So some AN before I begin. This story is a Cross over and I hope I do it in a right way. The Avatar-verse is slightly AU. They won the war but Katara is still mad at Zuko. And no pairing ended except Sukka. Remy is not in the X-Men yet…With that let me just put a little disclaimer:

I do not own any characters/settings in this story

The Journey Begins

Zuko looked out at the sun as it slowly dipped below the horizon. It was gold in color and left a soft orange glow on all the things it touched with its gentle rays. Zuko looked at his surroundings. There was a fountain in the middle of the garden where turtle-ducks gathered. There was a tree beside the fountain and a bench under it. The courtyard was surrounded on three sides by the palace and on the fourth side was an open field used for bending and picnics. He sat on the bench which had dragons as legs.

The war was over, and he, Zuko, was to be crowned Fire Lord in three days time. It seemed that the war had taken its toll on every corner of the world, and yet it had overlooked the palace. This place was not scarred in any way, shape, or form. Everything should have felt right for Zuko. And yet, nothing felt right.

Sure he was friends with Avatar Aang, and Sokka and he could make jokes together about lame things. And sure Sukki forgave him for burning down her village and invited him to her and Sokka's wedding in six months. Yes, Toph had gotten him back for burning her, and Iroh forgave him and said he was like his son. But one person was missing in the equation.


She had not forgiven him for anything. The war was already won, and she could not find it within herself to let the past go. It simply would not do for her. These feelings of shame and regret had yet to leave Zuko and they made both his blood boil and his heart ache for something he desperately wanted: her forgiveness.

Katara watched as Zuko sat on the bench in front of the fountain as the setting sun left a tiny tint of orange behind him. She walked over to him, hands on her hips, and her eyes full of passion. She saw him sit up straighter at her arrival.

"Dinner's ready," she said harshly.

Zuko sighed, but did not move from his seat. He stayed staring at her with golden orbs that he called eyes. Her eyes faltered for a second before they became fierce again.

"Did you not hear me? I said dinner was ready," she said with an ounce more attitude than last time.

He still stayed glued to his chair, "Why did they send you to tell me? There are servants for this kind of thing."

Katara took a step back. He was being rude to her? He was never rude to her.

"Well, sorry, dear Prince, but the servants are busy, and so is everyone else. Do you honestly think I would go out of my way to tell you anything," she said, her entire sentence dripping with sarcasm.

Zuko looked to his right, just to avoid looking into her eyes which were still filled with disdain even after a year from the Ba Sing Se betrayal. He sighed, and did not move from his chosen position.

"Why do you hate me so much?" he finally asked to the ground to his right. Katara, however, knew he was not directing his question to the ground, but rather to her.

"Because it's all I can do for me," she answered.

He looked back at up her. She had her arms crossed now and her eyes were still staring him down and she had the expression of a wolf-bat that had not eaten in three weeks. It was angry.

"But the war is over…" Zuko started, but Katara cut him off.

"Well, it would have been over a lot sooner if you hadn't betrayed us."

Zuko restrained from rolling his eyes with great difficulty. He managed to shut them and make it look as though he had caught a sudden headache. He stood up and was now slightly above the waterbender he wanted so dreadfully to call 'friend.' He looked down at her and she returned the gaze.

"You're still with that? How many times do I have to apologize? I was stupid and I just…"

"You just decided to betray me?" she asked.

Zuko noted the use of the word 'me' rather than the 'us' he had become accustomed to hearing when this argument ensued. He decided to point this out, which probably wasn't the best idea.

"Only you?"

Katara's eyes instantly filled with fire and her eye brows narrowed into two slanted slits. Her frown deepened and turned into a grimace of anger.

"Yes," she said, "me. Aang was hurt, Sokka and Toph were devastated. And I…was betrayed."

Zuko stepped forward, "Katara, I…"

"I don't care, Zuko. I will never forgive what you did," she said and turned her body to face the fountain.

Zuko picked his arm and hesitated to touch her shoulder. His arm hovered in midair before he decided it was not worth the risk of being water-whipped. He let out a low sigh. He had spent months trying to make it up to the girl before him, and all of his efforts had been vain.

"Katara," he started and then noticed a blue glow coming from the fountain water. His sentence changed its course, "What are you doing?"

Katara stared at the glowing water before them, "I'm not doing anything," she said her voice a little panic stricken.

The water began to glow more brightly and it started to boil. The water then snaked out of the fountain and grabbed both Katara and Zuko by the ankles.

"Katara quit it! I won't try to get you to talk to me ever again!" Zuko shouted to her.

Katara struggled to bend the water back into the fountain, but to no avail. It seemed as though the water was doing this on its own accord. It continued to drag them into the fountain and neither one of them could get it to stop.

"Zuko try to firebend us out of this," Katara said, although she felt she already knew what the result would be.

Zuko tried to cut the water off with his fire, but the water did not falter in its movements. It continued to drag them.

"Katara, I…"

They were in the fountain, and although the water was boiling, it felt cold. Then they were dragged under, and under, and under…This fountain can't be this deep, thought Katara.

Suddenly they were falling through and then all was dark.


Zuko pushed himself up off the ground with his arm. He shifted from a face down position to a sitting position and squinted in the sunlight. He looked around the ground was paved and there were shops on either side of what looked like a road. Strange metal things were whizzing by on his left. He looked over to Katara and gently shook her. She groaned and hoisted herself up into a sitting position as well.

"Where are we?" she asked as she shielded her eyes from the bright sunlight.

Zuko stood up. He had no idea. "The Spirit World, maybe?" he suggested.

Katara stood up too and shook her head, "No, there's no way this is the Spirit World."

They shrugged and began walking. About ten steps into their walk, they heard a siren and saw red and blue flashing lights. They stopped, unaware of what was going on. Two men dressed in navy blue approached them from one of the metal things that were zooming on the street. One was bigger and the other was very skinny with a mustache.

"What are you kids doing here?" the bigger man asked.

Zuko looked between Katara and the new man. What was he supposed to say? "Uhh…I'm not sure?"

The big man narrowed his eyes at Katara and Zuko, "Why are you dressed like that?"

Zuko opened his mouth and then closed it again, he was about to ask the man the same question. His clothing did not correspond with any nation.

"Brown," said the skinny man, "we should just get them to the school and get on with it."

The big man nodded his head, "How old are you?"

"17," Zuko said as Katara answered, "15."

"Alright, then you belong at the high school. Get in the car," he pointed to the metal machine and the two teenagers climbed into the backseat. The siren began to ring again and Zuko looked out of the window. They were going fast, the fastest he had ever traveled as a matter of fact. In what seemed like minutes, they were across town and getting off at a rather large building.

The building itself wasn't that special, and the grounds were indeed very green. On the trees was an occasional carving of something like "J & S 4Ever" or "Class of 2009." The two men lead Zuko and Katara into the halls of the building and to a door that read "principal."

"Go on," said the man called Brown.

The two stepped into the room to find a middle aged man sitting behind a desk. He had grey stripes on either side of his head and glasses mounted on the bridge of his nose. He looked rather unfriendly as far as Zuko could tell.

"So, decided to play hooky?" the man asked.

Zuko looked at Katara and she did the same. Katara looked back at the man, "I've never heard of that, sorry."

The man's eyes narrowed at the two of them, but he did not continue the hooky talk. Instead he turned to another device that was square and glowing. He asked, "What grade are the two of you in?"

Zuko again shrugged slightly at Katara. Katara answered, "We'll I'm 15."

And then Zuko spoke for the first time, "And I'm 17."

The man gave off a heavy sigh and then turned to the two before him. "Yes, but what grade are you in?"

Zuko and Katara shrugged simultaneously. The man behind the desk looked back at the glowing box and asked, "Then when are your birthdays?"

"The fourth day of the second month in the winter cycle," Katara answered.

The man raised an eyebrow, "Ok, then, January 4th. And you?"

Zuko breathed in and said, "The 17th day of the third month of the summer."

The principal raised an eyebrow again, "Alright then, August 17th. So you Miss…?"

"Katara," Katara answered.

"Katara," the principal continued, "you are a sophomore, and Mr…"

"Zuko," Zuko said.

"Zuko, you are a senior. Here are your schedules. I do not believe I've introduced myself. I am Principal Kelly. Welcome to Bayville High." He ushered the two teens out of his office when the bell rang. Students filled the hall. Katara looked at Zuko and shrugged and they got lost in the sea of people.


Earlier that Day

"Rogue watch your back!" Cyclops yelled from behind the building.

A fight had broken out between the two X-Teams and Rogue was engaged with the new mutant Psylocke. Rogue threw a right hook and Psylocke ducked and did a low kick that caught Rogue off guard. She fell but was quickly back on her feet. She kicked and hit Psylocke square in the jaw. Psylocke fell and rubbed her jaw, then she got back up and offered another punch directed at Rogue's gut.

The other fights had stopped and all attention was focused on the two girls with odd hair. Rogue dodged Psylocke's punch and tried to hit her with a punch of her own. Psylocke saw this coming and jumped in the air and kicked Rogue in the face. Rogue fell and Psylocke created a knife of psychic energy in her right hand and put it to Rogue's throat.

Rogue did not get up and the simulation was terminated. The teams that had assembled ran off to take a quick shower and get changed for school. Psylocke got rid of the knife and offered a hand to Rogue. Rogue pretended not to see her offer and got up on her own. Psylocke frowned. She had been here for a little less than a month, and Rogue already seemed to not like her.

She sighed and went to join her roommate, Emma on the other side of the Danger Room. Emma was not her friend per say, but she was the closest thing to it.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the room Rogue was walking towards Kitty who had seen what had happened between the two fighters.

"Like what was up with that?" she asked when Rogue caught up to her.

"What was up with what?" Rogue answered back.

Kitty rolled her eyes; she hated it when Rogue answered a question with another question, "Like with Betsy? Why didn't you let her help you up?"

Rogue brushed this off, "Didn' see her."

Kitty looked around the room and her eyes landed on the girl with purple hair, "Like, you're a bad liar, Rogue. So why didn't you let her help you?"

Rogue sighed as she pressed the up button on the elevator, "She's better than me."

Kitty stepped into the elevator after Rogue, "Like, what?"

Rogue stared at the numbers and letters as they changed from B to 1, "Ah'm not the best fighter any more. She got me."

Kitty rolled her eyes again, "Like what difference does that make?"

Rogue looked down on her short friend, "Maybe it doesn't matter ta ya, but ta me, it's the most important thing."

Kitty still did not understand why the girl next to her had to be the best fighter. She opened her mouth to ask again, what the big deal was, but Rogue beat her to the punch line.

"My powers aren't that useful to us, Kit. So Ah need ta be useful in another way. And that's by fightin', but if Ah'm not tha best, then it all seems pointless."

Kitty looked at her friend, "Your powers aren't…"

"Yeah, they are. And Betsy is a better fighter than me, so now Ah have ta train harder so Ah can beat her."

Kitty shook her head. There was no convincing this girl, and she knew it. Ever since Betsy had moved in Kitty could feel the tension between the two. And while it came mostly from Rogue, Betsy did give off a little too.

"There has to be more than, 'She's a better fighter than me,' Rogue," Kitty said as they opened the door to their room and Rogue grabbed a towel so she could take a quick shower.

"Kit, think about it. She's better at fighting, she was a model, and her brother is Captain freaking Britain,"she counted these things off on her hand and then continued, "How Ah am supposed ta compete with that?"

"Compete with that for what?" Kitty asked.

"Nothin'," Rogue answered as she walked into the bathroom.


The mutant teenagers got to the school with two minutes to spare. They all raced to their classes and managed to make it to first period, which was uneventful.

When the bell rang for second period, however, Kitty found herself in front of the most unusual looking guy. And this was an X-Man who had been faced with a lot of unusual things in her short sixteen years of life.

He was tall, and had a shaggy haircut that fell lazily over his eyes, which were a gold color. Over his right eye was, as far as Kitty could tell, a burn that left a scar. This scar went all the way to his ear. He was also wearing a red shirt and pants with a red vest trimmed with gold. He looked out of place among all the blue jeans and T-shirts.

He stood next to a girl, who had to be his companion, considering she looked just as out of place. She was darker than her friend and had blue eyes that reminded Kitty of the sky. Her hair was brown and had…hair loopies?...which were connected to a bun type thing on the back of her head. The rest of her hair fell down in wavy lengths past her shoulders. She was wearing a blue dress with what looked like an ace on either side of the hem.

"Like, can I help you two?" Kitty asked politely.

The boy turned to her and looked down to his schedule. He seemed unsure as to answer her or not. Rolling her eyes at his actions, the girl stepped forward and addressed Kitty, "Yes, we seem to be…confused?"

Kitty nodded, "Here, let me see your schedule."

Thinking that "schedule" referred to the paper in her hand, the girl handed it over to Kitty.

"Ok," she said, "you have English right now, and that's right in here, actually. The Junior teacher is also the sophomore teacher."

The girl nodded, "Thank you. I'm Katara, by the way."

Kitty smiled, "Kitty," she said, "Nice to meet you. So, what's up with your friend?"

Katara turned to the boy. Kitty saw the eye roll and the gesture for him to join the two girls.

"His name is Zuko," Katara said, "He's confused too."

Katara went into the classroom Kitty had indicated and the latter went up to the boy whose name was Zuko.

"Need help?" Kitty asked.

"Yeah," he said, "I don't know how I got here."

Kitty gave him an odd look and said, "Let me see your schedule."

Zuko handed her the paper and she looked at it, "You have history next with me. Just follow me and you'll be fine."

She began to walk down the hall and decided to make small talk, "So, where are you from?"

Zuko looked down at her, "West," he said.

"Oh, like California?" she asked.

"Yeah," he said quickly.

They turned into a classroom to their left and Kitty sat next to the door and Zuko took the seat behind her. The teacher came in and told them to open their books to page 321. Kitty turned her page; it was the chapter on Chinese history.

"Now," said the teacher, "the character for fire was used," he began to draw a Chinese character on the board.

"That's not the character for fire," Zuko said from behind Kitty.

The teacher stopped talking and looked at his class, "What was that?" he asked.

"That's not the character for fire," Zuko repeated, "That's actually earth."

The teacher put his dry erase marker down and looked at the boy who was challenging him, "And did you live in ancient China?"

"Well, not but…"

"Then how would you know Mr…?"

"Zuko," Zuko said.

"Look, Zuko, just let me do my job, alright?" the teacher said as he continued to write out the symbol.


At lunch Kitty found her friends, and decided that it might be a good idea to tell them what had happened.

"Guys," she said addressing Rogue, Kurt, and Bobby, "there are two new kids, and I really think that there's something up with them."

"What do you mean, Kitty," Bobby asked.

"Like in history today, Zuko, the new kid, totally challenged Mr. Smith about a Chinese character. And he seemed so positive he was right," she explained, "And like they aren't dressed normal."

Rogue looked around and spotted them at the cash station, "Kit, it looks like they're having trouble over there."

Kitty looked and went to help them out.

"What's the problem?" she asked.

"We, uhh…" Katara said, "don't have any money."

Kitty laughed and pulled out a five and handed it to the cashier.

"Thanks," Zuko said.

"Like no problem," Kitty answered.


Zuko and Katara sat by themselves.

"What are we going to do, Zuko," Katara asked in a concerned voice.

The two of them had barely managed the day and it was hardly lunch. They had only been able to get food by seeing how the other students did it. Not only that, but they had no idea what was before them, although the other students were eating it with no second thought.

"We'll have to try to find a way back, but until then I don't want to draw suspicion to ourselves. So we'll pretend to be like everyone else."

Katara poked the brown thing on her plate, "I don't like this."


Well, there is chapter one. I hope you liked it. Please review. I would really appreciate feedback since this is my first cross over and I want to know if it made sense or not so I know where to improve. Please review and thank you for reading. Till next time this is MisfitGirl13 signing off.