Zuko knew water benders before he met me. I wonder why they're that important that Roku had to show them to me, Katara wondered as she sat watching Zuko later that night.

Zuko slept rather peacefully considering the fact that Katara sat watching him.

A loud explosion erupted outside Zuko's room.

Katara could hear yelling and bending from the window. Katara couldn't decide what to do. Was she to leave Zuko and see what was going on or stay back and wait to be told what was happening?
Katara's answer came swiftly enough in the form of Suki who came barging into the room her face red with exertion.

"Katara! We're under attack! Azula's here and she's brought a whole fleet of airships. Aang's got her under control for now but she's advancing up to this end of the temple. We have to leave soon," said Suki a loud explosion rocked the temple made Katara and Suki fall too their knees and for Zuko to wake up.

"What's happening?" he queried.

"Azula's here and she's attacking the temple. We're not sure what she's after but it's clear it's not a friendly visit?" replied Suki.

Azula herself who was shouting at Aang down in the courtyard answered Suki's questions.

"C'mon Avatar I won't hurt you or your friends as long as you give me my brother. Father and I have missed him something horrible back home. Don't you think it's fair that family should be reunited?" said Azula. Katara could hear the mocking tone to her voice. It sent chills down her spine.

Zuko growled loudly.

Suki sent a look at him to calm down and not to hurt himself further.

"No!" he told her. Zuko got out of bed and stumbled to the door.

"What are you doing?" Katara asked worried.

"Giving her what she wants," he replied and opened the door.

Minutes later Katara could hear Azula's mockery of her brother.

"So you've decided to see me Zuzu. What a pleasant surprise," she said.

Katara rushed to the window of Zuko's room to watch.

Zuko was glaring at his sister.

"Just take me Azula. Keep your promises at least. You have promised Aang not to hurt the others if I give myself up so here I am, with no resistance. It's what you want isn't it?" he asked strongly.

"Well one mustn't knock back a golden opportunity when it comes to you on a silver platter," she said. Azula moved towards Zuko with a rope in her hands. Her twisted mind working in over drive. Thinking about what would happen to Zuko when their father got a hold of him again. Probably a lot of unpleasant torture she concluded.

Azula tied the rope tightly around Zuko's wrists. Zuko gave no look of discomfort which greatly angered Azula and she struck Zuko across the face.

"Zuko!" Aang called out as Azula led Zuko away.

"Keep practicing don't let talent go to waste," he called back. That statement earned him another sharp blow this time it was to his stomach.

Zuko was led onto the airship and was made to walk deep into the iron monster.

"We have to do something!" Sokka shouted angrily an hour after Zuko had been captured. He was pacing back and forth angrily infront of the fire. The gang looked at him and nodded though none of them could come up with a sufficient plan. It was so complicated. They didn't even know where he was taken! How were they to make a plan.

Katara had come down from Zuko's room after his departure. She had run to her father and embraced him fiercely asking him to never leave them again no matter what happened from here on in.

Katara and Suki had busied themselves with the making of food. Though no one was hungry.

Plates were passed around and bowls of food were left on the floor untouched even by Sokka who was pacing anxiously trying to come up with a plan.

Finally it was Toph who had an idea.

"What if we found Iroh?" she asked. She had heard that Iroh was Zuko's uncle and that he was a formidable opponent and she though that maybe he could hel them.

"And where do we find Iroh?" Sokka asked very pessimistic.

"I dunno where to find him but he has to be some where," she concluded.

"Well that would be a brilliant plan IF we knew where he was!" Sokka argued.

"Look guys arguing will not get Zuko back. We have an idea and so all we really need to do is to make a plan. I say that we check the place that Iroh was seen: Ba Sing Sei," Aang declared.

"So Zuko, are you comfy?" Azula taunted staring down at her brother who lay shackled on the floor at her feet. His wrists had been shackled with fire bender proof metal which would crush the wrists of its wearer if exposed to heat and that was why it was used on fire benders as they had a natural flame in their body making them hotter than say a water bender and so they were already beginning to crush Zuko's wrists. The shackles around his ankles were made of the same material and so they were doing the same damage to his ankles.

Zuko bit back a retort and held his lounge. This angered Azula more than an actual answer and so took her anger out on his body by repeatedly kicking his stomach. Zuko's body would fold in on its self after each kick. Blood was soon trickling from his parted lips. But he did not give Azula the satisfaction of hearing him scream even though he wanted to do that more than anything in the world right now maybe apart from getting up and murdering Azula right then and there.

"You won't be so slow to answer when you face dad," she said sinisterly before Zuko passed out.

Katara reluctantly fell asleep that night.

This time she was in a dungeon.

In it were Mitta and Yuki they were shackled to the wall. Blood trickled from Yuki's lips. Bruises littered their faces. They looked as if a bath had not been granted to them in years.

The door to the dungeons opened and a man was unceremoniously tossed in with he two siblings. Katara quickly realized it was the man that had utilized paralyzing moves on the siblings. Katara frowned at the man even though he couldn't see her. Of course the two sisters could see him and they started to yell abuse at him while he turned his back on them his body convulsing violently.

Mitta looked torn it was as if she knew the man and that they were once friends.

Katara looked at the man closely. His shirt had been removed exposing numerous disgusting whip lashes and burns. Not a part of the mans back was unblemished. As a healer this disgusted Katara like nothing she had ever seen before except what she had seen happen to Zuko in the past and present.

Mitta looked furious as she observed the man. Her shackled hand were now tightened into fists.

"Jay," she said softly.

The man continued to convulse while he tried to turn and face Mitta. And so Katara assumed that the mans name was Jay.

Tears were running in rivers down him burnt cheeks. Blood trickled from his lips, cuts on his face and a little from his eyes and nose. The blood from his eyes was mixing with the tears making his tears appear to be blood.

A horrible brand engulfed his stomach. It was in the shape of the Fire Nation emblem. Surrounding it were numerous small or dangerous burns. Katara so badly wanted to go out and heal him even if he was bad.

"Oh Jay," Mitta cried tears now running down her face. The man was looking at her unable to focus because of the tremendous pain that her was under his eyes appeared cloudy. His mouth opened as if to speak and blood gushed from his mouth causing him to be sick. Vomit and blood now ran down his front and he was too weak to even wipe it off him. His body continued to convulse in his extreme pain.

Roku materialized beside Katara and laid a hand on her shoulder in comfort.

"This was in the past Katara we can do nothing about it. I am showing you this not to disgust you but to show you that everyone has a good side and a bad side. This man a bigger good side than most. One can't judge a person by their first impression. That is why Aang makes a good Avatar he can look at a person see a bad impression the first time and then decide to give them a second chance. That is what you need to learn Katara. Even if something bad happened to you as a child doesn't mean that you should take revenge out on everyone who has common with that person an example you have judged this man and most Fire Nation people because of their nation," Roku said as he too looked on at the man on the ground. He was still convulsing vomit and blood spraying from his lips as he still cried.

Katara was for once terrified not of the Fire Nation but for the Fire Nation. If that was how they treated their own then it mustn't be the lot of them. Katara bent down and silently cried for Jay, Zuko and all the other people wronged by the Fire Nation whether or not they were Fire Nation.

Hey everyone sorry for not updating for a while been stuck with writers block it sucks so bad.

Please review i know i don't deserve it but if you do i'll update quicker!!!

PLEASE review!!!!!