A/N: Wow.. I really need to start remembering to post. -holds head- this story got so little interest in the begiining that I didnt post it as I wrote it, then I just decided I didnt care so I was posting it anyway... but it was done by then and that's when I started getting reviews more often and now I cant even remember to post when I was all excited that I had gotten to the last chapter! I'm sorry guys! You can through things at me if you want to.

Now on to the actual A/N I wrote for this chapter.

A/N: Thus.. This chapter marks the end of this story. It is all over. Who would've thought my first idea for a Fred/George would be so dark? I hope you all liked it and I look forward to continued reviews from you all. ^_^ Thank you so much for all the reviewers who reminded me to update and made me smile through it all.

Also, a bit of shameless self promotion. If you liked this story and/or you're a Harry/Draco/Harry fan, I have some stories for them too. Titles are So Just Go, an AU, and A Piece Of Parchment, an SL. Hope you enjoy whatever you read of mine. Bye everyone!

Chapter 19 - Just Kiss Me

He remembered there was fire. There was wreckage and ruble littering the ground. There were people running everywhere, cheering or retreating. There were lots of voices resounding off of the remnants of the walls.

He remembered it was dark. It was so dark that the moon was like a beacon, slicing through the fog of night whenever the clouds would allow. The shadow cast by the looming castle gave a false sense of security.

You couldn't see anything. Fred couldn't see anything. It all happened so fast. One second, they were celebrating on the lawns of the school, the next second his world was in pieces. George had been standing beside him, laughing at something he'd said. Words were so pointless now. Something glittered in the moonlight and then Fred was off his feet, ripped down by something he couldn't see.

George tried to defend him, protect him. Fred scrambled to do the same for George. They couldn't even see their attackers, hooded in dark cloaks and hidden in the even darker shade of the trees. Their spells were guessing shots. Their loud incantations drew friends over, but it was too late.

Fred was hit with something that cut him up and knocked the wind out of him. He heard George scream. Then everything was silent. Fred tried to pull himself up, to see what had happened to George. All he managed to catch was the glint of someone's wicked smile as the moon finally illuminated the grounds. Then Fred was alone, and Fred lost consciousness.

He managed to wake up only moments later. The force of being carried had jarred him awake. That's when the fear set in. No one was carrying George, not even George's lifeless body. Where was he? Where had he gone? What had happened while he'd been unconscious?

That's when the screaming started.

Fred couldn't stop himself. Panic rushed through him uncontrolled, unrestrained. His voice rang out and caught the attention of people in the castle, little faces popping up in the windows. He must have sounded horrible, voice laden with grief and worry... so much sorrow. He struggled with all his strength, with what hadn't ebbed away due to his wounds. He didn't care about the pain, about the strain on his voice and limbs. He just wanted to run back to those woods, to where George was. He was sure of it. Just beyond the shadows of the trees.

The next thing he recalled was waking up in the hospital wing. He must have been charmed into sleeping. Tears, hot and fast, ran over his cheeks, soaking the pillow on which his head rested. He hadn't checked to see who was around, what time it was, or where he was. As soon as he opened his eyes, he let the feelings rush out. He just hoped to god that it had all been a really bad dream.

Fred's throat was sore from screaming, his body numb after healing. He looked to his side and saw the rows of beds full of people he didn't know. Yes. This was still Hogwarts, after the battle. If that wasn't a dream, then the battle with George must have been real as well. Yes. Fred knew. It had all been true and painfully real.

George was gone.

He could feel it in his bones, in his being. His heart ached and he curled into a ball on the bed. He covered his head with his hands as if in fear.... and cried. He cried completely silent, distraught tears. He didn't care about the way the pillow grew damp and smeared his tears around on his face. He didn't care when an extra blanket was added over him. He didn't even care when someone appeared and hugged him close. It wasn't George.

Someone whispered 'I'm sorry' into his ear. The voice was unfamiliar right now. Fred couldn't register who it could possibly be. 'We tried, Fred,' it insisted. Fred could hardly hear the tone used. 'We couldn't find him. I'm sorry... He's gone.'

'He's gone.'

And the tears stopped. Fred's body continued to shake, but it was no longer wracked with sobs. His eyes stopped producing tears. For that moment, Fred felt frozen. He swore his heart had stopped as well. His blood paused in his veins. He didn't even think he was breathing. For one long moment, Fred felt nothing. Then his chest began to burn, and he took in, what felt like, his first breath of air.

'Fred?' the voice against his ear asked. Now he could recognize it. It was his mother. He wished it wasn't her. He wished it was Harry, Ron, or Hermione. He wished it wasn't his mother.

Fred wiped his tears away and lifted off his wet pillow. Fred's chest was swollen in sorrow, but he would change that. Fred decided right then what he would do. He would find George and bring him home, no matter where he may be.

– – – – –

"Fred?" a voice sounded from the doorway. "Are you crying?"

Fred shook his head and turned to look at his brother. George was standing in the doorway, watching him. Why wasn't he downstairs with the others?

"What happened?" Fred asked.

"Lunch is ready. I came to get you," George explained. He was stepping closer. Fred took a deep breath.

"Thanks," he said with a smile. "I'll come down in a minute."

"Fred.... You don't have to pretend around me," George murmured. He got right in Fred's face and smiled. "I can read you better than anyone, remember?"

"Right," Fred replied with the same smile. "Sorry. You're right. I was crying, but I don't even know why. They just started.... to fall."

George nodded. He placed his hands on either side of Fred's head and leaned Fred' head down. He kissed Fred on the top of his head and then looked him in the eyes. Fred was blushing now. He couldn't help it. He'd originally thought George was going to kiss him on the lips. Fred turned his eyes away.

"It's alright to cry, Fred. Still, I hope you only have to cry when you're really happy. You know I hate to see you all upset," George said. His hands hadn't moved.

'Why is it... that when I see you all upset... I want to...' George's voice from Grimmauld Place rang in Fred's ears. His blush darkened. That was when George had nearly kissed him.

"Fred," George's voice broke through his thoughts.

"Yea?" Fred asked. He kept his eyes cast away, unable to bring himself to look George in the eyes just yet. He had to get used to George being normal again.

"Why wont you look at me?" George's voice said. It seemed to echo from back in Grimmauld Place, and, just like last time, Fred turned surprised eyes on George. George looked the same as before, mildly confused and crossed with worried.

"I'm sorry," Fred replied, a small smile gracing his lips. "I wasn't listening. Were you trying to ask me something?"

George nodded. He leaned his face closer to Fred's and tilted his head a little. Their faces were so close. Fred could feel George's breath on his lips. His eyes fluttered shut, but George paused.

"Do you want me... to kiss you?" he asked in a soft, sensual voice. Fred took in a slow breath of air.

"Yeah," he murmured back. George smiled. His hands slipped off of Fred's face and instead fell onto the back of his head.

"Alright," George replied.

Suddenly, footsteps were heard coming toward the door. Harry knocked on the wall before he looked in.

"Guys?" he asked. Both Weasley twins tensed and frowned. Fred opened his eyes. George was still holding him, staring right into his eyes. Harry was stunned in the doorway.

"Oh forget it. Just kiss me," Fred groaned. He put his hand on the back of George's head and smashed their lips together. They pulled away a painfully short moment later, but it felt like forever.

They released each other's heads, but Fred kept his hand on George's shoulder. George turned to Harry with a devilish little smile on his face - something you would expect from a Weasley twin.

"We're coming," he replied to Harry's unasked question.

"Oh alright," Harry answered dumbly. He nodded and left the doorway. They heard him stumble down the stairs.

"Hope he doesn't fall," Fred thought aloud. George snickered as he remembered Fred's stair issue. Fred making that comment was almost ironic. "You think he'll be okay?"

"I think he'll be fine. I'm sure he saw this coming already. Besides, he's gay with Malfoy. He can't hold a grudge against us for anything anyway," George pointed out.

"Right," Fred laughed. "And if he does, we'll blackmail him."

"Right," George agreed. He leaned in and stole one more kiss before he led his brother down the stairs. At lunch, George received a lot of stares just for being there, but it didn't matter. The only ones who didn't look at George as often as they could were Harry, Draco, and Fred. They were the only ones who knew what had happened to George, and it would stay that way.

Under the table, George's hand slipped over and grabbed Fred's. Fred glanced up at George, a little smile on his face. Everyone else though they were sharing an inside joke about the question George was answering. They didn't care what everyone else thought. They knew what had really been shared between their eyes.

Fred was shocked. He'd been gradually growing to love George more and more over the last, what, 12 years of life? He'd been painfully aware of his attraction for nearly 9 of those years. Not once had he ever thought that George loved him the same way. Yet he was happily proven wrong on that point. He felt his heart do a back flip as George squeezed his hand. They shared another look. Again, only they knew what was passing between their eyes.

'I love you.'

'I love you too.'

'This is so cliche.'

'I know. Who cares?'

The End

A/N: Once again, thank you to everyone who read and reviewed. Reviews make my happy little world go round... and they remind me to update. ^_^ I hope you all enjoyed this little story and everything else you read from me. Until next time... bye!