Chapter 1: We…Need to talk.

Just a few weeks ago, Fang and the rest of the flock had brought up the idea that we should move somewhere "off the map" and I had disagreed. As Fang and I were talking about it, he kissed me, "to change my mind." God, was he an amazing kisser, but I had duties to fulfill.

I was thinking when Gazzy, brought me back to my senses.

"Max, can Iggy and I go out flying for a little while? Please?"

It was late, but he gave me the bambi eyes, and what can I say… I can't resist the bambi eyes.

"Sure, but be careful!...And absolutely no bombs!"

"Alright, Max, thank you!" Ig and Gazzy screamed as they were running out the door.

My baby, Angel, was sitting a few feet away from me. She was looking at me intently with a confused look on her face.

"Max, What's going on between you and Fang?"

Note to self: talk to Angel about when she should and shouldn't read minds.

"Nothing sweetie, We just—"

And I was cut off by Nudge screaming and running around in circles frantically.

"Nudge, calm down!" I yelled, trying to scream over her.

"It's missing!! It's missing!!" She repeated.

Now would be a good time for Angel to start reading minds.

And I guess she was reading mine at that moment because she immediately looked at me and said

"Nudge's scarf is missing."

I had just washed the scarf so I knew exactly where it was. I ran and got it when I unexpectedly ran smack dab into, no one other than the infamous Fang.

He just looked at me and whispered something so quietly I almost didn't understand.

"We…need to talk."

The most dreaded words in the history of mankind. But I had to, so I ran Nudges scarf back to her. That action was rewarded with too many hugs and thank you-s.

I walked around the house to find Fang, when I noticed the all black attire on the back porch.

As I opened the glass door I was greeted with an unwelcoming look, which was not a good sign. I could already tell that at some point during this conversation my blood was going to boil.

He started out with "Look things have been pretty awkward between us since I kissed you a few weeks ago…"

Which was true.

"You won't look at me, talk to me, and you probably don't even think the same about me anymore…"

Also true.

"You know you can always talk to me about anything, no matter what the situation." He continued as he stepped closer to me.

"You're my best friend and you have saved my ass too many times, for things to start getting awkward between us."

My heart leapt in my throat, as it started racing. I didn't know what would happen next

"Max, I need you. More than anything. You're the sugar to my spice, the sauce to my spaghetti, the chocolate chips to my cookies. You're everything to me."

I almost fainted, almost being the operative word here.

"Fang…Wow." Was all I could say, I was speechless. Yet I smirked at his metaphors.

Just then I realized that we were inches apart. I looked into his deep, expressionless, chocolate brown eyes, while blankets of his thick black hair would sometimes block my view, and something snapped. I needed him. Not like the normal need, like the, "I need his lips on mine." kind of need.

Then, the most perfect moment ever was ruined by Gazzy and Iggy.

"Hi Max we're ho- oh…uhm. Iggy… Let's leave Max and Fang alone." Gazzy whispered as he turned to head in the house.

"Wait, Why? What's going on here? Can someone fill in the blind kid, because remember blind means I can't see!" Iggy said unknowingly.

"I will later" Gazzy's voice trailed off into the house.

Well, leave it up to double trouble to ruin a perfect moment like this one.

"We'll finish this conversation later." Fang and I agreed silently.