A/N: This is a rewrite of Until Tomorrow. Plot is the same, with minor differences... and this time, I don't sound like a 12 year old hopped up on pixie sticks. It will also be in third person, granted it will be third person limited. The story is already written and uploaded, so don't worry about me flakin' out on you.

I also want to mention today is my birthday. My sweet sixteen, actually. Just thowing it out there... lol

Warning: Contains mentions of rape, though the actual event is not shown.

Year: 1998

Ages: D.J. is 21, Stephanie is 16, Michelle is 12, and the twins are 7. I promise all ages are right this time and I will not mess up the time stream as badly as I did last time.


The room was dark and cool. She laid on her back, her eyes squeezed shut. She tossed her head twice more before finally freeing herself of the nightmare and opening her eyes.

She glanced to the corner and saw a figure. Quickly, desperately, she blinked her eyes, willing the shadow to disappear. Instead her vision cleared and she saw it was only a vacuum.

She almost laughed at herself.

She ran a hand through her hair and listened to the relaxed breathing of her husband. He was calm and beautiful. She smiled.

She strained her ears just a bit more and heard no movements coming from her children's room.

She smiled contently knowing that soon the family would have a place of their own. Only thing left was the actual act of moving. She looked around again, realizing this night would be one of the last nights she stayed in this attic, or at least, as a resident of the attic.

Her eyes glanced around the familiar walls until another shadow stopped her. She inhaled sharply and felt her stomach drop.

Numbly she stood up from the bed and walked to the bathroom. She closed the door before she allowed herself to turn on the light and relieve herself of the hallucination.

The light was bright and white hot. She closed her eyes and slowly opened them again. She felt her heart race suddenly and made her way to the toilet, knowing full well that soon the white bowl would be her best friend.

And then it began. The dry heaving. Her body retched and she felt her throat burn. It was all too much. Soon she could feel sweat break out on her forehead and her eyes water. As her body continued to convulse she prayed she hadn't woken anyone up.

She rolled her eyes and gave herself time to breathe. Not long after, her jello legs became solid and she pulled herself up to look in the mirror.

The image all but broke her heart.

Her hair was matted and greasy. Her normally olive tinged skin was pale and she had dark circles under her eyes.

She turned on the tap and splashed some cold water on her face before combing her hair. She debated on showering, she was ashamed to admit it, but she was afraid to. Something about the dark and not knowing what lurked behind the curtain of black scared the hell out of her, as if she was a child again.

She turned the light off and headed towards the living room, obviously sleep just would not befriend her tonight.

When she made her way to the room she saw a figure on the couch. That disgusting, tainted, blue and white couch.

She sighed and turned on her heel, opting for the kitchen and a quick snack. But instead, the figure had to call out.

"Aunt Becky?"

Busted. "Hey sweetie." She turned and smiled.

"What are you doing up so late?" It was Steph.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" She playfully put a hand on her hip.

Stephanie shrugged, "Couldn't sleep."

Becky made her way to the chair, "Me either." She glanced at the TV. "What are you watching?"

Stephanie looked at the screen, "The Real World."


"Steph, are you alright?" The blond looked at her and nodded slightly. "Because, you know I love you. You know I'm always here."

The teen looked up again and Becky noticed how her blue eyes were laced red. "I just miss my mom." Becky stilled. "I miss D.J. too."

Becky inhaled and thought. "I know." She almost wanted to slap herself. The poor girl was just about pouring her heart out (a bit of an exaggeration perhaps) and all Becky could think of was, I know.

Stephanie sighed. "It's just stupid. It's Keith." She laughed softly, sarcastically and the sound was so hallow, so hurt that Becky knew she never wanted to hear it again.

Stephanie sniffled a little and looked at her. "Can I ask you a question?"

Becky smiled a little. "Of course."

Stephanie began to wring her hands together, "How old. No, when-" She took a deep breath, "How old were you when you first had… ya know." She was embarrassed and Becky, if she wanted to be frank, was a bit taken aback.

She faltered a little before taking a breath and centering herself. "Seventeen." Stephanie nodded and a thought struck her, "Why?" The blond shrugged. "Did Keith say anything to you?"

Stephanie wrung her hands a bit more. "He just mentioned the idea."

Becky looked at her and wondered how all the years could have passed. She'd met Stephanie when the girl was just four, and now here she was. An almost grown up sixteen year old.

"Stephanie, you don't have to do anything."

"I know." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "He just… well, it feels like I'm the only-God, I sound like an after school special…"

Becky leaned forward a little. "Virgin?"

Her head shot up. "Yeah."

Becky straightened herself up and crossed her legs. "Don't feel pressured into anything. You are not--"

"Aunt Becky, I know I'm not the only one. It just feels that way. And Keith is getting frustrated, I can tell."

"If Keith can't wait then he doesn't deserve you. If he really cared he wouldn't rush this."

"I know. It's just that--"

"I'm not finished." Stephanie stopped and dropped her head. "Look, sex is a very personal thing. You don't want to be rushed into it. If you are, you'll regret it forever."

Stephanie bit her lip. "You were young… Do you regret it?"

Becky smiled. "No. We'd dated since eighth grade. We'd talked about it and we were the definition of high school sweethearts. We loved each other." Becky smiled at the memory and was suddenly hit with the fact that her night had completely turned around.

She cleared her throat. "It was nice. I felt safe and loved, and that's how it should be."

Stephanie nodded and sniffled again. "Thanks."

Becky smiled. "Anytime. So, how's The Real World going?"

Stephanie smiled. "I don't know. Gia really likes this show, so I figured I'd give it a chance… but it just isn't working." She clicked a button on the remote and smiled, "So, really I'm watching this."

Becky looked and smiled. Breakfast at Tiffany's. "Well, I personally like this idea much better."

Stephanie sat up a little and began to move, "Want to sit on the couch?"

Becky looked at the old thing. "No thanks, I'm pretty comfy." She smiled and felt her stomach do a flip-flop.

The girl shrugged. "More room for me." And she tossed the blanket out further and turned the TV up.

Becky looked at the screen with dead eyes. Happy Seventh Anniversary, She thought bitterly to herself.


A/N: Like I said, I made some changes. I personally think it is better this way. And D.J. is away at school. I don't own Breakfast at Tiffany's or The Real World, please don't sue.

And also, the timeline should be right now. Before it was so completely jacked up, it wasn't even funny. So, please Review and let me know if you like it, if not, I'll keep posting (It's a peace of mind thing for me ;-) )