I Want You Back

I Want You Back

Ello, people. Thank you for the reviews you've sent me for this story and for chapter 13, I really appreciate it. I'm really sorry for the long wait but through the week I had a lot of homework to do and I have to study for my GCSE's :(. Anyway this is the last chapter and I hope that you like it. Oh and by the way this chapter takes place 3 years after the Halloween party.

Chapter 14: Chasing Cars (Snow Patrol)

Three years passed since the Halloween party and a lot changed with the gang. Will graduated from school and is now a proud vetinarian, she saved many animal lives and vows to try and save more. Also, Will and Matt were still together and they were really happy together. Matt was now the lead singer in Colbalt Blue and they were really popular in Heatherfield. Irma and Cornelia went back to school and were now in their final year of studying so that they could become Chefs. Martin and Irma were still together and they found everything in each other. Martin become a very successful computer programmer and he was very happy at his work place. Taranee also graduated from school and was now a successful lawyer, and last but now least Hay Lin now owns and manages The Silver Dragon. Nigel and Eric still are in the band with Matt, and they're really great and successful musicians.

We'll do it all, everything, on our own

We don't need anything or anyone

If I lay here

If I just lay here

Would you lie with me

And just forget the world

Cornelia and Caleb were still together and very happy at that. During the past 3 years they got very intimate and showed their feelings to one another more then they ever had in the past. They moved out of Cornelia's old apartment and were now living in a smaller apartment. Caleb had gotten a job on earth and he had gotten the hand of things over the years. Right now he was working overtime at his job while Cornelia was in Meridian, sitting quietly under The Great Oak tree watching the sun sink behind the hills. Cornelia was a bit depressed and so she went to Meridian to think things over. That's what she always did when she was depressed or a bit angry at the world. That very same morning she went to the doctor so that she could get a check-up and see why she was feeling so sick and tiered all the time. At school, she almost burnt down half her work space because she was so tiered and she wasn't doing that well at her part time-job. She had found a job working as a salesgirl, but she almost got fired for being so clumsy; she tripped over with a pile of clothes in her hands and damaged half the merchandise. Now, she has to work twice as hard as so she could pay the shop back for the damaged goods. When the results came out, the doctor told her the news and she couldn't believe what she heard. She had the doctor check it over again and when he told her that there was no mistake she accepted the truth. And the truth was that she was pregnant. She knew how but she couldn't believe that it happened to her. What have I done? I can't be a mother now, not when I have to go to school and pay my dept. She thought while holding back tears but it was no use, she brought her legs closer to her chest and cried her eyes out.

I don't quite know how to say how I feel

Those three words are said too much

They're not enough

"What am I going to tell Caleb? What if he doesn't believe me and then leaves me… us?" she said to herself as she hugged her knees closer to her chest and swallowed hard. At that moment she heard something or someone coming from behind her, she quickly made a vine grow from the ground and grab the intruder by the leg.

"Hey, put me down." It said, "Cornelia, you're going to sprain my ankle." As she heard his voice she immediatley knew that it was Caleb.

"Oh, sorry." She said as she put him back down gently on the ground. When he stood back up she violently wiped away her tears so that Caleb wouldn't know that she was crying.

"You almost took my leg off there." He said as he took out the leaves in his hair.

"I said I was sorry, ok?" she snapped. It wasn't like her to yell at Caleb and this startled him.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he said gently as he sat down next to her.

"N…nothing." She said as she rested her face on her knees, not looking at him.

"Cornelia, I know there's something wrong. Just tell me." He said as he turned her face around, making her face him, "Please."

"Caleb, I… I'm pregnant." She said with tears sliding down her cheeks. She looked at him and saw that he was stunned but then he smiled and hugged her close.

If I lay here

If I just lay here

Would you lie with me

And just forget the world

Forget what we're told

Before we get too old

Show me a garden that's bursting into life

"That's great." He said while he kissed her head and forehead. But then she pulled apart and stood up.

"What do you mean 'That's great'? I can't be pregnant right now. I still have to finish school and we still have to pay off our dept over the apartment. Maybe we can have a baby in a year or two but not now. I can't do this Caleb, I just can't." she sobbed.

"Cornelia, we'll get through this. Just like we always did." He got up and held her by her shoulders. "I'll be with you every step of the way. You can trust me."

"But Caleb we don't have any money and we can't afford a nursery for the baby not to mention the clothes, milk formulas and all those other things."

"That's not a problem, because I got a big promotion today. So now I make twice as much money as I did before." He smiled. As she saw him smile, all her fears and doubts melted away.

"R…really?" she asked.

"Of course. I would never lie to you." He gave her a hug and held her close to him, "Now, you only got 4 more months of school so you're going to continue learning what you can and when you finish you're going to work in a great restaurant. Ok?"

"Yeah, but are you sure?" Cornelia asked.

Let's waste time

Chasing cars

Around our heads

I need your grace

to remind me

to find my own

"I'm positive. But I have to ask you something first." He pulled apart and dug his hands in the pockets of his jacket.

"Sure, what is it?" she asked. Caleb got on one knee and took out a little black box. "Now, I know it's not the perfect time to ask you this but I just couldn't wait any longer." He began, Cornelia was shocked at this she covered her mouth with her hands and just started at him. "I've been waiting for this moment for the past 8 years and from the moment I looked at you, all those years ago, I knew that you were the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. When you gave me a second and third chance I knew that there was still hope for us and I was right. Cornelia, I'm really sorry for the pain and hurt I caused you during the past years but I just hope that you still love me with the same passion you loved me when we were younger. So Cornelia Hale, would you do me the honour of being my wife?" he finished.

If I lay here

If I just lay here

Would you lie with me

And just forget the world

Forget what we're told

Before we get too old

Show me a garden that's bursting into life

Cornelia blinked a couple of times to try and see if it was a dream or not, but she quickly noticed that it was no dream and that Caleb was waiting for her answer. "W…well first of all I still love you the same way I did when we were young and nothing is going to change that and second what made you think that I wouldn't still love you?" she said as she got on her own knees.

"Well, because for the past week you've been avoiding me." He said, still holding the closed box.

"That's only because I felt sick and tiered all the time." She explained.

"Oh, I see."

All that I am

All that I ever was

Is here in your perfect eyes

They're all I can see

I don't know where

Confused about how as well

I just know that these things

Will never change for us at all

"And the answer to your question is yes." She smiled, then she jumped on top of him and kissed him all over his face. He couldn't stop laughing and once he calmed down he opened the little velvet box and took out the ring; "I know that it's not much, but it's been in my family for generations and I thought you'd might like it."

Cornelia started at the ring because it was the most beautiful thing she ever saw. "I do like it, actually I love it." She said with a smile. With that he slipped the ring on her finger and said; "I love you, Cornelia Hale."

"Um… Cornelia Hart now." She smiled, "And I love you too." She leaned in and kissed him with more passion and love than ever before. When they pulled apart Caleb said; "Do you feel all right now? Do you feel like you can trust me?"

"Yeah, I do feel better. And I always trusted you."

If I lay here

If I just lay here

Would you lie with me

And just forget the world

He smiled and then got up from the ground. "Now let's go and tell the others the news." He said as he helped her up and started walking in the direction of the open portal. It was under The Great Oak tree that their relationship began and under it, it shall continue. For many more generations are going to unfold.

End of Chapter 14:

Well, guys tell me what you think. And sorry for the crappy ending but I'm really tiered and it's getting late here. So Review and I hope that this story made its way to your favourite list. Oh and by the way, this was the last chapter.
