A/N: This is the final chapter!! I must give all my reviewers the biggest thanks/hug in the world!! -HUG- My first time writing a multi-chapter fic, and I got so many more reviews than I expected! I love you all and I hope you enjoy this final installment of Ready, Set, Action! :)

The Winner

"Mel, just calm the hell down. What're you acting so jittery for? The judging didn't even begin!" Matt whispered to Mello as both boys sat in the large auditorium, filled with the Wammy House children. They were waiting for the start of the movies to begin. L, Watari, and Mr. Roger were the judges. Mello took a look over his right shoulder to spot Linda and her team sitting there, glaring in his direction. Mello was so nervous that the chocoholic couldn't even get this favorite treat into his mouth without it leaving a stain on his face. Luckily for him, he had Matt as his best friend who would always carry some tissues to wipe Mello's face every time he got like this.

Near, Mello, and Matt were sitting in the third row of seats, Near to the left, Mello in between, and Matt to the right. A little off to the side of the auditorium sat L, Watari, and Mr. Roger. With any luck, having L in their movie would increase their score, if only by a little.

Mello contemplated on each of the little adventures that unfortunately occurred during this whole chaotic experience. Getting paired with Near, stealing Linda's dress, making that lemonade, losing Near in the mall, crashing to the ground because of a swivel chair and a certain someone, getting attacked by Linda, finding out certain unwanted aspects of the script, getting jam splattered on him, having to guard the door and face a parade led by Linda, and running to get the movie submission there on time….

Didn't anything fun happen? Mello tried recalling some more events even further. Well, there was the fact that their idol took them to the mall and got them sweets. Their hero even put on dog ears and acted in their movie. He got to see Matt in a dress, which was pretty funny. Also, getting a costumer for their lemonade had been pretty exciting. Near's sets were completely amazing and added so much to the film. Heck, even guarding the door with Near had been enjoyable. He felt like a real life body guard, sworn to work with his enemy to protect his best friend from an oncoming threat!

As Mello sat in his seat, calming himself down by thinking of all the good things he had experienced, the contest began.

There were roughly 25 entries in total. Most of the movies, however, were very mediocre. Mello wasn't threatened by any of them.

L, Watari, and Mr. Roger judged by holding up a sign with a number of either 1 through 10. After a movie was finished being watched, the team would go up on the stage to answer the judges' questions.

Finally, Mello's team was up. They were the last to go. Linda's team had gotten a score of 8, 8.5, and 9.5, totaling to a final result of 26. Mello's team becoming victorious all depended on this moment.

Matt was excited. He absolutely couldn't wait to see his finished work on the big screen! He had worked so hard for so long that he felt it didn't matter if they won or not, but just so long as everyone got the opportunity to see his awesome editing skills.

The movie began. Dramatic subtitles began appearing on the screen, saying things like, "An M n' M production presents…", "Starring L…", and even, "Totally directed by Matt the Tech Genius". Mello couldn't help but slap his forehead at that last statement. Near was focused on the fact that their production company was called "M n' M". He had to admit, that was pretty clever.

Finally, letters shot onto the screen with flames and loud music, reading, "Harold the Gladiator".

The first scene started up, a nice, calm music in the background. Mello spotted his pink princess band-aid and sighed. Well, that couldn't be helped.

As the scene progressed, the audience completely gasped, most people in awe, to see that L, their hero detective, was starring in the movie. They had all thought the subtitle had been lying to throw them off. Apparently not. This, however, was only one step up they had upon the competition.

The scenes flew by in an array of special effects, perfectly coordinated music, amazing sets, and pretty good acting. Mello and Near found themselves dumbfounded at how well Matt had edited all the clips together so flawlessly. He even managed to create an explosion for one of the more adventurous scenes!

Everyone in the audience had to admit that the group's acting was really good. Mello playing Harold was perfect, as well as Near being the villain. It appears that the blond hothead had been able to channel his anger of Near into his character. And Near, playing a calm and composed villain was definitely a perfect match. Matt's enthusiasm for playing the princess also showed, even if he really hadn't expected his role to be so…peculiar.

As the movie ended and the credits rolled, Mello felt his stomach churn. Phase one complete. Their movie had been good, really good. Matt definitely saved the day for his team.

Mello, Matt, and Near slowly walked upon the stage to face the audience. Mello was never nervous in front of an audience…that is, until today. When his audience consisted of L judging them, it was a little nerve-wracking. Matt had always been anxious when on stage. Near, a little uneasy himself, was able to relax a bit by slowly twirling a lock of his white hair.

Mr. Roger looked at the three boys and asked Near, "So, Near, who was responsible for those sets? Why were they envisioned in such a way and how did your group proceed to build them?"

Mello was thinking in his head that Near's question was too easy and completely stupid.

Near responded, "I was responsible for the sets. I envisioned them after studying a little bit of cinematography the day before. I proceeded to build the sets and received the help of Matt, who I directed in how to construct some of the more elaborate pieces."

"How did you build that maze?"

"I merely recalled some of the multiple complex mazes I had completed in puzzle books throughout my lifetime, combined them into an ultimate maze that could fit throughout the hallways of Wammy's without blocking peoples' routes, and had Matt place them where I instructed."

It was now Watari's turn. "Matt," he began to ask, "I'd recognize your editing work anywhere. Tell me, how long did it take you to edit this film as flawlessly as you did?"

"Oh, um, about three days, I guess…I think you helped out, right? I mean, you brought us our meals and stuff while I was busy…." Matt was extremely nervous, fidgeting with this fingers, and now he was somewhat bashful at being complimented on his work.

It was L's turn. It was L's turn to ask Mello. The blond boy was so worried that he thought he might jump off the stage and run away. No! Now was not the time for cowardice!

L, giving Mello a soft, comforting smile first, asked, "How would you rate my acting skills on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest?"

Mello stood there in complete shock. Was the question really that simple?! But wait! What if L realized he had been too monotone with his voice while filming? Was this a question of Mello's honesty, or did the detective want to just hear that he was a brilliant actor?

There were two options. One was to tell L that his acting needed some work and risk getting L mad. The second option was to tell L that he was a brilliant actor, but if L realized he was lying, would that mean their score would be lowered for Mello's lack of honesty?!

Mello sucked in a deep breath and answered, "Acting cannot be rated on a scale of 1 to 10. Each individual actor has his or her own special skills to contribute to a film. L, you added a lot of joy to the movie, and even if your voice was a little monotone, that makes you who you are. I would have to say that if I could, I would beg you to be in any film I shall ever direct in the future. You make us all happy, and I think that's more important than having brilliant acting skills."

The blond squeezed his eyes tight. He had told the plain truth. Mello loved working with L. Just being in the same room was a joy to him! As Mello reflected on his answer, he thought it sounded nothing like him. It was way too calm, too composed. But it was the truth.

He heard the whispers of the judges by the table. Matt nudged him in the ribs, causing Mello to open his eyes. Finally, Watari stated, "The judges are ready with their tallies."

Mr. Roger held up a score of 8.

Watari held up a score of 9.

It now all depended on L!

L placed his hands on his sheet of paper, slowly held it up by the tips of his fingers, and showed his final score.

L held up a score of 10.

A score of 10.

A score of 10!

That…that meant…they had won!!

By one more point, a single point, all thanks to L, they were the winners!

Matt was smiling from ear to ear and even Near had to grin in this joyous moment. Mello was completely frozen in shock. It was all so surprising, he couldn't believe it!

"Mello," L started, "I will tell you why I rewarded you all with a score of 10. I believe that you and your team have all worked extremely hard on this movie, more than most of the students. You even tried to raise money to buy yourselves a camcorder while everyone else had the luxury of already obtaining one. Also, I found your answer intriguing. I was not expecting it. I thought you would say 10, or perhaps even 11, right away without thinking. But, you took your team into consideration and decided on a very well articulated and thought out response." L smiled when he was done.

Linda, looking at the scene before her, huffed and walked out of the auditorium. L was just being biased because he was in the movie.

But did it really matter now? Mello, after listening to what L had to say, smiled and jumped in the air. "Alright! Oh yeah! We won!"

"Mello!" Mr. Roger began, "Please calm down! We must now decide on who will receive the trophy. I have decided that the trophy should be awarded to…Near! For his brilliant sets!"

Mello stopped in mid-jump. No. Freaking. Way.

Near looked at Mello towards his side. He had to admit, although the blond was annoying, he was the one who had cared the most about this movie in the first place. "I cannot accept the trophy, Mr. Roger. All credit shall go to Mello. He was our team leader and it is only fitting that the hero wins in the end."

Mello glanced at his enemy, shock written all over his face.

Mr. Roger, clearing his throat, "Well, if you don't want the trophy, that's fine. But don't you feel that Matt contributed more than Mello? Perhaps I should give the trophy to him instead?"

Now it was Matt's turn. "No way, Mr. Roger. I never would've finished if Mello hadn't helped guard my door for me."

"I see…well then, Mello, please come down and receive your prize."

Mello glanced at his team members, stunned at what they had done. Both boys nodded for him to go down and claim his award. With that, Mello raced towards the judging table and was promptly handed his trophy.

Matt and Near followed from behind.

Mello held the trophy out in front of him with a sense of pride and bliss. His smile grew and grew until it stretched across his whole face.

L picked up the ecstatic boy in his arms, placed him on his lap, and held out an arm for the others.

Once all three boys clambered on their hero's lap, he asked them, "Who would like to celebrate with some cake?"

-The End-

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this story!! I had an absolute blast writing it! I still can't believe I'm finished with it! -gasp-

I want to give a special thanks to EVERYONE who reviewed while I wrote this, especially puddingcup, who was my first reviewer and commented in every single chapter! Thank you so much!

I want to give EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE of my reviewers a cookie, so here, please accept my offer. -gives cookie-

Once again, thank you so much! Feedback is always loved and appreciated :)
