A/N: Hey! So, another chapter's done! Yay! Even though the chapter's title is VERY unoriginal (I'm sorry!). I feel like I've been neglecting you guys... I'm so sorry! But it's summer time, so things should be lifting. I've only been on break for a week or so now (it's been a long week so far), and am leaving for Mississippi in the morning (as in like 5 or 6 hours from now... and it's 11pm). But I really wanted to get a chapter up to you guys before I leave (I'm only going to be gone for a week), and there's some long plane rides... so maybe you'll get lucky and there will be a new chapter right when I come back? This is where the story takes a turn, but not fully yet... you'll see what I mean. Thanks to XVampWitchCatX for being my lone reviewer of the last chapter! Even if I have 1 fan, I still feel loved... but more reviews will push me more!

Disclaimer: If I owned Twilight and was SM, I would not have to work 2 jobs this summer to try to pay for school.... and since I'm working those two jobs, I am obviously not SM, nor do I have anything cool to do with Twilight!

Chapter 8- Valentine's


Being back at school was different for the three of us this time around, now that we had wonderful guys on the other side of the country. I don't think any of us really knew what we were getting into with the whole long-distance ordeal, but we managed to get by, in our own ways, and on our own terms.

Bella, being Bella, went around sulking and moody for most of the day, unless she had her face buried in her reading for her English classes… I guess she thought getting lost in the romantic stories would help to ease her desire to see him. The only other time she wasn't moping was when she was on the phone with Edward…. which she was every night for hours on end. We didn't complain, for it perked her back up a bit. They texted a lot too, which started to help her mood as well.

Rosalie spent a lot of time in autobody shops, swearing when things didn't go her way. She swore a lot. As if her anger would get her back to Emmett. She also decided to go into marketing, so we spent time at the mall surveying different stores and their appeal. There was also her point in the day that brought out her happier self: when she talk to the Bear on webcam. Even after a month of being back, I still jump every day I hear my brother's booming laugh in such a close proximity… even though it is really pixilated.

As for me, I've spent my time on my school work. I've gotten my first chance to design: our semester project is to design and create a series of clothing based on a theme of our choice. I chose a masquerade theme in class just this morning, and have been slaving over sketches since. This was what I was working on when Rosalie walked in from class with our lunches. I was looking at my newest sketch, comparing it to the previous few I had drawn, and was trying to select a certain style to use…

"Ali, mail's here. You have a letter." Jasper and I communicated best through letters…

I jumped up from my desk, and pounced towards Rosalie holding my letter. It had his handwriting, so I almost knocked her over trying to take it away. After about five minutes of struggling with her, I tore open the envelope.

My dearest Alice Feb 9th

Happy very early Valentine 's Day dear! Though it might not be as early once you get this… hmm…

Nothing too exciting has happened since my last letter. Though, Emmett's been giving me hell… he can't decide if he should call me Whitlock or Hale, so he started to call me Whitty-Hale. Now it's just down to "Wittle-Hale". I'm sure you can imagine him saying that in a little baby voice. He won't call me Jasper, cuz he says that since we're in the army, we must "act like men" and "address by last names"… even though we're still at home. He's sporting a nice bruise from Edward and myself hitting him on multiple occasions.

Edward's STILL moping over being away from Bella, as I'm sure you already know. I hope she's not too depressing of a sight, but please get her out of the house for something fun (maybe not shopping though…). Also, please remind her that she is worth it, and that he loves her. I know he tells her that constantly, but maybe reiteration from her friends will help?

Between your two brothers, I can't believe I'm not going crazy yet. I love them to death (in a not-so-weird-and-gay way, I assure you love), but if they don't calm down soon, you may end up being an only child…

Speaking of siblings, how is Rosalie doing? I try to leave the room when they do their webcam business, so I haven't had much of a chance to talk to her. Send her my regards, will you?

Have you decided on a theme for your project yet? I'm sure whatever you decide will be wonderful.

We just received a call from a general. Apparently we will be heading off for our technical training soon—the 16th I believe is the day we have to be there by.

I wish I could spend Valentine's Day with you, love. It's been too long since I've held you.
I love you,

I reread the letter, pulling out what I should respond to when one particular sentence stood out… get Bella out of the house? My eyes widened… Get Bella out of the house!!!!!

"ROSALIE!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs (which I didn't need to… she was sitting on her bed) as I started going through my closet for the right outfits. I grabbed clothing, throwing them onto my bed as Rosalie popped down onto it… accidentally covering her face with a pair of tights.

"Alice, what are you doing?"

"Getting outfits. We're going out tonight because it's Valentine's Day and I am not going to just let us sit here with Bella's moping and your bitchiness. No offense."

"But Bella hates shopping!!" she whined and pouted.

"That's why we're going dancing," I glared at her over the dress I was currently inspecting, "oh, and Jasper sends his regards."

The door to our dorm started to move, and we both turned our grins onto a horror-stricken Bella.

"Oh no. I am not going shopping again! We've gone to the mall 8 times this week alone!"

"Well we can't help that our majors…."

"Rosalie!" How many times did I have to glare at that girl? "Bella, we're not going shopping, I promise. But we are going out so we can get out of this room, so please just cooperate and trust me on this!"

She huffed and sat down, glaring at her phone. No doubt she was complaining to Edward with a text.

I smiled smugly, and went back to my tossing of clothes until I found three perfect outfits. I threw Bella a pair of white leggings and a blue oversized t-shirt, figuring she would be happy with that choice, ordering her to dress while Rosalie put on a pink low-cut tank top and I threw on a deep red mini dress.

We decided the hair didn't matter too much since we weren't going to try to impress any of the guys there, and headed straight for the nearest club. We joked lightly, and I made a note to myself to tell Jazz about the events that were to unfold—hopefully something would unfold that could be story-worthy. We handed our money to the bouncer and quickly entered into the club. Bella tried to disappear to the back where the couches lined the walls, but we grabbed her arms dragging her to the dance floor.

It's gettin' late
I'm making my way over to my favorite place
I gotta get my body moving shake the stress away
I wasn't looking for nobody when you looked my way


"I can't see anything! Why is it so crowded?"

"Dude, Eddie, chiiil."

I laughed at the bickering before pushing my way through the crowded dancefloor, trying to follow the spiky-black hair.

Who knew
That you'd be up in here lookin' like you do
You're makin' stayin' over here impossible
Baby I must say your aura is incredible

That's when I saw them, all three swaying to the music… though Bella wasn't as enthused as the other two. I didn't speak until I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her towards me.

Do you know what you started
I just came here to party
But now we're rockin' on the dance floor
Acting naughty

"Mind if I dance with you? It's a shame for someone as beautiful as you to be by yourself on Valentine's Day."

She spun around to stare at me, her mouth hanging open, as she tried to comprehend what was happening. Then she squealed, throwing her arms around my neck.

"I love you! What are you doing here?"

Your hands around my waist
Just let the music play
We're hand in hand
Chest to chest
And now we're face to face

I chuckled and kissed her softly.

"Happy Valentine's Day, dear. We decided that we needed to come see you before we headed off for training in a few days. That and Edward's depressingness was too over-bearing."

I wanna take you away
Lets escape into the music
DJ let it play
I just can't refuse it
Like the way you do this
Keep on rockin' to it
Please don't stop the
Please don't stop the music

We danced, staring into each other's eyes and passing conversation for the next hour, until we realized that we were abandoned by everyone. I decided then was the perfect moment to drag her off the dance floor and out of the club. It started to snow while we were in there

I took my jacket off, and wrapped it around her arms in an attempt to keep her warm. We walked back to her campus, and all around on the pathways, watching as other couples in the area who were doing the same.

"It might be better if we didn't go back to my dorm… I'm sure that's where Emmett and Rosalie are hiding."

"You may be right… I know his Valentine's plans definitely were somewhere along those lines. And Edward took Bella out to dinner I'm sure."

"Oh, so what were your plans for tonight?"

"Honestly, it was just to see you. I decided it didn't matter what we did, just as long as we were together I was more than happy."

She smiled and snuggled into my side, making me smile in the process. How I survived the past month without this woman in my arms was beyond me.

"I have a present for you."

Her eyes lit up, and in pure Alice fashion, she started to bounce in excitement. I took out the little wrapped box from the jacket pocket and gave it to her to open. Inside, was a small silver charm shaped as a shopping bag for her bracelet. I took it from her, placing it right next to the heart with our names engraved.

"Every time I see you while we are apart, you may find yourself with a new charm. I know it's not much, but I just can't help myself when I see them in the store."

"Jasper… they're perfect. I love this bracelet, and I wear it every day. It means so much to me. Thank you."

We kissed softly under a lamppost as the snow fell around us, it was almost like a scene right from a black and white poster.

We started to walk again, with a comfortable silence surrounding us until I remembered the one question I was anticipating an answer in in her next letter.

"Your project… did you decide on a theme yet?"

"Yes, this morning in class I signed up. I want to design dresses for a masquerade, just so I can do the matching masks with them!" She was bouncing again, I could tell this was a dream come true for her.

"That's awesome, Ali. I can't wait to see what you come up with."

She sighed. "Me either. The only thing I can't decide is what time period I should use… because masks have been worn to balls since the 15th century. So should I do Renaissance, modern, or somewhere inbetween?"

"Well… what are your limits for the class?"

"We can do as many items as we want, but we have to draw, design, and construct each piece that we decide on… including every tiny accessory we decide would match."

"You could do one from a Renaissance period, and then one from now, and then have a mask to match each one. How would that work?"

"Perfect! I feel as if I may go overboard and end up designing too many dresses for me to make, so that's why I was unsure of what to do."

"Alice, this is what you love. If you go overboard, it's because of your passion and your professor will notice that and I'm sure it will be to your advantage. Plus, maybe we can create a chance to have you girls wear the dresses sometime?"

"I would love that! To wear a dress I designed! Oooh!" Now she was really bouncing, and scaring some of the other couples. Time to step in.

"Honey, let's call to see if Rose and Em are done with their celebrating yet, it's getting colder out."


With that, I let her lead me towards her dorm, while I called and confirmed that they were indeed done, and that Edward and Bella were already in the room waiting for us to join them.


Now I was even more excited for my project. A masquerade has always been my dreams… and to design something from two completely different eras? It was even more of a fantasy.

The rest of the night seemed to blur for us once we joined up with the gang. Bella had insisted with Edward on buying a cake, so we ended up having chocolate cake with a raspberry filling. It was delicious. We laughed, took pictures, had a pillow fight, and Bella managed to get chocolate smeared all over her face—no doubt the fault of my big, cuddly brother.

It was as if we were never apart, and they had been with us the whole month. The fact that the guys were going to be leaving for South Carolina the next morning didn't seem to bother us, and we felt invincible. By the end of the night, all of our pillows and blankets were in a circle on the floor of our room, and we slept as if we were at a campfire… without the actual fire of course.

It was the best night any of us had had in a long time, and it came to an end sooner than we hoped, as all good things do. One by one, we drifted off to sleep in the arms of the guys, smiles of peace etched onto our faces.

I woke up the next morning cold, unsure if I had dreamed Jasper actually being there. At least, I thought it was a dream until I sat up and noticed that our bedding was still in a circle on the floor… the only thing missing were the three guys that had completed our group so perfectly. In each of their places were flowers, and a tiny note of goodbye saying that they missed us and we would see them over Easter break.

Jasper's also said that he would write me with his address as soon as possible, or at least find some way to get it to me.

I heard the faint sound of my cell phone ringing, and jumped up to answer it.

"Hi sweetie… did you just wake up?"

"Yeah… what time is it?"

"It's almost noon. You should wake up Bella and Rosalie and go outside. It was beautiful when we left this morning. Enjoy the snow, love."

That's right… they had to start driving early. That's why they were gone.

"Where are you guys?"

"We're still on 95, and just getting into Maryland. We stopped for breakfast in Delaware because we heard they were tax-free, so we've been stopped for a few hours actually. You should take a trip down here and shop so you don't have that extra sales tax on your clothes."

"Hmm sounds good…."

"Aww," he chuckled, "you're still sleepy. Go back to bed, and then enjoy the day with the girls. I'm sure you'll want to hear about how Bella enjoyed her Valentine's at least. I love you. I'll let you know when we get to Fort Jackson."

All I could do was nod to my phone and mumble an "you too" because sleep had hit me once again. I hung up, and rolled back into my pillow, closing my eyes as his voice still lingered in my thoughts.

A/N: Reviews are better than having the coolest mask at a masquerade (I adore masquerades! They are my favorite things to get dressed up for! hehe), so please review. I can check my email while I'm in Mississippi even though I can't do any updating there... so I'm hoping to find some love!!!