Finally I continued this... I'm concentrating on making other fics so this ine was done a bit late...

I'm quite surprised to see that are many reviews XDDD

So Happy

your reviews are food to my soul lol


Double Surprises



Kumiko couldn't hold her gaze at the man standing in front of her

The boyish feature has gone

His long hair is now shorter and straight

His bangs almost covered the right side of his face

Sharp black eyes that could see through every soul

A body that's not as muscular as weight lifting athletes

But enough to make people say he's sexy


And his playful smirk


He holds a backpack

Looks like he just comes from the airport



Kumiko runs towards him


"Hey, you're choking me!!"

He complained but never left his smile

Finally she release her hug

Making him miss her warmth


Kumiko turns her head towards Ren

"Ren, let me introduce you my first student, Sawada Shin"

She said with a cheerful smile


Ren walks to him

Feeling a bit irritated after watching the scene

Shin gives him his right hand

Hesitating a bit, Ren finally took the hand for a handshake


Shin looks at the boy

He felt like he seen himself when he's in high school

"Kazama Ren"

Said Ren looking at Shin straight to the eyes



Shin replied


Looks like he's a bit 'jealous' at me

Shin thinks to himself


They released their hands

" about we have a drink, I wanna hear your stories in Afrika"

Kumiko asked hopefully,

"Sorry..maybe tomorrow, I need to go home"

Kumiko's face looks a bit disappointed


"You're need to greet your family first…."

Ren just watching at their conversation awkwardly,


Shin suddenly touch her pouty cheek with his index finger

"Tomorrow, 'kay?"

He said with a playful grin


Kumiko sighed, then she gives him a smile

"Tomorrow you'll treat me, okay?!"

She said



Shin took a glance at Ren


Then leave them

Waving his hand coolly


Finally he's gone…


Kumiko looks at Ren

"Well..let's go…."

She said with a smile

She walks first, and then Ren followed


He feels he has a competitor now

A big one….





Finally without realizing,

They arrived in front of the Kumiko's house gate

Ren's face shows that he's not in a good mood

The reason why…


"And then Shin comes…"


"We've arrive"

Ren cuts her stories


It's his fault at first

Asking about how's Shin when he's still her student

Kumiko babbling about him endlessly

And he regrets it


"Oh..we are…"

Kumiko glances at the family board

Kumiko turns her body so she's in front of him

"Thank you very much, Kazama, for walking me home"

She said with a smile


"Do you love him?"

Ren asked bluntly



Kumiko looks dumbfounded


"That guy earlier…Sawada Shin"


"He? Hahaha…no way"

She shakes her hand


Is it?

She thought to herself


"Good to know it?"

Said Kazama with a relieved smile


Kumiko becomes confused of his words




"Then I have a chance"

He continues


Then he walks one step closer to her

Then he kissed her right cheek


"Good night"

He whispered with a low seductive tone


Kumiko touch her cheek

Her mind still interpreted what's happen earlier

By the time she realized

Kazama already gone




"This is a joke, right...Kazama likes me?"

She said to herself







The next day

Kumiko spends the whole day constructing her mind about yesterday incident

Letting her family worried about her

But his grandfather just chuckled


Suddenly her cell phone rings

The number is unknown

"Kumiko desu…"


Yo!...7 p.m at Kuma's..the others will come too

It's Shin



She replied


Do you know what time is it now?

.Kumiko takes a look at the clock on the wall

"It's 6.30 pm"






She finally snapped back

.'re too loud…I'm in front of your house now




Kumiko quickly runs to the gate

And finds that Shin is there

Still holding his cell phone

Looking at her he closes his cell phone

And then…he chuckles


"What's so funny?"

She asked


"Just waken up?"

He asked while looking at her outfit


Kumiko looks at what she's wearing




She quickly runs back inside her house

Leaving Shin who's smirking at her state
then he enters her house


While waiting for her to finish bathing

He chats with her families

Kyou, Minoru, Tetsu, Kouzou and her grandfather are really happy to see him again

Asking how was his journey in Afrika

Commented him that he is a man now

Kumiko passes the room with new clothes

Drying her hair with a towel

"What're you talking?"

She asked curiously

Didn't realize the glance Shin was giving

As he sees her state now

With trickles of hair pouring to her milky white skin

And thinks that she looks 'tempting'


"Hahaha..we're just talking about when he was in Afrika"

Her grandfather answered with a smile

"Eh? I want to hear it too"

Kumiko complained

"Later when we arrive at Kuma's"

Said Shin


"Oh, okay..give me 5 more minutes"

Kumiko quickly runs to her room

And just like she said

After waiting 5 minutes

She is ready to go




"So how're you doing?"

Kumiko starts the conversation




"Is it fun there?"

She asked again


"There's no fun in becomes a volunteer"

He answered


"But…it's a new experience for me…so I can say that it's pretty exciting"

He smiled gently

Looking at his smile, she knows that's a good experience

"So how's your job? I heard you often move to another school"

It's Shin's turn to ask


"Well…after helping those boys…The school thinks that they don't need me anymore…"

Her face turns a bit sad


"But that's okay…as long as my students can graduate happily"

Her sad face turns to smile

Shin smirks at her


'That's what I like from you"

He said

"Oh…so you like me?"

She asked back with a teasing note



He answered without hesitation

Leaving Kumiko in state of shock

After leaving her a few steps ahead

He turns his body

"Let's go, Kumiko…"

He didn't called her Yankumi



She quickly walks to him

And they continues their walk until they reached Kuma's

With awkwardness all along

To be exact

It's Kumiko who's acting awkward

Shin just stays cool as usual


To be continued…