(Read and Review)
Total Victory or Defeat?
If it was possible, the interior of the building looked even darker than the exterior. Each shadow seemed to take on a life of its own. Jake was nervous, because the air seemed filled with malacious intent, radiating high above them. Something was obviously not right. Zack said, "Come on. We need to keep moving as fast as we can to reach the top of the tower." He walked forward into the darkness. A pokeball went forward from the oldest trainer, releasing a pickachu, which started glowing. The light pushed the shadows back quite a bit.
Nate was somewhat calmer than Jake, because he had been in several situations like this one before when Cipher had destroyed previous safe houses. Often, they used abandoned buildings, however Cipher would cut off the power to the building on many ocations. That would be the precursor to demolition of said building. However, it was different here. The youngest trainer could feel the malevolence in the air. It was like the shadows desired to consume him.
The voice appeared in all their heads again. This time, it was stronger, You must leave before it's too late! Jake and Nate grabbed at their heads, feeling like their heads were about to split open. Zack shook his head a bit, and then the pain subsided. Alakazam had once again disrupted the monster's effect on its trainers. Zack spoke up, "Let's keep moving. I don't want him to be able to prepare for our arrival. They quickly searched the first floor, and moved up to the second. The stairwell went only from the first to the second. Where the stairs would go up to the third, there was nothing but rubble. Jake contemplated pulling out Articuno, but then realized it was pointless. It was too small to climb. He then began berating himself under his breath for not just going right to the top of the building when he had the chance.
The door to the second floor creaked open. Zack led the way followed by Alakazam. Nate and Zack came through together and froze. There were small remains of pokemon scattered all over the place in ceremonial decorations on the walls and the floor. One place, there were the remains of a chamander with a sharp pane of glass rested through where it's body once was. a wall held the skeletal remains of a staryu. there were dozens of them everywhere. Zack was livid at the horrors in front of him. Jake fell to his knees and started crying. Nate threw up. He had seen terrible things, but this was one of the worst yet. So many pokemon had died to produce this. It was horrible spectacle for anyone to see.
The voice appeared again, This is your ultimate fate. LEAVE NOW! Zack knelt beside Jake and said with a stern tone, "Get up Jake. We must make sure these pokemon didn't die in vain. We'll crush that monster and then it they can rest in peace. They didn't want to be used this way, but we can do something about it now. So get up." Jake swipped at his eyes and rose to his feet. The three once again continued on. The third, fourth and fifth floors were much like this on. It was by the sixth floor that the big pokemon remains were coming into view. Snorlax, onix, dragonite, Girafarig, Hariyama, the amount of pokemon kept piling up. Then, it was the seventh floor where things got strange. In on the way to the next stairwell, there was a quivering mass of bones in front of them. They rose into the air and formed a Charizard. It was held together by psychic energy.
Zack sent out scyther. He whispered to himself, "Forgive me charizard. Scyther, cut it down." The pokemon's two blade hands moved with a massive amount of agility as it turned the bones into dust. Then, the rest of the pokemon remains formed together. The roar of the once living pokemon screeched in their ears. Vulpix came out, and threw itself into a shadow blitz. It was furious fighting, as all the pokemon had to be completely destroyed or else it would keep coming. Then, the door to the previous stairwell opened, revealing a skeletal dragonite. The three decided it was time to run and they went to the next stairwell. However, it was also blocked with skeletal pokemon.
Zack looked both directions, and then looked up. He smirked and said, "Scyther, we need a massive hole in the ceiling now!" In a fraction of a second, the bug pokemon did just that. however, it seemed to be a mistake, as skeletal pokemon jumped through the hole. right on top of them. Scyther and vulpix, however, kept them at bay skillfully.
"Jake, call out Articuno. We're going up." Soon, they rose through the eighth through twelvth floor in much a similar way.
It was delighted at the challenge it was recieving. This Zack, Jake and Nate were giving him quite a show. The pokemon were absolutely incredible. However, his skeletal pokemon started vanishing one by one. It couldn't see through the eyes of the pokemon on the fourth floor, but his powers could no longer sense its own creations. But he didn't care about that. It only cared about the three who were on the way to meet him right now. However, it knew their luck would run out on the thirteenth floor. He kept some of its special creations for just this purpose.
The three had two floors left, the thirteenth and fourteenth floor. They found out that the thirtheenth floor couldn't be cut through, so they battled through several pokemon to the stairwell. On the fourteenth floor, they stumbled through the entrance, slammed the door shut and sealed it from their side. This floor was somewhat different. The floor was completely open, with the bones of several large pokemon scattered around the room.
Jake walked over and touched one particularly big one, shaped like a boulder. The boulder started shaking, and then floated towards the center. Several other boulderlike bones formed into a massive Onyx Skeleton. Another set formed into an Aerodactyl. Finally, another formed into a Torterra. Nate muttered, "This could be trouble. Do we have a plan?" Articuno engaged the undead Aerodactyl, while Zack's pickachu engaged Onyx and scyther fought Torterra. Within five minutes, The entire floor was covered in rocks, ice, and deep slashes in the walls and ceilings.
Jake shouted, "Aerial ace!" With a burst of speed, the titan of ice slammed down the ancient pokemon, crushing the bony remains into the floor. Scyther cut apart every bone of Torterra with its razor sharp edges and pikachu's iron tail shattered Onyx's remains and putting the deceased pokemon to rest.
The trainers looked at the remains. Zack walked over to Onyx and rubbed its remains.
Zack watched as the tower burst into dust as the monster broke the building's atomic structure apart. He fought against his fellow resistance members and screamed, "NO! Sky's Onyx was in there! Dang it, let me go! LET ME GO!!" Suddenly, a cracking sound echoed through his scull. Blackness consumed his vision.
end flashback
The trainer sniffed and gave a eulogy, "Old friend, forgive me. Sky would have wanted you to live free, but we both wanted to get back at Cipher. Now, you can be where he is. Take it easy." Jake patted his friend on the shoulder.
Misty reached down for her cup, only for it to crack. Tea leaked out all over the papers she was using. She looked out the window and hoped everything was alright with Ash...and with Zack, Jake and Nate.
They pushed the final door open. Inside, there was lab equipment everywhere. The entire room was bathed in green lights, which was in contrast to the sufficating darkness that plagued the three trainers up to this point. Alakazam was sweating in pain, because it had to keep exerting it's psychic barrier. Even now, after all this time, the monster pokemon was trying to crush them with a mere thought. In the center of the room, a massive circular tube rose from the floor. Inside, there was something white and purple. This time, the voice could be heard in their ears, not their minds, "Oh, you three made it. I'm glad. Would you play with me?"
A light appeared in the tube, and there it was. A pink and white humanoid pokemon was floating in the liquid container. Zack took a few steps forward and growled, "Been awhile, Mewtwo. Look at you, you've been put in a jar and sealed away. I heard from resistance intelligence that you cannot leave the city boundaries or the explosive in your head will detonate, killing you instantly. For that matter, if the device shifts in the slightest way, you die." Zack smirked as he watch the pokemon twitch in the jar.
Mewtwo spoke again, "Don't, please I just...I just want to play." The room started vibrating.
Zack just smirked and spat, "Look at yourself, a discarded puppet of that disgrace of a creator of yours. Tell me, when was the last time you've heard from Giovanni?"
Jake and Nate looked at Zack as if he were absolutely insane. Here he was, taunting the pokemon who solely destroyed the city of Saffron, making it angry. Jake spoke up, "Uh, Zack, maybe you shouldn't-"
Zack cut him off, "Shut up Jake, I know what I'm doing. I don't want to speak to your childish side, Mewtwo."
Mewtwo grabbed at his head. Suddenly, a massive screech filled everyone's ears. Jake, Nate and Alakazam collapsed on the floor several feet away. Zack, however, fell to his knees, but remained concious. The pokemon's psychic glow, usually blue, was now red. 'He' was here at last. The other side of Mewtwo.
Zack walked forward a bit and said, "I never thought I'd have to see you again. I've had nightmares about that day. My friends died fighting you, and you left Sabrina in a catatonic state after crushing her psychic bond with her Alakazam. So what do you have to say, Mewtwo?" The psychic pokemon spun around, and it's eyes opened, revealing a red tint to them. Alakazam and the other two trainers were hurled out into the hallway and the doorway shut. The pokemon almost seemed to smile a bit. the pokemon spoke again, this time wit a deep voice. "I remember that day well. None of you gave me much of a fight. I've finally returned after all this time. Sabrina nearly crushed my own mind, I just returned the favor. I've been dormant ever since that day."
Zack glared at the pokemon before him. Mewtwo had two sides to him. When angered, this side reared its ugly head. The pokemon developed the childish personallity during his fight with Sabrina. Zack and his scyther raced at the pokemon. The pokemon was thrown backwards against some computer equipment.
Suddenly, Zack's body was picked up with Mewtwo's mind. The Pokemon mused, "So, what bone do you want to have broken first. How about...your finger!" Zack's right pinky exploded, causing the trainer to screech. Then, his other pinky and one ring finger. Mewtwo spoke again, "How do you feel now? Do you have such brave words this time around? Are you ready to die yet? I've been bored so long, but if you squeal for mercy, maybe I'll spare you, like I did Sabrina!"
Zack's face took on a furious expression again. Sabrina was lying in a ward somewhere, with her mind shattered. There were high doubts that she would ever recover.
Zack panted while still hanging in the air. He then started smirking, "You'll never have the chance. Let me ask you a question." Mewtwo looked curiously into the trainer's eyes. The man spoke confidently, "Are you ready to die?"
Suddenly, The door was torn off its hinges by a shadow blast. The attack struck Mewtwo and sent it slamming against a wall. Zack fell to the floor. Into the room, pokemon of various sizes flooded inside. Poochyena, umbreons, murkrows and dozens of other dark pokemon. At the head, Zack's Absol raced forward and bit deep into the fallen pokemon. Mewtwo 'pushed' in all directions, sending pokemon in every direction. But they still kept flooding towards the downed Mewtwo. Mewtwo looked at Zack, who was smirking at the pokemon. He reached out with his mind, and sent a burst of psychic energy, with the intent of blowing up Zack as its final act.
However before the attack struck, Zack was shoved across the room into the door by a flash of green. Zack pulled himself up and watched in horror. Scyther seemed to grin at him as the pokemon's cells came apart, and he became nothing more than a green mist.
The dark pokemon swarm seperated as Absol moved forward. Mewtwo lay there with bite and scratch marks on every inch of its body. the dark pokemon looked disdainfully at the Psychic pokemon. Zack walked over to his white pokemon and looked at Mewtwo. Sure enough, it lay there, wheezing for breath. Zack muttered, "Finish it, shadow blast."
Absol fired a black beam at the monster pokemon, obliterating it from the face of the earth. The demon of Saffron was no more at long last.
At that moment, the strange twilight above Saffron became slightly brighter.
(Read and Review)
Finally, finished with the next chapter of Kanto Dawn. I can soon begin Celadon City next. Onward to rescuing Cyndaquil. I don't know how long it will be to the next chapter. I'm focusing on Naruto Dimension and Dueling Hokages right now. However, I guarentee you I'm not giving up on this story, ever. I just have too many plans for it. There's an ultimate ending to the series I'm working towards that will prove to be awesome.
next chapter: Serena Williams