Disclaimer: Stephenie meyer owns characters.

The pain was excruciating.

It felt like my insides were on fire, like my organs were being ripped apart by the fiery pain. I would have taken any other torment other than this. I would have taken anything, such as James, the tracker, snapping my leg under the weight over his foot, over this. I would have born Victoria's malicious wrath over this. Anything, anything that wasn't as intense as the pain I was feeling now. How I wanted to curl up in a tight ball, in hopes of putting this torment to an abrupt stop, but...the only dilemma I had was the inability to move one muscle, and why was that? I had no clue whatsoever. My eyes were shut extremely tight and my arms were just loose limbs at my side. What was wrong with me? What was happening to make me burn so? Was I going to...to...die? I shuddered, making another spasm of pain rip through my chest like a rocket. I wanted to scream but I was torn. I knew that if I screamed Edward would feel guilty for whatever was happening to me, but, on the other hand I just wanted to open my mouth and scream bloody murder. The darkness had taken over me by then and I felt myself slowly slipping away, little by little.

"Carlisle!" someone screamed somewhere off in the distance.

There was the sound of footsteps at the same time as there was the sound of low murmuring.

"What's happened?" The sound of Carlisle's voice floated into the room along with his quiet footsteps.

I fought to keep down a shriek of pure agony, the insides of my stomach now felt like they were being forcefully ripped apart.

"The placenta must have detached!" Edward yelled.

Something sharp ripped through me. I realized with a shock what the words meant.

The next thing I knew I was screaming "Get him out! He can't breathe! Do it now!"


"No buts, Edward! Hurry before I lose him!" I screamed.

I was heartbroken. How could he worry about giving me painkillers while our baby was dying?

"Bella, the risk--" Edward started to protest again.

Another spasm of pain ripped through me.

"I don't care about the risk! All I care about right now is my baby--our baby! Get him out! He needs air!"

I heard a sigh and then...something--my little nudger kicked me in the ribs. I bit my lips harder, causing a big amount of blood to seep in through my teeth and into my mouth.

"God, I hope this works," Edward muttered darkly, through what seemed like gritted teeth.

And, I, silently hoped for that too.

A new pain stabbed at my stomach. I automatically struggled to protect my womb, my baby, my little nudger...my little Edward Jacob...

How long had passed? Seconds? Minutes? The pain had vanished. I felt lifeless, numb. I couldn't feel. And my eyes were still clamped shut.

I could still hear, though.

And then I heard a deep voice say "stay with me now, Bella! Do you hear me? Stay! Don't you dare leave me! Keep your heart beating!"

Jacob? Jacob, my Jacob, was still here, trying to save me?

I will, I wanted to yell at him. Of course I would keep my heart beating. how could he even think that I would go back on my promise? Hadn't I promised them both?


Renesmee? It was the name that I had picked out if I had a girl, a backup plan just like Rosalie had suggested. But...it couldn't be...could it?

It was not the pale and angelic son that I've been dreaming about?

I was shocked.

And then I felt warm all over.


I opened my trembling lips open and said in a dry raspy voice "give...give her to me."

I forced open my eyes, immediately cringing at the sight of the blinding light above me. I forced my numb hands to reach out to whoever had my little nudger--my baby girl.

And then Edward reached out toward me, the light dancing off his crystal hands. He handed me something that look like a small blood covered ball.

It was struggling, fighting against me.

Her skin was hot--like Jacob's.

Renessmee did not cry, in fact she made no noise at all. She just stared up at me with eyes that were the exact same color as mine. Her hair were soft auburn ringlets of small curls that barely made it to her shoulder and were matted down to her head.

Her thin lips pulled back over her teeth, revealing to me a nice set of square white teeth.

My lips created a tiny smile, despite the trembling.

And then...pain. Intense, raw pain.

Renesmee was out of my arms in a flash.

I didn't have time to bite my lip. It was too late. An ear shattering scream erupted through my mouth.


And then...my eyes closed and everything faded into the darkness. I had died.