Hi again everybody, jeez time sure flies doesn't it?
Well I want to inform everybody that I had posted up the prologue for Crystals (Hearts of Love)
The (Hearts of Love) part didn't come out right on ff, so I had to take it out, but it will appear on top of each chapter itself. =)
Anyway, it's mainly just a small almost retelling of the story, it's not an actual chapter, or well in my mind it isn't.
And also more good news, I have found pockets of free time to start writing chapter 1, and I am trying to get quite a bit done. I'm aiming for a chapter submission this week, though I'm not entirely sure if this will happen or not.
Never the less, enjoy to prologue, and I promise part II will be better than the first, as in my writing abilities have strengthened since the beginning.
See you for Chappie number 1.