Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

A/N: Thanks for the reviews!

And here, let me clarify the pairings so there's no confusion: Sasuke/Sakura, with little bits of Itachi/Karin, and some one-sided Ino/Sai. Oh, and um… Well a tidbit of yaoi.


get a life

Chapter 5: Falling For You




11:00 a.m.

Working until three, unfortunately.



11:01 a.m.


Shizune said I can leave at noon.



11:04 a.m.

Sasuke's starting at twelve.



11:05 a.m.

I kind of miss calling him Lover Boy.



11:06 a.m.

I can't believe he's related to Itachi!

No wait.

I can.



11:07 a.m.

They're both Asses.



11:58 a.m.


It's Sasuke.

He has a bed head. I'm finding it seriously gorgeous.



12:00 p.m.

"Hey," Sasuke said, giving me hope that he was off his period.

"…Hi," I replied a bit too slowly for my tastes.

Then he looked at me. At my face. He wasn't looking in my eyes, I could tell that much from the lack of The Feeling, but I knew he was looking at me. It wasn't at my Forehead – it's so big it deserves a capital when spoken about – but at my lips.

I found myself blushing, much to my dismay.

"What?" I muttered, red and frowning.

He smirked and raised his hand, brushing a thumb against the corner of my lip.



12:01 p.m.

"You've got a crumb on your lip, Sakura. Have you been snacking on the job?"



12:02 p.m.

Sasuke is most likely the least charming person in existence.

Well no.

He is perfectly charming with like, just his smirks – hell, not plural, probably just one of them is enough – alone but the moment he parts those perfect pretty lips of his and speaks, his beauty is immediately overshadowed by the fact that he is a total complete jerk-faced asshole.




12:04 p.m.

"Make me a white mocha," I ordered tersely, slapping his hand away from my face and effectively showing him who has the pants in this relationship. "I'm done my shift. I'm gonna get my bag. I'll pay for the drink in a minute."



12:05 p.m.

In the backroom.



12:06 p.m.

Sasuke drives me insane.



12:07 p.m.

You know what?

I'm gonna tell him that.



12:08 p.m.

"Sasuke," I roared, slamming the door open, "you drive me insane!"



12:11 p.m.

Maybe I should get myself a dictionary while I'm buying everyone else one, too.

Sasuke looked at amusedly, one eyebrow raised in question. "Oh?" He handed me my drink and started to wipe down the counter. "And why is that?"

"Because—because—because you have like, a stupid Boy Period!" I complained while throwing a cup cap at him and landing it in the sink – which note, is at least three feet to his right. "You flirt with me for a good while and then bam, start acting like a jerk! And then here you are now, brushing crumbs off my lips and suddenly acting like you're my friend and—and—and you drive me insane."

We were both quiet for a moment.

Other than the customer lounging around, all you could hear was me trying to catch my breath again.

"I see…" Sasuke said.

Then he shrugged and smirked at me.

"Would you like a muffin with your coffee?"



12:12 p.m.

No words.





12:30 p.m.

Just got home.

Itachi's shoes are here.



12:31 p.m.

My grudge against him has worsened immensely.

I hate him – even more than before – just for being related to Duck Butt Boy.



12:35 p.m.

As I stomped over to my room, mentally cursing Sasuke for not being hateable because he was so bloody pretty, I almost walked into Itachi.

"Oh, hello Sakura," he greeted, stepping to the side so I could walk past him and to my room. "Your sister and I are going to grab some lunch. Would you like to join us?"

I want to hate Itachi.

I want to tell Karin that he is no good for her and will break her heart all over again and that she should just leave him now and make him hurt like he hurt her – but I can't. He's making it to freaking hard! He's actually charming me – and succeeding!



12:36 p.m.

It seems that Itachi got all the charm.

No wonder Sasuke is left to rely on his smirks and smiles.



12:37 p.m.

"Uh, no thank you," I replied, managing to sound polite. "I'm kinda tired."

"That's too bad then," Itachi commented genuinely – or at least I think he was genuine.




12:40 p.m.

In my room.


I feel like woe.



1:01 p.m.

Taking a nap.



4:53 p.m.

Going to Shikamaru's now!








9:20 a.m.

I am currently deciding whether God loves me or hates me.



9:21 a.m.

Ditto with Kakashi-sensei.



9:22 a.m.

See, this is what happened.

Ino tried to start up another round of Who Would You Do like the proper moron she is and then bam, in the midst of her whining a little too loudly at the choices I provided for her and begging me to change them or give her the suicide option, Kakashi-sensei interrupt.

"Ino, Sakura, detention!" he casually announced – that asshole – not even looking up from his stupid, stupid book. "And you know what, I think I'm gonna have to separate you two."

I got a bit scared at that because I liked my seat! It was right beside the wall!

"Ino, you will come and sit here in front of me—"




9:23 a.m.

Damn. Now I'm alone.

"Ne, Kakashi-sensei!" I called. "I don't wanna be by myself I'll get lonely!"

He flipped to the next page of his precious Icha Icha.

"Fine. Sasuke, go take Ino's spot."



9:24 a.m.

No words.

No words at all.



9:30 a.m.

Love you, Kakashi-sensei!









9:21 a.m.

Did a test yesterday and what did I get?




9:22 a.m.

Peeking over Sasuke's shoulder to look at his test since he looks pretty miffed.

He got—


He failed?



9:23 a.m.




9:24 a.m.

"Damn. That totally sucks."



9:30 a.m.

Sasuke glared at me. Oh, I guess failed tests are things people prefer keeping to themselves, huh?


"Whatever," he muttered.

Then I got an idea.

"I can tutor you, if you'd like…"



9:31 a.m.

"That'd be… cool."



9:32 a.m.






9:04 a.m.

Ino is a math-skipping moron.

And a loser.



9:05 a.m.

"Alright class, clear your desks, it's time to redo that test."



9:06 a.m.




9:23 a.m.

I hate Ino.

She gets the easy way out of everything.




12:01 p.m.

Well this is quite the lonely lunch. It's just me and my turkey wrap. Yay.

Oh, and Mr. Darcy, of course.

(In the book, I mean.)



12:21 p.m.


I looked up from Elizabeth telling off Mr. Darcy to see Gaara standing in front of me. His cheeks were kind of red and he was shifting on his feet.

"Oh, Gaara…" I said dumbly. I couldn't help remembering bad, bad memories that I didn't want to remember. "Gaara…" I smiled awkwardly and gestured to the bench across from me on the other side of the table. "Why don't you have lunch with me so I don't look like such a lame-ass loner?"

He nodded stiffly and did so.

Not talking.

"So, what's up?" I asked.

"There's something I need to tell you…"

It wasn't until he finished his little monologue that I saw Sasuke staring at us.








10:34 a.m.

Mom said Mr. Haruno is visiting today to see me and Karin.




10:35 a.m.

Paper-rock-scissor-ing Karin to see who's gonna stay with Mr. H.



10:36 a.m.





11:00 a.m.

"Whatever," Karin scoffed, glaring at her open hand – she did paper – and trying to act as though she didn't care. "I'll just bring Itachi along or something…"

I snorted. "Won't that like, officially scare him away?"

Karin and I have this mutual dislike for Mr. H. It's most likely because he's a Man Whore. Mom dumped his ass when I was twelve and Karin was sixteen because she had had enough of his flirting ways, but for some reason, he still tried to play the devoted Husband and Father.

Unfortunately for him though, Karin and I wanted nothing to do with his pathetic attempts at fathering.

"Shut up," Karin said, taking out her phone to call Itachi.

I grinned at her. "No need to be bitter, Karin-love. I'm gonna go hang out at work."

"I thought you have the weekend off," she said as she dialled. "Do you want me to pick you up later?"

"No, I'm not working," I replied – although, someone else was. "I just don't want Mr. H. to somehow find me. And don't tell him about my job."

Karin nodded absently, waving a hand at me while she began sweet talking Itachi to get him to spend a day in Hell with her.



11:15 a.m.

At Konoha Café.



11:16 a.m.


Well hey there, Lover Boy.



11:17 a.m.

"Hey, can I get a white mocha and a banana chocolate chip muffin, please?"



11:20 a.m.

Sasuke gave me a "Hn", indicating that once again, he was mad at me.

(Ugh, he drives me insane.)

When he finished making my coffee and gave it to me, he immediately got straight to wiping the counter free of any milk that may have been spilt.

It was then I decided that enough was enough!

"What's your problem?!" I yelled before I could stop myself. I flicked a discarded straw-wrapper at him, missing terribly. "I mean, weren't we friends yesterday? I helped you understand the stupid ass quadratic formula? Don't I get a little bit of gratitude for that?!"

He then looked up and gave me a dirty frown.

"Don't you have a boyfriend to be running off to?"



11:21 a.m.

I couldn't help it.

I laughed.

Loudly. Much-ly.



11:22 a.m.

"Don't be a moron, Sasuke. Gaara's gay."



11:23 a.m.

Sasuke has the cutest shocked face!



11:24 a.m.

"He's… gay?"



11:25 a.m.

"Yep." I nodded. "Gaara's down with the rainbow like he's down with his friend Lee."

I laughed lightly at Sasuke rather surprised look, wondering why he found it so shocking.

Sasuke blinked a few times. "So Gaara's gay?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, Sasuke, Gaara is gay."



11:26 a.m.

My jaw dropped.


Oh dear.




11:27 a.m.

"Wait a minute. Sasuke, Gaara is gay!"



11:29 a.m.

I wanted to cry as my revelation hit me.



11:30 a.m.

I turned Gaara gay.



11:31 a.m.

"Oh, my God," I murmured, eyes wide as I mirrored Sasuke's shocked look but magnified it by like, a million. "I turned him gay. He dated me and I pushed him over the straight edge. Oh, my God, am I seriously that terrible that I turn guys away from girls?!"

Thankfully, there were no other customers to distract Sasuke from helping me through my Woe.

"Sasuke, I turned Gaara—"

"Gay," he concluded, rolling his eyes, "yes, I heard you the first time. It's… well… that's a bit of a shocker, I guess."



11:32 a.m.




4:31 p.m.

Sasuke's so sweet.

He's been giving me refills of caramel fraps every hour.



5:03 p.m.

Sasuke's shift is over.

He's very awkward, beginning our (Study) Date with a, "So—"




5:05 p.m.

"Well…" Sasuke shrugged. "I'm sure he's… in a better place?"



5:06 p.m.

"He's gay, Sasuke, not dead!"


If he wasn't so pretty, I'd stop trying with him.



5:07 p.m.

Sasuke patted my shoulder.

Like really, way to comfort me, Lover Boy. Seriously.



5:08 p.m.

Phone's ringing.

It's not mine. I turned it off so Mr. H. and Karin wouldn't be able to find me.



5:10 p.m.

"I have to go," Sasuke told me while standing up and putting on his coat. "Sorry."

He picked up his cup of tea and before he leaving completely he gave me a small smirk.

"And Sakura, for what it's worth, if I dated you I'd stay straight."



5:11 p.m.

…I think I just had a seizure.



5:12 p.m.




5:13 p.m.




5:45 p.m.

I am Queen of the Universe right now!



5:46 p.m.

Time to go home.



6:03 p.m.

Ew. It seems like Mr. H. is here…



6:04 p.m.


Looks like it's time to jam with the fam…



