Well people, here you have chapter 8. Sadly despite my relaxing holidays I didn't get much chance to write as my mom was overloading me with books to read. Yes, I had a brief respite to lose myself in medieval mysteries. Can you all forgive me?

Also thank you SO MUCH for the wonderful reviews. I was blown away by some of the feedback I got last chapter. Cinroc, you are ever faithful and wonderful.. JennaLynne, wow, your review was just amazing! Also thanks to all the new readers who put this on their alert list. Reviews and alerts make writing this story so much easier.

Again, unbeta-ed. I try to catch those pesky errors, but always find more after I've posted!

Disclaimer: Apparently I wasn't a good girl this year. Santa didn't give me this wonderful world created by Ms. Rowling.

Chapter 8


Any power must be an enemy of mankind which enslaves the individual by terror or force, whether it arises under a facets government or communist flag. All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded to the individual.

-Albert Einstein

"I will not call you Your Holey-ness!"

"C'mon Kates that not fair! I did help bring this together."

"Mmmm and what I am supposed to call Fred?"

"Really Katherine you can be so daft. He would be Your Wholly-ness, you know with a 'w'."

"I prefer Lack-Ear and Lack-Brain."

Katie ducked and ran out as several Fizzing Whizzbees came flying at her head. "See you guys tomorrow!"

It had been four days since the Order had pulled Harry out of Little Whinging. The twins were being kept overly busy at the Burrow, helping with the set up for Bill's wedding, which was taking place the next day so Katie had volunteered to help out in the shop. Her month of internship was over and the thought of sitting at home idly was highly unappealing. The more time she had to dwell, the more dreams she would have and that was out of the question. The fewer nightmares, the better.

The twins had come by to close down the shop early, leaving Katie and Angelina, who was also helping out, with half a day to themselves. Katie thought about visiting Oliver but realized he would be at practice. She still hadn't heard from Leanne meaning there was no where to send a letter and despite Oliver and Alex's efforts, it ate away at her. Angelina decided to drag Katie back to her parent's house to show her pictures of her travels, an idea Katie agreed to happily.

Katie loved going to Angelina's as the atmosphere was always happy and relaxed. It reminded her of the Burrow but without the chaos. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson owned a successful bakery in Diagon Alley called Pristine Pies and Pastries with the slogan 'Magically Made to be Magically Marvelous'. Katie swore up and down that they had the best treacle tarts outside of Hogwarts (Lysander had argued vehemently that his tarts topped even Hogwarts).

Katie spent the rest of the afternoon on Angelina's couch, jealously looking at pictures from Germany, Italy, Romania, Turkey and Egypt.

"I still can't believe you got to see where Matthias the Brave stood against the warlocks of Istanbul."

"It was amazing Katie."

"Is it true that the table on which he died is covered in star shaped rubies?"

"Yea, the tears of his beloved that mixed with his blood."

"You know, that was one story in Professor Binn's class that I stayed awake for the entire time."

"Me too, I think every girl did."

"My sister used to tell me the children's version of the tale, the one where Sophia's tears save him and for the longest time all I wanted to be was Sophia."

Angelina laughed, "Who knew Katie Bell was such a romantic."

"Haha yuck it up. 'Was' would be the operative word in that sentence."

"Why is that?"

"I've grown up."

"So have I but I still have horribly romantic notions about life. I mean who would have thought that Fred and I would get together again after I traveled for a year. I left thinking I would be swept away by a suave Italian wizard only to want nothing more than to come home to see him."

"We can't all have what you have."

"No, but you can have something."

Katie played with the hem of her sleeve avoiding Angelina's probing stare. "What I want is something I can't have. I'm not the same Katie I used to be and I don't think I can be."

Angelina looked at her for a minute before replying, "No you're not. The thing is though, people change. It's expected. Maybe you should try to find the good things from this change."

Katie gave a bitter laugh. "Like what?"

"For instance you are a hell of a lot more determined. You were always Katie the good student, Katie the good Quidditch player, Katie the solid friend. Now on top of that, you're Katie, the girl who pushed through the last semester of school after being in a coma, Katie the girl who recklessly tries to help fight You-Know-Who's people, Katie the girl that does what she wants and not what's expected of her."

"Those don't exactly sound like good qualities Ang. Reckless maybe."

"But they are! The old qualities weren't bad either, just different. But I gotta say that there are two things that don't seem to have changed in the slightest."

"Do enlighten me."

"You're still a stubborn cow and you're still oblivious."

"I know I'm stubborn, I like that about me but I'm curious as to how I am oblivious."

"Oh I don't know, it involves feelings regarding someone rugged, sweet, and handsome and possessing honestly one of the best qualities of character with a slight obsession for a certain sport play on a broom!"

"I know exactly how I feel about Oliver, I'll thank you."

"So do the rest of us but we also realize exactly how he feels about you, something you haven't managed yet"

Katie jumped in her seat. "What! He said something about me?"

"Ha, I knew it!" Angelina smirked gleefully, resembling an alchemist who just discovered the secret to changing any metal to gold. "Of course he said something about you. He constantly brings you up when you aren't around. He's exactly like you as well; won't admit it but unconsciously makes it so obvious that the rest of the world wants to smash our heads into a wall from frustration. You two are prefect for each other, both denying, denying, denying. At your wedding you'll be saying how you don't take the other person simply so you don't show anyone how you feel!"

"So what you're saying is he's never actually admitted to anything."

"Well, no but neither have you."

"Ha, I knew it! Anyway, it wouldn't matter if he did admit smething; he deserves someone better without the baggage. Let Verity have a go at him."

"Verity? She's all wrong for him. To fun and perky."

"He deserves fun and perky."

"That's just mean, I thought you liked him. C'mon, Oliver being fun and perky? That's like calling Alicia low maintenance and grounded. Oliver deserves to be with someone he likes, that's that and so do you and wouldn't you know it, you like him, he likes you. In my opinion that settles it."

"Ok, we are done with this conversation Ang. Let's talk about tomorrow, are you sure you can't make it?"

Angelina acquiesced but the look on her face told Katie that this topic was in no way buried.

"Positive. Mum needs my help at the bakery since dad will be gone."

"Why can't the bloody French make their own magic pastries? Do they have to try his?"

"I guess so."

"I need another voice of reason there with me."

"Stick to Ginny."

"I would but she's been quite moody lately, with everything that's happened between her and Harry."

Angelina nodded. "You know, maybe you could ask Oli…"

The daggers in Katie's eyes silenced her.

"Egypt next?" She asked, pulling out another album.

"Sure," a relieved Katie replied.


Katie sat in her bedroom staring into a mirror, evaluating herself. There she was, this was her. Her hair had darkened significantly since she hadn't spent much time in the sun in the past year and was now the darker brown Leanne had always wanted to turn it. It was also much longer than she had ever worn it. The lack of sun had kept her skin pale and though she was regaining weight, she was still thinner than she had been.

I look sick.

She continued to study her face; decent bone structure, the same greenish eyes her sister could break hearts with, average lips and average nose all kept in an oval shaped face. That was Katie to a T, average. Lydia was the pretty one, with a smile that could make even the warlock who had cut out his heart fall in love.

Grumbling to herself, she slipped on her bright green wellies and straightened the yellow dress she had bought for Bill's wedding. It had an a-line cut and fell to her knees. The material was light cotton, edged with white silk. She carried her heels and her white leather handbag and hopped downstairs, her rain boots clunking.

"Katie, you look lovely!" her Mom squealed when she saw her. The second, however, he eyes landed on the boots, the smile dropped. "Why are you wearing galoshes?"

"Because the ground is still muddy in the fields," replied Katie with a matter-of-fact tone, as if that explained everything.

"What does it matter if the fields are muddy," added her sister who had just entered the room looking flawless in a flowing pink number. "You are a witch remember, we all learned how to apparate."

"That's because I'm not apparating. I'm leaving now and walking."

"Why on earth are you walking?" Exclaimed her mother.

"Because I want too. It's a beautiful day outside, exercise is always beneficial and anyway I think I might need some time under the sun."

Lydia gave her a pointed stare and her mother stalked off muttering things along the line of "stubborn, willful child." "Honestly Katie," said Lydia, "You are so weird sometimes. Can't you just behave normally anymore?"

"I'm not normal anymore," Katie retorted and headed out the door.

Alex was coming up the path and saw her. "You walking to the Weasley's Kates?"

"Yeah, it's only a couple of miles. Shouldn't take more than 45 minutes, if that."

"Hold on, I'll join you. Let me just let Mum know and grab my old wellies."

Katie waited as her brother bounced inside. He didn't manage to close the door all the way and Katie heard her mother's reaction. "I don't know which of you is worse! Why is it so difficult for you to wait and come with us in an hour?"

"Jeez Mum, don't bust a vein. It's a nice day, let's all walk, a family stroll."

Katie snorted as the vision of Lydia traipsing through the fields crossed her mind. That hadn't happened since she had learned how to operate the floo system and once she got her apparition license, it was rare that she even did that.

"Alex, I'm not walking through the mud today, boots or not."

"Suit yourself Lydia. Offer's open Mum."

"No thank you, I think I'd like to arrive like a respectable witch. I could even pretend I didn't have two of the most stubborn and crude children in the world then!"

"Oh mum, where would the fun in that be? Besides there's no way we can be the absolute most stubborn and crude children, I'm sure someone's got us beat. See ya!" Alex emerged from the house. "Shall we?" He asked, offering Katie his arm.

She accepted and the two strolled into the trees. It was a wonderfully warm day and rays of sunshine penetrated the leafy canopy to form intricate patterns on the damp ground. Katie and Alex stuck to a well worn little path to avoid any wardrobe malfunctions which would inevitably send their mother into a fit despite the fact that any dirt or wrinkle could easily by magicked away.

Ten minutes later they emerged from among the oaks and alders onto an unused field covered in tall grasses. In the sea of gold and green the occasional blue forget-me-not and red poppy made their appearances. Katie was delighted to also find pale-flaxes, buttercups, scarlet pimpernels, and red campions. Deciding it would be pleasant to bring a fresh wildflower bouquet for Mrs. Weasley, she bounded in various directions. Alex did his part by walking along and calling to her anytime he found something worth picking.

The smell of fresh flowers and damp earth infused Katie with a sense of euphoria. Alex seemed to be infected as well for he kept running around like a madman to help Katie's bouquet efforts. His help was well given for after only fifteen minutes, Katie had 3 separate bouquets threatening her eyesight. Alex relieved some of her burden and they continued through the field and over a fence into a muggle cornfield. Beyond that was another set of trees that included Katie's favorite weeping willow.

As a child she had often hidden amongst its branches to get away from the twins of torture but also on occasion to spy or surprise them. This set of trees was located right behind the Weasley's orchard atop a small hill. Eyeing the hill she grinned mischievously. "I'll race you down." She said daringly.

"Alex snickered. "That would be a bad idea for several reasons."

"Oh c'mon! Or are you scared that you're getting to old to beat your little sister?"

"No, but I have a feeling you would beat yourself by tripping and subsequently rolling into the tent."

"I'm not that bad!"

"Bad enough."

"Well I want wind in my hair so I'm running. Feel free to join." Gripping the two bouquets she still held tightly she took off down the hill.

"Katie don't!" Alex shouted.

She ignored him and kept her focus on the ground. Thankfully the earth here was dryer than in the field allowing her to run without worry. She could see people milling about the orchard outside of the tent. She reached the bottom in one piece and gave a whoop of joy. Alex jogged up behind her and smacked her lightly on the back of the head. "Idiot." He mumbled but his eyes twinkled happily at seeing his sister smile. She hadn't smiled like that in a very long time.

Katie simply grinned and skipped off towards the house. Mrs. Weasley greeted her enthusiastically and directed her to the kitchen to put the flowers in vases and also where she and Alex could put their boots as the old spot by the front door was now taken by a new flutterby bush. While Katie arranged the flowers Alex wandered off after sighting Fleur's relatives. Katie had managed to avoid Aunt Muriel and her own mother for the time being. After cautiously exploring the house she did find Ginny, who was hiding from Fleur in her gold bridesmaid dress by sitting in a space under one of the stairs.

"Katie! Over here!" Ginny whispered.

"What on earth are you doing down there?"

"Hiding from Fleur, my mum and Fleur's mum. I just want to get this whole thing over with."

Katie nodded sympathetically and sat down next to her. "Well you've only got fifteen more minutes of hiding so I think you'll be alright. Where's Harry? I haven't seen him yet."

"Yes you have, but he is poly-juiced into a red-headed muggle. He's now Cousin Barney."

"Ahhh. I wouldn't dance with him too much then if I were you. Could give people the wrong idea about cousinly love."

Ginny glared. "You are around Fred and George too much," she said.

"I know…it's quite disturbing how much of an influence they've had on me recently."

Katie was answered with a snort. "What's disturbing is that you think this is recent. I happen to know it was your idea to transform Ron's teddy bear! I think this side of you went into hibernation for a while but is now swiftly resurfacing."

"Ahhh so you know about that. Do me a favor and don't tell Ron ay."

"Not to worry, besides I can't have you blabbing to the twins about their pink knickers can I?"

Katie chuckled at the memory. When she was 13, Ginny had managed to get a hold of muggle clothing dye from the village and proceeded to soak all of the twins' underwear in them. Since they were technically clean, just pink, Mrs. Weasley's Scourgify attempts were unsuccessful.

"You'd better get down there if you want to get a good seat." Ginny added.

"Eh, I'm sure the twins were kind enough to save me a spot with my family. I'm simply avoiding sitting in said spot until the last possible minute."

Ginny grinned, "I heard your mum going off about you and Alex romping through the fields. I wouldn't want to sit by her too long when she's that brassed off either."

Sighing with mock exasperation Katie replied, "It's so nice to have someone understand my reasoning."

"Ginevra! What on earhz are you doing down zhere?"

Ginny groaned and Katie glanced up to see an exceptionally beautiful blonde woman bearing a striking resemblance to Fleur. So this is Mrs. Delacour. She looks slightly rabid today, no wonder Ginny is hiding.

Smiling wryly at Katie, Ginny followed her future relative downstairs. Katie followed suit but went outside to the orchard instead of the bridal rooms. She found the twins escorting people to seats and upon seeing her they gleefully grabbed her arms and led her together, sticking their chests out pompously. Her face flushed as she felt the stares of people around her. "Would you quit?" she whispered furiously.

"Not a chance love," murmured Fred. "Did I ever tell you I hate sneezing?"

Katie groaned and resigned herself to her fate. They stopped at three different rows, muttering to each other before finally guiding her to sit by her family. As they released her arms the each quickly grabbed a hand kissing it and bowing. "Mi'lady, your throne."

Glowering as they returned to seat more guests, Katie sat next to Alex who shook with silent laughter.

"Oh go stuff yourself," she growled.


The ceremony was beautiful. Katie was amazed to see that when Fleur stood next to Bill his scars were virtually unnoticeable; it was as if everything she was near turned beautiful as well.

Once the ceremony was over and the congratulations had been said, Katie found herself a piece of cake and accosted a chair at a back table. Alex was dancing with someone undoubtedly related to Fleur and George was doing the same. She had last seen Fred attempting to hide from Aunt Muriel while simultaneously getting a random uncle of his inebriated.

"Vell not all the pretty girls are taken it seems."

Katie glanced up to see Viktor Krum standing above her. "Viktor! How nice to see you again!" She gave him a genuine smile. Alex had introduced her to him the summer of the world cup when several of the national teams gathered for a diplomatic party. Alex preferred bringing Katie as his date to such events as it caused less chatter and scandal as to who might have captured Tutshill's most lusted after and England's finest beater's heart. Katie never minded the role, especially since she was often able to meet many of her Quidditch heroes because of it.

When Krum had come to Hogwarts for the Tri-Wizard Tournament, they had formed a sort of friendship discussing various teams, plays and game strategies. That was when she still contemplated the idea of attempting a Quidditch career. She hadn't seen him in three years so his appearance was a welcome surprise.

"So Katie Bell," he said, sitting next to her. "Vhy have you not signed to a team?"

Katie's smile faltered. "It's a long story. You may have heard part of it but to keep it short, I missed the trials because I wasn't quite recuperated."

"I heard you vere in the hospital, but if you train enough you can alvays try next year." He grinned. "I vill put in a good vord for you in Bulgaria if you vish to leave England, as long as you don't tell you brother it vos me who convinced you to leave."

Laughter bubbled out of her easily. "Don't worry, I'll protect you. I suppose I could try out next year."

"Good." Viktor stood abruptly. "Now you vill dance with me?"

"I'm not sure it's a good idea. I fall a lot."

"Bah, I'm bigger and stronger than you, I vill keep you standing."

She allowed him to lead her to the dance floor and keep her there for two songs before she managed to escape back to the table and her cake. Viktor had kept his promise and made sure she didn't look too foolish. Katie was sure he would regret it by the time the bruises appeared on his toes.

As she sat watching the couples dance and laugh Katie let her thoughts stray to Oliver.

He had volunteered to go to the ministry today as he wouldn't be attending the wedding. Kingsley would be there monitoring the minister and he mentioned he wouldn't mind if one of them wanted to skulk around a bit as long as they weren't caught. George told Oliver not to be daft and Fred added that if he didn't go to the wedding, who was supposed to keep Katie company as both of them had Veela family to entertain. Oliver snorted and said Katie was able to take care of herself, probably better than either of them. He didn't notice it, but the Katie saw the twins do a small fist punch behind their backs.

I hope everything is alright. Maybe I should save him some cake. He'd like that.

I'm sure he would my little Katie. Bring him a piece of cake as a token of affection; I'm sure you'll win him over right on the spot.

Katie dropped her fork in disgust and fled the tent.

Leave me alone!

I'm bored Katherine. Besides, if I don't teach you, who will?

I don't want to learn the lessons you teach.

Katie furtively searched for a private place. She found sanctuary on the side of what was now a broom shed and leaned against it heavily. The voice hadn't come while she was awake in nearly a month. It frightened her that she could be in such a happy place and still have this happen.

Come now, you must learn that the things you seek are unattainable. Would you rather go through the pain of finding out through experience?

"If it meant you would go away then yes!" she whispered aloud.

When will you realize that isn't going to happen?

"Never. I will try to rid myself of you with my last breath. If I can have but a moment in my life without worrying you will jump into my mind at any moment, I would die happy."

Tisk, tisk Katie. Ever the martyr aren't we? Being a martyr won't help you win Oliver. I know that's what you want. I know it better than you do in fact because I can see deep inside you to places you're afraid to let your mind wander. You don't want to see the truth do you?

"What are you on about? Truth, what truth? And it doesn't matter how I feel about Oliver because I won't make him deal with my problems." Katie's voice grew louder as she grew angrier.

That's my girl! Get angry! Stop being the pathetic little witch you are!

"What do you want from me!?" Katie sobbed, dropping to her knees. "Why won't you go away?"

I want nothing and I want everything. I can't go away from you because I am you. I'm there in the deepness you're afraid to explore.

Katie squeezed her eyes and screamed inside her head trying to drown out the incessant invasion of her mind. Under the scream all she could feel was despair at the fact she was most likely crazy; that she would wind up as one of those witches with permanent residence on the fourth flour at St. Mungo's.

Shouts interrupted her attempts at silence. At first she thought they were echoing inside her head and ignored them but after several minutes she realized they were coming from the direction of the wedding tent. Pops from people apparating filled the air. She stood and looked around the side of the shed. Frozen, she watched as people in the masks of Death Eaters appeared on the lawn before her and entering the tent.

What's going on! This can't be happening! How can they dare to make such a blatant attack? The ministry won' stand… "unless the ministry has been taken. No…Oliver. Oh bloody hell, Mum, Dad!"

Katie took off running towards the tent stopping briefly to kick off her heals that insisted upon sinking into the dirt. She reached the back of the tent and peered through a flap in the corner. The chaos seemed to be residing but evidence of it in the form of tumbled chairs and broken dishes filled the area. Over half of the guests were gone and the other half was either huddled in chairs or comforting one another. Her mother was standing with Mrs. Weasley, arm protectively around the shorter woman's shoulders. Mrs. Weasley was shooting hell fire from her eyes as Fred and George were restrained. Fleur and Bill were holding each other, but it almost seemed that Bill was more holding Fleur back from tearing the people who ruined her wedding to shreds. Katie couldn't see Alex, Paul, Lydia or Ginny but to her relief she couldn't see Harry either which meant he had gotten away with Ron and Hermione most likely in tow.

Five Death Eaters were physically or magically forcing the guests to remain in the tent. One of them was taller than the others and Katie could see his pale hands extending from the robes. On his right hand he wore a large emerald ring. He seemed to be in charge of the attack.

The front flap to the tent opened and two more Death Eaters entered.

"The house was clean except for them." One of the figures said to the tall, pale-handed wizard. They stepped aside and revealed Lydia and Ginny, magically bound. Mr. Weasley let out a roar but was quickly silenced by a stunning spell. Mr. Bell caught him before he hit the ground.

Katie saw only fire as Lydia and Ginny were pushed into the other, their bond finally released. She drew her wand from her hand bag and aimed at the tall wizard, ignoring the sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. "Stu..."

Her words were interrupted by a hand snaking over her mouth and another snatching her wand. The strong arms dragged her away from the tent struggling. The body attached to the hand holding her wand came into view and she relaxed instantly. Standing in front of her was her brother Paul pleading her with his hands to be still. The hands from her waist and mouth released and she turned to see Alex. Behind Alex stood Oliver, who had a black eye. He was cradling his left arm.

Katie tried to speak but Alex quickly re-clamped his hand over her mouth. "Later," he mouthed silently and she nodded. Still clutching her, Alex turned and with a pop they appeared in a dark alley. She looked around confused, trying to identify something as familiar but nothing came to her. She turned and glared at Alex. "Why are we here? We have to go back and help the others! Why did you stop me?"

Alex nearly clamped his hand over Katie's mouth again but Paul stopped him. "Because what are we supposed to tell Mum and Dad when you're dead because we let you stupidly attack a Death Eater," he said, releasing his older brother's arm. "They'll be ok as long as they don't attack them. They have no reason to hold any of them longer than questioning."

"Why do they care about questioning? These are Death Eaters we are talking about! Do you think they give a damn about what the Ministry will do to them? And what do you mean question? What right do they have to question anybody? Has the ministry been alerted?" She glared at the three men standing around her. Oliver looked despondent and stood off to the side, Alex's teeth were clenched and Paul was pacing on the cobblestone.

"Well seeing as they are the Ministry now I'm sure it's been alerted."

She stared at Alex as the words left his lips. "Scrimgeour is dead. They've taken control of everything. Apparently Thickneese has been under the Imperius curse…"

"I knew it." Katie mumbled.

"…and now he is minister. They attacked the ministry full force and then split to go to various households it seems."

"How do you know all this?"

"I was there." Oliver finally spoke, his voice raw and cracking. "Aside from stunning that git Yaxley I wasn't much use. I was promptly thrown into a wall and bound. Luckily I had some of the twins' cologne on so they kinda forgot about me. Kingsley managed to get me free after everything and send word to the Weasley's. We heard them give out orders. They went to the Tonks' place, and several others. They also went to yours but obviously didn't find anyone. I met up with your brothers there. I…" Oliver's voice faltered. "I had to make sure you were ok."

Katie's stomach flipped as he said it but he quickly turned his head to avoid her gaze.

"What about you parents? Are they alright?"

"Yeah, I sent a Patronus to them and they sent one back."

Expectantly she looked to Alex. "How did you get out?"

"Dad forced us basically. Said he and mum had to stay to be with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. Said to find you, Lydia and Susan and get you out because neither he nor mum could bear losing us. Well we couldn't find either you or Lydia so we went to the house hoping you were there but found Oliver instead. We left Susan there and the three of decided to come back together. There's nothing we can do for Lydia right now."

"But.." Katie protested.

"No, we are going to fix Oliver's arm and then head back to the Weasley's, but only to keep an eye on things in case they do decide to really hurt someone." Paul gave her the same look she had given Ang yesterday that closed the conversation.

"What's wrong with Oliver's arm?" She asked instead.

"Dislocated shoulder," Oliver replied, grimacing.

"I don't know the magical way of putting it back it but I do know the manual way which is probably safer," said Alex. He indicated that Oliver should sit on an overturned crate. Before sitting, he tossed something lightly to Katie's feet who looked down to see her shoes.

"I saw the on the hill when we snuck up on you. Better put them on, there's probably glass on the ground."

Katie smiled gratefully and slipped her feet into them.

Alex began handing out instructions. "Paul, situate yourself on his other side to hold him still. Katie, your handbag, is it leather?"

She nodded.

"Good, the strap is nice and thick too. Detach it and give it to him to bite on. He probably won't need it but yelling in a dark muggle alleyway doesn't seem too prudent."

She pointed her wand where the strap met the bag and whispered "Abscido" at both ends. The strap fell into her hand. Alex nodded at her to put it in Oliver's mouth. Oliver gave her a grin and a wink as if trying to alleviate her fear.

Alex gently pushed Oliver to lie back on the crate and then slowly rotated his arm out to the side. Oliver inhaled quickly and Alex stopped briefly before slowly continuing. Once his arm was out to the side, Alex raised the hand from the elbow to reach towards his opposite shoulder. Oliver grunted through the leather strap and suddenly a soft popping crunch filled the silence. Paul released him and Alex helped him to stand. Katie transfigured the leather strap into a sling and fastened it onto Oliver's arm, who suddenly looked in much higher spirits.

"Well then, back to the orchard?" he grinned dangerously.

Paul nodded. Alex turned to Katie. "I'm taking you side along so we don't get separated. Once we get there you stay behind us, understand?"

She nodded and grasped her brother's arm.


2 Hours Later

"Argh! How much longer are they going to question them?" Alex whispered loudly as he paced angrily. "They've been at it for nearly 3 hours!"

Katie glared at him and put a finger to her lips. "You know I don't think you've quite mastered the fine art of whispering. Besides, they've already let a bunch of people go. It can't be much longer before Mum, Dad, Lydia and the Weasleys are also released.

Alex shot her an exasperated look and retuned to his post next to her. The Weasleys, Bells, Delacours, were all that remained in the tent. Fred and George were still bound but Katie had cast a spell to loosen their bonds so if need be they could quickly free themselves.

Situated at the rear of the tent, Katie, her brothers and Oliver were too far away to hear much of what was being said. "Fine timing to not have Extendable Ears on hand," Katie grumbled.

Everyone had been pretty compliant so there wasn't much shouting aside from when they asked where Harry Potter was. Of course no one knew so not telling them wasn't at all a problem, and even if they did know, no one in attendance was likely to give out any information willingly.

Katie felt a touch on her shoulder and turned to see Paul. She and Alex backed away from the tent to speak with him.

"Things are winding down. I'm going to go home and check on Susan. She's probably tripping over her own lost marbles right about now."

Alex nodded. "Good idea. Oliver and I will stay here and Katie can go with you so she can get some rest."

"Okay. I'll come back in a couple hours to relieve you if you need." Paul replied. "

"Wait a minute," Katie said with as much indignation as she could force into a whisper. "Could you two stop making decisions for me? I'm staying here and waiting for Mum and Dad and that's final. No Alex, I've been of age for over a year now, it's time I made some of my own choices."

Paul and Alex exchanged a look. "She get's it from you," said Paul."

Alex sighed. "I know. These days I can't tell if that's a good thing or bad thing anymore."

Katie huffed quietly and walked back up to the corner where Oliver was maintaining a post. He gave her a questioning look and then glanced at Paul and Alex. Katie simply set her jaw and shook her head. While undoubtedly a rare occasion, Alex and Paul joining forces rarely bode well for what Katie wanted to do. Continuing to ignore Oliver's gaze and Alex's radiating frustration Katie focused on the task at hand.

The Death Eaters were pacing around the tent. They no longer seemed to be questioning anyone but nor did they seem to want to release anyone either. A glance at both Oliver and Alex on the other corner let Katie see them pulling out their wands. Katie followed suit, suddenly much more frightened than she had been when getting ready to attack earlier. The adrenaline had faded and she could feel the distinction.

All seven of the Death Eaters stood huddled away from the captives. Katie, Alex and Oliver all readied their wands. The disarming spell was on the tip of Katie's tongue when the tall, pale-handed leader disapparated. The spell froze on her lips. Neither Alex, nor Oliver cast theirs. Two more Death Eaters followed suit leaving only four in the tent. One pointed his wand at Fred and George's hands causing the bonds to drop while another passed out the wands they had confiscated.

"Remember, we will be vigilant. Don't think you subterfuge will go unnoticed like in the past," one of the masked figures barked. With that the last four disapparated. The tension flew from the tent and was visibly noticeable. Tears streamed down both Mrs. Bell's and Mrs. Weasley's cheeks. Ginny clung to her mother and stared into space and Gabrielle Delacour was started sobbing hysterically against her parents. Bill cradled Fleur, Charlie was helping Mr. Bell pick up Mr. Weasley while Fred flung a comforting arm around Lydia.

Katie glanced at Alex and with his nod she burst into the tent, muddy legs and a tear streaked face yelling "Mum!" Alex and Oliver were right behind her.


There you have it! Let me know what you thought.

Chapter Title Song Credit: Disintegration by Jimmy Eat World.

Oh I've drawn up a Bell Family Tree and also a little chart to show what years the characters were at Hogwarts in comparison to Harry. It helped me a lot with timeline. If anyone had interest in these let me know and I will find a way to put them up somewhere. Oh and I did some actor browsing and found people whose looks best represent the main characters as I have written them. Unfortunately there aren't really any "older, rugged" Sean Biggerstaff photos so I chose someone who I think compliments his features a bit but more buffed out. Also his eye color is different but he is now my interpretation of Oliver.

Love you guys :)
