Disclaimer~Don't own DBZ sadly, never have done, never will do.

Dragonball Z

A Cruel Twist Of Fate

Chapter 1-The Arrival And Warning

7 years to the day since the battle with Cell.
Gohan was training with his younger brother, Goten, and his best friend, Trunks, at the Capsule Corps.
"What Goten?"
"You've talked a lot about dad recently, what's he really like?" Goten asked with curiosity as Trunks and Gohan stopped training.
"He's like an angel Goten." Gohan replied. "Whenever they're around, you feel good inside. He's like a star too, watching over us constantly."
Goten stared up into the crystal blue sky.
"But I can't see the stars." Goten said.
"You can't see the stars during the day Goten, because they aren't there." Trunks said.
"Your wrong Trunks." Gohan said. "Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they aren't there. Dad's definitely like s star; you can't see him but he's always there, watching over us a making sure that we never come to harm."
"Do you think that someday we will see dad?" Goten asked.
"Eventually Goten, eventually." Gohan replied.
Gohan was about to resume his training with Goten and Trunks, when Videl came running up to him.
"Hey Videl, what's up?" Gohan asked.
"Gohan, I've got to talk to you alone. It's extremely argent!" Videl said.
"Okay, sure." Gohan said. "Hey Goten, Trunks, could you two leave us alone for a few minutes?"
Goten and Trunks, though very confused, did as told and left.
"Now, what's wrong Videl?" Gohan asked.
"Well, I was walking along my way to your house, minding my own business, when I heard this voice calling my name. The voice was very mysterious, yet vaguely familiar. It said for me to watch my back and bring this to you." Videl said, holding out a small letter.
Gohan took it from Videl and looked over it.
"What does it say?" Videl asked.
"I have to go somewhere Videl." Gohan said.
"Great, I'll come with you."
"No Videl, I'm afraid I have to go this one alone. Trust me Videl, I'll be back as soon as I can."
With that, Gohan flew off towards the mountains leaving Videl clearly confused and irritated.
Gohan landed on a large cliff that over looked tonnes of countryside. He was told to come here, not only in the wrting but in his soul; he could feel the one who had called for him. Yet he knew he had to be careful.
"This is quiet, all too quiet." Gohan thought.
Suddenly, with one swift movement Gohan spun around and saw someone aiming a fist right at him. Gohan dodged, barely. Gohan stood opposite the figure and took and proper look at him. The figure was tall, just a little taller than him. He wore a tight, very sleek outfit that almost gave out a royal feel to it.
"Are you the one who asked for me?!" Gohan asked.
The figure turned. Gohan now saw whoever it was was wearing a helmet, again with the royal look.
"I see you always keep your guard up. That's good, make sure it stays that way." The figure spoke.
"Who are you and what do you want from me?!" Gohan yelled.
"Keep your voice down, do you want to attract attention?"
"What attention, there's only you and me here!" Gohan said.
"Just because you can't see them, it doesn't mean they aren't there, did you yourself not say such a thing?"
Gohan stood silent, totally confused. The figure spoke again.
"Listen good and listen hard, for I will not say this again."
Gohan breathed hard and listened. To him, the voice was so strange and yet it sounded familiar, just like Videl had said.
"On the eve of the next full moon, a large army of fearsome fighters will appear in a city south of our current position. You and your friends are to stay well away from them, they are a threat not only to you, but the entire universe."
"In that case, I can't stand by and let them destroy the people here." Gohan growled.
"They have no intention of destroying the humans just as long as they stay clear of them and don't interfere with their plans. I strongly urge you to keep away from the area at the choosen date, if not for your own sake then for the people of this planet."
"Why are you telling me this?" Gohan asked. "Are you an enemy of this race, or are you part of them and your trying to trick me?"
The figure then sprinted forward and grabbed Gohan by his Gi before he had a chance to react.
"Now listen to me Gohan!" The figure growled. "You are to stay far away from them when they show up if you value your life! "
"Let me go!" Gohan yelled, struggling to get away from the figure's grasp.
"Please Gohan."
Gohan looked up at the figure. He stared long and hard. He could just about see the figure's eyes through the black plastic sheith across his helmet. Gohan could see what looked like tiny tears in the figure's eyes. Also, Gohan noticed that the grip the figure had on him was more of a warmly protection kind of hold rather than a threatening grip. This was so familiar to Gohan and yet he couldn't remember where. The figure then put Gohan down after a few minutes of them both staring at each other.
"Remember Gohan, they'll be here on the eve of the next full moon so you and your friends keep well away!"
The figure then blasted off into the sky, leaving Gohan completely shocked and confused.
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