ignoring Beat, he continued. "Guess what Shiki's ex valued most? Hee hee... "

Rhyme's face reddened slightly- the slightest thoughts not rated G did this to her. "Ohhhh. What did Satoshi ever do to you anyway? "

"It's simple, my dear. I have very few friends- anyone who upsets any of them gets the axe. On that subject, got anyone you need me to 'take care of'? I assure you, I can get away with murder. " He smiled evilly; at any moment she would not have been surprised to see vampire fangs sprout from his gums.

"I'll pass, thanks. " Rhyme fidgeted slightly. Joshua shrugged, eyes flashing with minor disappointment. "If you say so. "


Curled up on the couch with Shiki, Neku gave a sigh of bliss. This is how it should have been years ago, he thought. This feels right... complete.

The black-haired girl cuddled up closer to him, sighing in agreement as her thoughts mirrored his own. It's been a long time coming, but I'm happy.

Neku wrapped his arm around Shiki tighter. Thank you, Shiki. Because of you... I'm no longer alone.


I know, it's short and oddly un-angstful, but.. everyone is happy now.

Except Satoshi. Not that anyone cares about him. Pfft. I don't, at least...

Well, I think all thee for reading my first WEWY fic EVAH. Hope to see you with more Neku/Shiki goodness!

...And ramen. Lots of ramen.