AUGUST 25, 2008

10:47 AM

We've found a way to save the world.

I'm not going to talk about it. Rose already read me the riot act about being scared\mopey\depressed\getting drunk. So I'm going to tell you the only good thing in my life.

Tommy proposed to me.

He told me he'd always been in love with me. That, after the past few weeks, he loved me even more. And he said he'd go crazy if he couldn't be near me.

I love him too. So much. And now I'm going to live with him for the rest of my life...however short that might be.

Rose isn't as happy as me. Our plan involves all the Rangers vanishing with the Zithea. So she and Conner aren't going to see each other for a while.

But she has her memory. So that's good too. She has a really nice family, the kind I wish I had. (I got the nutjobs--thanks a lot, Oh Mighty Power\s.) I personally wonder about her sanity now, since she's gotten so energetic, but she seems happy.

Guys, we're not coming back. This is probably going to be the last time I talk to you.

You're the best. Ever. Every time I was upset or worried, I could read your stories, listen to you chat about the dumbest things, and I knew it was gonna be okay. I'm gonna miss you so much...

We were here once. I promise you on my power that someday, somehow, we will return.




I thought I'd talk a bit before Rose starts up.

Rose came up with a plan she insists she explains, and it kind of involves us leaving. So I wanted to say goodbye too.

I wanted to save the world. Ever since I was five, that was my mission. I'm glad I got the chance to, and I'm glad you guys don't hate me for trying.

Even if I'm leaving, I'll remember you. I vow on my power that someday, we will return.

And I keep my promises.

-Jason Scott, first Red Ranger of Earth

Aaand now, next up on our program, we return to the soap opera Sappy Goodbyes, where we see aslf. In English, we see how many times one genius can get whacked for comic brilliance. Thank you, Sappy Duo. Ow.

My memory is totally back. I remember everything--my family, my freinds, the Zithea.

Okay. Rough summary--I'm from another universe, and in my universe, there's about a million superheroes in a country called Alvinia. The Zithea hate Alvinia. I am the Princess of Alvinia. Therefore, I kick Zithea ass.

Trouble is, the Zithea get stronger here. It's why, when they kidnapped me, they dragged me into another universe (which can, occasionally, make me stronger). This universe is so alien to me my memory shot out. So I can't win against the Zithea here.

They know that. They also know that if I leave, they can kill the Rangers. As they've told me. By now, about twenty times. (And if any of you have good earplugs, can I borrow them? Shadows can not talk.)

So the Rangers decided to come with me to my universe. It's really far away, about ten or so universes over. So I might not be able to get them back for a while.

It has its flaws, but I think if I hit the interdimensional space right, I can create a sort of force feild around the Earth. You guys'll be protected from Dark Specter and his goons.

I'm gonna shift later today. Don't worry--as scared as the Rangers are, they'll love my universe. Being the only superpowered here drives them nuts. I'm gonna miss talking to Conner, though. (Mom's gonna lock me in my room for the next century.)

I guess I have to say goodbye, too.

I know this isn't my universe, but you guys are pretty cool. I'll try to come back once the Zithea are locked away, but trust me, it's not garunteed. And I'm not dumb enough to swear to something I might not be able to do.

But I promise, I'll do everything I can to send you back your heroes. You guys deserve 'em. And no. That wasn't totally a compliment.


-Nira Avrisa, Princess of Alvinia