Garent Eyes

Garnet Eyes

Yelling screaming

Hell at last

As we look into the past

Deafening the world

With evil eyes

We watch the world

Wonder in our eyes

Hatred burns

Our judgment clouds

Leaving a fog among the land


Blood and instinct now rule

Be it friend or foe

No one shall stand in thy way

Unsheathe your sword

Let the blood run

Leave no one alive

To hold your stride

Defend your honor and defend it true

For no one will live to defend you

As you watch the last man fall

Red devilish eyes of yours

Instill the fear in them all

Black scales ripple upon your skin

Let you slither from the battle field

Now return to the present

Guilt creeps in

Of how many hawks you killed

To avenge that which no blood will quench

You now live in neither heaven nor hell

Because a secret battle creeps near

All know that the war still wages

But now it's silent

Two cultures

Different in everyway

Now forced together after lifetimes of war

You close your eyes

And wish for peace

Finally a chance to fix what was broken

Broken by the falcon queen

Truth comes to light

That the war will never cease