Do you know?

Disclaimer:- I do not owe anything the character belong to fox and Kathy Reich and the poem belongs to Enchantress 4u.

The poem has been altered to fit Booth and Bones.

Dr Temperance Brennan entered her office at the Jeffersonian Institute after a finishing the paper work for the lastest case that she and her partner Special Agent Seeley Booth had final closed after a week of long days and night to catch the man that had murdered at 15 year old girl and set her body alight hoping that the fire would destroy all the evidence of what he had done.

As Brennan was putting on her jacket on she noticed a piece of paper alone on the floor by her couch, she knew it couldn't be a piece of paper work as they had just filled it all in, as well the most pieces of paper work don't have a torn edge like a piece of paper being ripped from a notebook.

Saying to herself as she went to pick up the piece of paper 'It must be from Booth note book he was trying to organize it when I was analysing my reports.' As she picked up the discarded piece of paper she instantly recognised the writing that belonged to one Seeley Booth, she also noticed that it didn't look like note from the case but a poem with the title do you know?

Do you know?

Can you tell when I look into your eyes

...I'm wishing you'd look as deep into mine

Can you tell when I place my hand on your back

...I just want to be close to you

Can you tell when I smile with such content's because your presence makes me happy

Can you tell when I inhale your perfume

...your scent makes me want you even more

Can you tell when I lean close to your face's because I want to steal a kiss

Can you tell when I'm laughing with you's because I love it when our smiles coincide

Can you tell I'm in love?

Can you tell I'm in love with you?

I think you know

I wonder if you know

I hope that you know

I pray that you know.

By the time that she had finished the poem her head was swimming with the information that she had just received from this one little poem, but she had no more time to think as the voice of the man that had written this poem was shouting her nickname. She quickly folded the piece of paper and placed it in her pocket to read again later.

'Hey Bones what took you so long? I would like to go home sometime tonight.'

'Well you could be home by now if you didn't feel the need to pick me up this morning meaning that you would have to drive me home tonight I am completely capably of driving myself into work.'

'I know your capably Bones I was just trying to be nice.'

'Come on Booth I want to get home sometime tonight.'

She picked up her bag and walked out of her office door with a smile gracing her face when she felt the presents of Booth next to her placing his hand on her back to bring both people closer together.

'Hey Bone what are you smiling about?'

'Don't you know' was all she said to him because now she was the one hoping that he knew.

Thanks for reading. I would like your opinion if I should continue this or not.