SO this is just something light-hearted to keep me entertained. There isn't too much of a plot surrounding it, it's here for a few smiles and maybe a healthy dose or two of crack. The format is something I've done before, yes, but on a more serious note, and never past one chapter, so it's somewhat new. There will be actual narratives sprinkled throughout, and said narratives will get longer, but for now, this opening is more of a test run to see how well it might be received. I'm not even sure I'll continue this, it might be because it's nearing 1am over here and I just wanted to type it out for kicks, but we'll see. C: Chapters will get longer if I do decide to continue, and narratives will take on something familiar to actual drabbles rather than the too-short snippets in between messages.

HOPE it's enjoyed, at least. It's implying that Zero and Kallen both returned to Ashford even after the Black Rebellion and is set after Zero regains his memories. Yes, I know, Kallen never really returned to Ashford, but hey, this entire fic is rather senseless as it is xD

The "No Talking" Rule



Sent: 1300 08/21/2018

You're being unreasonable.



Sender: KALLEN

Sent: 1305 08/21/2018

I'm being unreasonable? When you're the one who suggested I infiltrate the High Players' Lounge as a cocktail waitress? Why don't you make Chiba do it? Or Inoue? Or even C.C. You automatically assumed that I would be willing to go off and parade myself around for those lechers. I think I have a right to be offended.




Sent: 1308 08/21/2018

I never would have imagined that you might disobey Zero.



Sender: KALLEN

Sent: 1312 08/21/2018

According to my phone the sender is 'Lelouch.'




Sent: 1315 08/21/2018




Sender: KALLEN

Sent: 1317 08/21/2018

Caps don't automatically make things true.




Sent: 1318 08/21/2018

You are my Ace Pilot. You are the one I trust this important mission with. You're the most qualified for this assignment, and you're the one I know can carry it out. It's a compliment, really.



Sender: KALLEN

Sent: 1320 08/21/2018

Right, I'm flattered that you think my body is phenomenal and that I am a mindless puppet willing to do whatever you ask of me. Have CC degrade herself.




Sent: 1323 08/21/2018

CC will kill me in my sleep.




Sent: 1324 08/21/2018

And I won't?




Sent: 1328 08/21/2018

You would do anything to protect me.



Sender: KALLEN

Sent: 1330 08/21/2018

According to CC, she has done everything I have.




Sent: 1332 08/21/2018

You're not jealous of CC, are you?



Lelouch glanced forwards, at the head of red tresses sitting a few seats ahead of him. She stopped replying, it seemed, making a point of tucking her phone back into her pocket, and he scowled because she was being unreasonable and childish. Picking up a pen, he tore a small piece of paper and scribbled across it in rather effeminate handwriting. Once done with the scrawled message, he crumpled it up into a ball and tossed it over to the red head.

Kallen blinked in surprise when something hit her hair and she turned to see a small paper ball drop to her shoulder, against her elbow, and down to the leg of her chair. She frowned at Lelouch who was leaning against his desk, head resting in his hand, as per usual, before picking up the paper. She made sure to un-wrinkle it discreetly.



Something hit Lelouch's arm and he found his note returned to him, laying on his desk. He flattened out the paper and saw only his own writing staring back at him.

Is it because the cocktail uniform I acquired for you was a size too large?

There was absolutely nothing else written on the page and he glanced questioningly at the back of Kallen's head before he noticed it.


She had spit on the paper.




Sent: 1530 08/21/2018

Have you come to your senses yet?



Sender: KALLEN

Sent: 1800 08/21/2018

Have you come out of the closet yet?




Sent: 1802 08/21/2018

Oh. A homosexual joke. You, dear Kallen, are remarkably witty.



Sender: KALLEN

Sent: 1808 08/21/2018

I try.




Sent: 1810 08/21/2018

So will you do it?



Sender: KALLEN

Sent: 2000 08/21/2018




Kallen stepped into the main room of the Black Knights hideout, finding her Guren manual on the table and open to a page regarding upgrades and new installments. She picked it up, wondering who might have been interested enough in piloting her Guren Nishiki to bother even flipping through the manual, and then she realized the note scrawled in the margins.

No matter how often Rakshata customizes the Guren, it will never be worthy of being piloted by someone of your uncontested proficiency.

With a sigh, she whipped out her cell phone.



Sender: KALLEN

Sent: 2100 08/21/2018

You had better have used pencil.




Sent: 0210 08/22/2018

Kallen, I'm counting on you.



Sender: KALLEN

Sent: 0211 08/22/2018


ABSOLUTE crack, I told you, didn't I? xD Reviews and Comments and othersuch Nonsense are very much appreciated.
And of course, ideas of ways Lelouch might attempt to convince her to accept the mission are encouraged C:

F L ii C K