I have to get away. Away. To wherever that may be. Jasper repeated these words in his head over and over. It was the only thing keeping him sane. He had to get away. Away from Maria, now away from Peter and Charlotte. Away from that life and into the new one. Everywhere around him he could smell it – that delectable, beautiful smell that taunted him as he walked. He pulled his scarf closer around his face and held his breath. He couldn't feed. Not here in the middle of the city. Just keep going away. Oh how he wished he could be more specific. But that one thought was all he had to control himself. He had nowhere to go. But he couldn't wander alone without a destination, so 'away' was the best place he could think of. He had been in Maine with Peter. South was direction he ended up going in. Philadelphia was where he ended up.

He had to stop. He had to rest. He had to feed. He pulled his scarf tighter across his nose as a woman passed, giving him a strange look. It was not a particularly cold day; no doubt he looked out of place in his long, black jacket and winter scarf. At least his eyes weren't their usual glowing crimson. He leaned against the side of the building, deciding, for the first time in weeks, to come up with a plan. He had to feed. He was going crazy. If he didn't drink something he was going to take a whole bunch of people in the street right here and that certainly wasn't good. Another woman walked by. By accident, Jasper took a breath, inhaling the sweet scent of her blood. He growled in his chest, baring his teeth behind his scarf, but turned silent when she turned to look at him. He stared back at her and she moved away quickly, frightened by his ravage demeanor. There had to be a person around her somewhere that didn't matter – someone who no one would notice was gone. His black eyes landed on a diner across the street. It was extremely small, rundown, and dingy. One older man stood behind the counter and a small, black-haired girl sat on a stool in front of him. His breathing increased quickly as a plan circulated in his mind, the scent of blood circulating through his mind making his plan seem more and more appealing.

He could take the old man, and maybe the girl. He'd have to talk to her first, see where she was from and see if she had a family or a lover. Perhaps he would spare her and just take the man. He licked his top lip tenderly as he imagined how good it would feel to sooth the immense burning sensation in his throat. Putting on a straight face, he stepped out into the street and was standing in front of the diner within a second. He pushed the door open lightly, and began to walk up to the counter but stopped short when the girl turned and he saw her face clearly.

The first thing he noticed was her eyes. They were black to the core – not normal pigment for a human. The second thing he noticed, after he looked over her face, was that she was gorgeous. She was the most beautiful being he had ever seen. She had the same sense of dignity and grace as Charlotte and Maria had, but she seemed…warmer, friendlier in a sense. His eyes went wide and he took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the girl and the man. He smelled delicious, but she had a much more unique smell, a natural perfume – cinnamon, hyacinth, and pear. She was definitely not human. He felt his body tense when she rose from her stool and approached him without hesitation. Jasper certainly was not used to being approached as casually as this. When she spoke, Jasper nearly took a step back in surprise. "I've been waiting a very long time for you," the girl said.

Jasper stared at her in wonder for a moment before slowly tilting his head downward in a slight bow. "I'm sorry, Ma'am," he said gently. She held her hand out and he considered it for a moment. Was this it? Was this what he'd been in search for? What was this even? Could he trust this girl? She didn't look very frightening. And he could hold his own. His pitch black eyes glinted in slight confusion as he glanced to her face again. There was trust there…he could feel it. She already knew him – though he didn't know how. He narrowed his eyes slightly and placed his hand carefully in hers, taking a good hold on it. Immediately he felt comfort and he knew he'd made the right choice. A tiny smile played on his lips for the first time in years.

Without a word, the girl squeezed his hand gently and led him out the door of the diner. Jasper forgot all about the old man. In fact, he couldn't even feel the burning in his throat. For the first time, in a very, very long while, Jasper felt hope.