First of all, as I have said too many times before, I do not own the characters I am about to write about. There, I said it. I don't own the Powerpuff Girls. Don't sue me Craig McCracken.

For the first time ever, I will be saying that I do not own the story concept that I am currently writing. I have never wrote an P.O.V. Fic before, neither have I done any fic around the events of any story written by someone else. If it seems that I have, it is completely coincidental.

Finally, by request of the original author, this fic is inspired by Villain by Yay Ninja Bob. Hero was in every right inspired by this story and is in fact the same story told from Blossom's perspective.

So, without further adieu, let our feature presentation begin.

It wasn't my fault. I liked my job. I really did. I saved people and it felt good. Sure, I'm not perfect. Nobody is, but few people would see me for my flaws. That's not the point though. Whatever flaws I may have, I was never the cause of what happened.

Buttercup was always ready to rush into a fight. She enjoyed the feeling of combat. When nothing was happening on the town, she'd pick on Bubbles or get into a fight with me. She was downright mean sometimes. She didn't like the town, was always most excited when we could get away for a few days. But she can lay blame to no one for what she did. It was all her own doing.

Ah, the city of I loved it. We were adored. There were always gifts whenever we got home, somebody always wanted an interview with us. Sometimes, we'd come home to find our pictures plastered on magazines the Professor had bought. Everyone wanted to know about us.

Even she got gifts for a while. She wasn't as pretty as us, but she had fans all the same. People wanted to know her too. But she wouldn't allow any of us to get close. She just lived for the next fight. Eventually, she was driving everyone away. She stopped receiving gifts long before the accident.

Back when we were eleven, we received a distress call from the Museum of Rare Artifacts. Some two bit thieves were stealing rare and valuable objects. As soon as the call came, we rushed off towards the scene.

When we got there, the most noticeable thing was the truck that had rammed into entrance. But the building was riddled with smaller holes too. As we inspected the holes, we saw a green, glowing substance still on one of the holes. Before we could stop her, Bubbles put her finger into it and started screaming the moment she made contact with it.

I was thankful that the park was so close by as I grabbed her hand, rushing her over to a water fountain to wash the substance off. But where it had been, the glowing substance had burned her skin off. "Be careful, Girls," I warned as we headed back to the museum. "This stuff is dangerous. Make sure not to get anymore in contact with your skin!" I turned back to the building, ignoring my sister's mumbling. "According to the mayor, the thieves are still in here, collecting more rarities." I pointed to the roof. "Bubbles, you go that way!" I watched her disappear into a blue streak, then pointed towards a large hole near the lobby. "Buttercup, you and I should check out this main area down here."

Waiting for her to nod, we headed towards the glowing hole. She sped ahead and before I could react, she had thrown up her hands in defense just as she was splashed with the acidic substance. Buttercup was screaming bloody mary. She was wailing like Bubbles having a fit, crying out for me to help.

Involuntarily, I gasped, but I did what I knew she would have done had the situation been reversed. I just hoped that she would forgive me. "They're getting away!" I shouted before giving chase.

She would have rushed to the fight. I know she would have. Besides, Bubbles was there. How was I supposed to know she was in the process of catching the third of the trio of robbers? How was I supposed to know that my sister would burn for five minutes before she was given any relief.

It was my fault that she was scarred, I'll admit that. I couldn't stop beating myself up while we waited for her to heal. She couldn't see on her right. I left her to burn and I can't forgive myself that. I left her to burn for 3 vases and some jewels, of which a pair of earrings was never found. Not Bubbles, or the Professor, but old objects.

But it wasn't my fault that people felt awkward around her. She could have made friends still, she didn't have to alienate everyone. She had started on that long before that accident ever happened. I refuse to believe it was my fault, especially after the way she treated me when I went to apologize.

"What do you want?" She had sneered as I walked into the room.

"I just-"

"Wanted to gloat? 'I'm still the perfect little girl you could never be?'" She interrupted before I could apologize.

"That's right, isn't it. It's all about how it relates to you."

"You left me to burn...what else could you want?"

How does an apology turn into a fight? "What if I wanted to apologize?"

"But you're little miss perfect. What do you ever do wrong...except a little theft now and then."

"Fine! I won't apologize!" I shouted before shooting out of the room.

Now they call her a monster. To her face, behind her back, with chunks of garbage. And she played right into it. She stopped taking care of the way she looked, started hiding herself. She reminded me of Mojo Jojo when we first met him. I heard the rumors, I saw the looks people shot at her. They thought she was hideous, a blood sucking beast that grew scales on the full moon. But, I ignored it. I didn't talk about her. I didn't spread or squash the rumors. I could have stopped Mitch. I could have helped him pick on her. Instead, I refused to acknowledge her except when we got called to duty. She didn't want to let me apologize back then, wanted to push us away and I allowed myself to be pushed.

Eventually, I suggested that Buttercup stop fighting crime. With the rate her eyesight was deteriorating, she was more of a danger to Bubbles and me than she was a benefit in capturing criminals. Bubbles wouldn't let me suggest it openly though. When I did, she always pulled up incidents where her bad eyesight had not hindered her ability to catch a criminal. Why would it be any different for Buttercup?

Bubbles was always sweet. She wanted everyone to feel loved and never thought any different of Buttercup over the years. They just got along. The only time I ever really heard anything about Buttercup was when Bubbles told me or the Professor. I never expected anything to happen to separate Buttercup and Bubbles. It seemed like they were inseparable.

Then, they just stopped. Bubbles was crying in her room one night when the Professor and I got home from the store one evening. The strangest thing was, she said it was Buttercup. She had been laying on the roof laughing when we came home. But...Buttercup hadn't picked on Bubbles in years, well before the accident.