Hey people! This idea has been rolling around in my head for some time, along with many others, so I thought id try it out. Please review and tell me if I should keep going or not! XD
Don't forget the Poll on my profile to tell me what story of mine you want updated sooner then the others and all!
Summary: Edward goes to kill himself in Volterra because of Bella's death. When Bella and Edward go back into that dreadful room to have their fate decided, what happens when Bella can't leave? What happens when a member of the Volturi wants Bella for his own?
Chase's POVI was excited. It wasn't every day that you saw a vampire turn suicidal for a recently deceased human girl. He had come in asking to be killed as soon as possible. He had the power to read minds, and after Aro seeing his potential, he all but begged for this Edward to join forces with us, the Volturi, instead of wasting this life.
Edward just didn't seem to take no for an answer.
"Fine," he had snarled, just before he left. "I'll just have to make you dispose of me, wont I?!" and with that, he stormed off in a huff.
I chuckled as I replayed this in my head for the third time. In all my fifty years of serving for the Volturi, I had never once seen anything like this.
I joined as soon as I was converted into a vampire. Aro had saved me in a crowd of people that the Volturi collected for their regular feed. He said that he had a feeling that I would be special. And so now, here I am. Chase Winters. 18, 6'1'', black hair that falls into my eyes and muscle that is there but not the bulky kind. My eyes were never the bright red that scared the humans, but a burgundy that could pass as a tinged brown. Aro considers me more like a son then a member of the guard, I don't know why. And, as he guessed, I do have a special ability; I can make people and vampires alike do things that I wanted them to do. I could make them walk off a cliff if I wanted, which I don't. I guess I could even make someone fall in love with me, though I had never tried. Hm… I wonder if that would work…
At the moment, Aro, his bodyguards and myself are waiting for Jane, Felix, Demitri and Edward to return.
Just then I heard footsteps coming down the hall towards us.
This meeting had to be quick, seeing as Heidi was expected to arrive in about an hour or so.
The door opened, and I was surprised to see that there were more people then expected.
I'm not complaining though. I'm definitely not complaining.
Because that was when I saw Isabella.
Wow. And I mean, W-O-W. She was gorgeous! I couldn't even begin to imagine what she would look like as a vampire. I had no idea that Edward was this lucky. Thank God she didn't die!
Bella means beautiful. This girl was indeed beautiful.
After a minute of my gawking, I composed myself enough to see that Edward had a protective, yet possessive arm around her waist.
And also I noticed that he was growling at me. And also giving me a very intimidating death glare, for what, though I couldn't -
Oh, right. Mind reader.
I didn't really care at that moment, though. I just kept staring shamelessly. I wanted her to stare back, so I could see her eyes, but that didn't seem likely to happen, seeing as she was staring at Edward with love and also fear.
Damn, how I wanted to be the one that comforted her.
I sighed; Edward never relaxed his glare at me. He tightened his arm on Bella's waist and slowly, ever so slowly, turned to face Aro, as he was beginning to speak.
I zoned out for most of what was happening, all my attention focused on God's finest creation.
After a while Bella demonstrated her mind's resistance to Aro's power. At first Aro was cocky, thinking that this girl couldn't resist him, then annoyed and unsure because he realized that she could, and finally settling with the expression of amusement.
"How extraordinary! I wonder… Jane dear?"
"NO!" Edward raged. I had to admit, if I had been paying closer attention to the conversation and not Bella, I would have reacted exactly the same way.
Edward sprung, meaning to tackle Jane, but Jane was faster.
Edward writhed on the floor in agony. It was almost unbearable to watch. Normally I have to turn away, but this time I got a kind of sick satisfaction from it, knowing that he had Bella and I didn't.
Alice, the other vampire that entered with Edward and Bella, was restraining Bella as she tried to stop Jane from attacking.
Much to my dismay, Jane stopped shortly after. Aro nodded toward Bella, and I couldn't help but fear for her. I didn't want my infatuation known, but I didn't want Bella to get hurt.
I stood there, glaring at Jane. I wanted to warn her with my eyes before I yelled anything out. Her and I were on good terms, seeing as she is like Aro's daughter as I was like his son.
She caught my warning, so her attack wasn't full force, but still enough to incapacitate anyone that was her target.
I looked at Bella with panic-stricken eyes. Please don't get hurt, I begged.
She didn't. She was watching Edward, who was on the floor, looking back at her with fear and panic. But all this panic was unnecessary.
That made me wonder…
Would my power work? It depended on what I wanted from her, I suppose, seeing as my power was both a physical and a mental one. The mental aspects being I could make a person's opinion sway in the direction I wanted it, the physical being I could make it feel and act the way I wanted them to.
So if I wanted Bella to love me?
I wasn't sure if that would work or not, seeing as I cant really tell if love is a mental thing or a physical thing. Damn Edward, giving me those hate-filled stares again.
Then his glares turned to Caius. This must be near the end of their visitation, depending whether they stay, leave or die.
I quietly took a few steps forward, touching Aro's hand, showing him my memory from the time that Bella walked through the door, and also telling him that I wanted her to stay with me. I showed him that I could get Edward to leave her alone with my power.
"WHAT?!" Edward yelled, infuriated beyond belief. DAMN MIND READER!!
"BELLA IS COMING WITH ME!" he snarled, the most fearsome snarl I had ever heard before ripping through his chest.
Bella looked at me then, after seeing who Edward was looking at. I was lost in her eyes. Wow. Is there not another word to describe her beauty? It was simply too much for the English language to comprehend.
Those deep, chocolate brown eyes that held wisdom from before their time. My dead heart felt like it was beating once more.
I remembered that I hadn't let go of Aro's hand, so he felt what I felt when I looked into her eyes.
He was glowing with satisfaction. He had always pestered me about finding a mate, especially Heidi, saying that she was a perfect match for me, but I just wasn't interested in anyone, especially that bitch.
He looked at me and gave me a swift nod, telling me that I should go on with what I was going to do about Edward.
"DON'T EVEN TRY, CHASE," Edward spat my name like it was vile. I was going to get Bella, especially since he was crazy enough to leave her like he explained before he went off to give us a reason to take away his life.
"Edward, I think you should hand Bella over," I said calmly, my power flowing through my words. I knew this was going to work. I almost laughed at the idea of him trying to defy me.
Edward immediately stiffened, expression going blank. This only happened when someone was so opposed to what ever I wanted him or her to do. He must really love her… Oh well.
I could see that Edward was fighting with all his strength against my command. While I was waiting, I thought I'd try Bella.
"Bella," I said with the gentle voice of a lover. "Love, please come here."
She came, but not willingly. Her mind was still her own, I only controlled her actions.
Edward seemed to have realized that Bella was not beside him anymore, seeing as he then snapped back into his own mind. I could control people while they were doing what I wanted them to do, but after the task is done, I had to act quickly otherwise the person would realize what was going on too early.
"Bella! Come here, please! Come back to me," Edward begged. If he could, he would probably be crying his eyes out. I didn't really care about that at the moment, seeing as I had Bella in my arms. Mine, I thought, looking straight at Edward.
Edward started to advance, but Jane was quicker, again. Edward was on the floor for about a minute before Jane let him up. Felix and Demitri took hold of his arms, making sure that he couldn't do that again.
He was looking at Bella, trying to bring her back to him through shear mind power, but seeing as Bella was a human and I a vampire, she had no chance of leaving, no matter how much she wanted to.
She'll be mine, Edward. There is nothing you'll be able to do. You're invited to our wedding, though, so you can see Bella as the beautiful vampire that she will be, I thought. Edward wasn't going to get near her, seeing as we were the Volturi for crying out loud. No vampires could stand and fight us.
His eyes left Bella and slowly came to look me straight in the eye.
"I will be back for her, don't you worry about that. And when I do, you will be breathing your last breaths, mongrel." His words were so menacing that I felt Bella shiver in my arms. Jane wasn't having that, though, seeing as she sent another round of pain on Edward.
After Jane was done, Alice and Edward were escorted out of the room, with Edward's final words to Bella;
"I will be back for you."