By Puppyic

She was his maid. That was it. But Natsume found her-interesting. What Natsume wants, Natsume gets and when he says interesting, there's more to it. Gaaaah! I suck in making summaries just read and have fun! xD


Lesson number 1

Despise the free kiss; If you're staying as a maid, remember it's not your house and close the door.

The room was huge and well lighted. A chandelier was hanging above and the con was on fan mode, making the room so much appealing. Sets of china were displayed alongsome with paintings and sculptures that are sure to cost billions. Everything was quiet and a man clad in simple jeans and unbuttoned polo sat in a handsome couch in solitude.

The door was opened calmly but a loud "Thud" and a "Let go of me!" shriek destroyed the room's peace. Reo grabbed a handful of brunette hair and threw the owner further towards the clad. "This time I got the right one"

Natsume raised his head from his manga and his eyes caught brown orbs. The girl glanced at him and snubbed him, continuing to glare at Reo.

Natsume raised an eyebrow. 'How dare this girl snub me?!' thinking he did not see his face well, he approached the pair carefully. He kneeled before her and lifted her chin so she will be able to see his face clearly.

The girl raised an eyebrow first and then glared at him with all her might.

Natsume smirked down at her "Where did you get this?"

"Her father lost to us a million rabbits and could not pay it even with his own house. We were supposed to take his business but he pleaded not to, having no other means of living so we took his daughter instead. The father seemed to be even pleased to get rid of this girl. Judging, he was just a guardian, looking over her"

"Is that so?" Natsume scrutinized every detail of the girl from her long messy brown locks that fell up to her waist that was sticking to her forehead, her porcelain face twisted in a scowl but very beautiful, her perfect curves under a white tank and down to her uncovered thighs.

"Quit undressing me with your eyes" she snarled and tried to get rid of his hand on her chin. She couldn't use her arms to push him because they were pinned to the floor with his other hand.

"How long does this stay here?"

"5 months. After then, I guess the remaining five hundred thousand rabbits debt would be paid fully." Reo smirked. "I'll be seeing you later, Hyuuga-sama. Your father is rather hurrying me. Do anything with her, she's all yours" and before he was gone, he ended "And by the way, that's Mikan Sakura. Ying Fa"

Mikan was able to wretch herself from Natsume's grip and brushed the hair from her face. "I am NOT to be called Ying Fa and one thing more; you can't tell me what to do because I'm even stronger than you" She said defiantly.

"Is that so?" Natsume said unaffected, keeping his poker face but nonetheless tried to burn the tips of her hair; he failed. "Nullification" he whispered.

Mikan smirked. "As a matter of fact, I have two" and he pulled Natsume into a soft but cold kiss.

Natsume was taken aback by this girl's boldness and responded harder to intimidate her.

Mikan broke and produced a flame at the tip of her index finger. "Thanks for the gift" she said, smirking.

'Theft?' Natsume thought. 'This one's interesting, this woman surely is.'

Mikan stood up and dusted her shorts. "If you plan of letting me stay in this prison mansion for five full months, you might as well give me a decent room" she demanded sharply.

Natsume stood up and pinned her to the nearest wall. "Who may know? You might be staying longer than you've expected"

"Make me" Mikan send daggers at him and pushed him away.

"You're things are already in the left wing I presume- Fifth door on the right. Meet me after thirty minutes or I'll barge in and make you come here." Natsume said as he watch her make her way to the door.

"That won't be necessary." Mikan said and closed or rather slammed the door behind her.

Natsume touched his lips and smirked at how bold the girl was. 'At least I won't be bored now'


Mikan held her door open and slumped on the nearest couch. She forgot to marvel on how majestic her room was as she sighed, defeated. "It's a great hell good that I'm away from my good-for-nothing stepdad but being stuck here is like the same hell!! And guess what, I just gave away my first kiss to my stupid- what do I call him? Master? Yuck. I don't want to be with that woman chauvinist pervert!! Let alone serve him!! Kami-sama, is this your punishment?'

Glancing at the clock, she noted that she'll be able to take a quick shower before her 30-minute time was up. She grabbed her hygiene kit, random clothes from her luggage and squeezed out a towel before entering the bathroom.

Mikan opened the shower door and stepped inside. She allowed the warm water from the shower to drench her as she leaned her back at the cold tile wall. 'God, how will I be able to live in this prison for five months?! The maids here might be pleasant enough in someway, I hope.'

Mikan forgot about the time and leisurely argued with her thoughts all through out. She did not even notice that someone had already opened her bedroom door.

"Ying Fa you're ten minutes late already" Natsume said coldly and found that no one was inside the room. He heard loud rushing water from the bathroom and decided to check it.

Mikan dismissed her remaining thoughts and looked for her towel. 'Great, I forgot it by the sink' she slid the shower door open and was about to reach for her towel when she saw Natsume by the bathroom door frame.

He looked at her.

She looked at him.

He blinked.

She blinked.

He smirked.

Her mind blanked for a couple of seconds. "PERVERT!!" She quickly shut the shower door and locked it with a click. She was blushing fifty shades of red.

Natsume's smirked widened and quickly exited the bathroom, feeling heat rise in his cheeks. "I'll be waiting for you in my office!" he called out and rushed outside.

Mikan could not believe what happened. 'First I gave him my first kiss now I just showed him my virginity!!' she scolded herself for being so humiliated in her life. 'Kami-sama, why am I being punished this hard?!'


Mikan walked discreetly back to Natsume's office in a fuchsia tank and black Levi's. 'How could I face Natsume now!? How could I?!'

Mikan stopped in front of those familiar oak doors and heaved a deep sigh. She couldn't bring her self to push open the door-oh such humiliation! She lifted her hand gradually, reaching for the knob when the door melted in front of her eyes.

"All you have to do was twist the knob and push, you know that?" Natsume said as he remained position at the same handsome couch. But now, an old balding man stood up in his side, carrying what looked like it was a five hundred-ton bag.

"Hey are you alright with that?" Mikan rushed to the man and lifted the bag from him. Sure, it was really heavy and having to watch that man standing and carrying the bag was horrible. "You haven't even let him sit down!" Mikan scolded Natsume.

Natsume remained his cool façade. "I didn't mind if he sat down."

"How rude" Mikan rolled her eyes and allowed the man to sit across Natsume. She settled herself beside her 'rude boss' and started. "Why did you call for me?"

"You're going to fit a gown"

"A gown for what the heck?" Mikan stared at him.

"There's a business party later and my dad can't attend because he would be meeting with a very important client so he's sending me." Natsume said calmly.

"And what does YOU going to a party involves ME fitting a gown?"

"As my personal maid, you have to come with me, naturally" Natsume rolled his eyes on how dumb his maid is.

"Excuse me, and who said that I will be going to that helluffa party?" she raised her tone.

"I do. You're MY maid and I'M your boss and YOU'RE here to serve ME because YOU'RE dad or whatever he is to you owes ME and MY dad a fucking ton of cash so YOU don't have any right not to agree with anything I ask YOU." Natsume said irritated, pressing on the first person pronouns as the boss and the second person pronouns as the slave.

Mikan fumed and snubbed him. "Whatever. So this is why the old man's here"

"As a matter of fact yes" Natsume turned to the old man. "Saito, you can start taking her measurements"

"Hai, Hyuuga-sama." Saito helped Mikan across the table and got out her measuring tape, a notebook and a pen.

"Raise your arms" Saito said warmly and Mikan did so, the measuring tape going ballistic around her. Saito was taking notes as the tape continued working on its own.

"Turn around please" Mikan faced back and front again after she felt that the tape measure was done.

"I have dresses here which you might like, miss." Saito opened the black bag which he was carrying a while ago and a number or should I say quite a lot of dresses and gowns flew and arranged themselves around the room. Soon, the bag was coughing empty and the room was filled with what seemed like eighty colorful gowns.

"Pick one" Natsume ordered her, continuing to read his manga.

Mikan looked around and rummaged from one dress to another, unable to pick which one. Everything was pretty and gorgeous to her that her eyes couldn't rest on one particular dress.

Natsume glanced at her and noticed she found it difficult to choose which to get. "Get a red one" he said casually.

"Red one? Hm.." Mikan continued looking for a red dress and it took another five minutes before she found out what she was looking for. "Found the one" She smiled at Saito and handed him a red cocktail dress. It had 3 straps on the left shoulder and nothing on the right. The back was slightly low and it showed not a lot but enough skin that made it look particularly dashing.

"Good choice, miss. This one's made of glittering silk which is really rare and could only be made by an Alice." Saito nodded at her and directed the clothes to go back to the bag.

"Make it fast, Saito, we don't have the whole day" Natsume interrupted.

"Yes, Hyuuga-sama." Saito nodded and started working with the dress on the empty table. Mikan observed at Saito on how he made fast hand movements and the dress changed it size, assuming Mikan's sizes that were written in the notebook. Sparks flew around and after less than a minute, the dress was done.

"Would you like to fit it first, miss?" Saito asked, handing the dress to Mikan.

"I think I would." Mikan nodded and turned to Natsume. "Where's your bathroom?"

"You could dress there, besides, you have nothing to hide anymore" Natsume smirked at her.

"Why you inconsiderate prat!" Mikan scowled at him and fumed. "I think I won't be fitting it anymore, thank you" Mikan bowed at Saito.

"Well, I must be going then, Domo Arigatou, Hyuuga-sama." He bowed at the two and left.

"You're such a jerk!" Mikan glared at him.

"Maids don't call their Masters, jerk" Natsume told her monotonously.

"Then I'm world record then."

"The world's impolite maid to her master. What a nice thing to brag about" Natsume snickered.

"I don't even have to brag about being a maid for hell's sake!" Mikan scoffed and did not notice that Natsume was dragging her outside. "Now where are you going to put me now, Mr. Master disrespected by his maid?"

"The mall" Natsume answered simply.

"And why the heck are you dragging me there?" Mikan asked in a scolding tone as Natsume pushed her inside the black Limousine. "Tokyoma" Natsume said to the driver.

"Do you think you're going to the party with those sneakers?" Natsume pointed to her Converse.

"Do you actually think I don't have shoes for parties?! I even have party dresses, duh!"

"That is social party and you have to look like you're elite. My dad would be so humiliated if you did not show proper etiquette later and if you dress like you're that Cinderella- I'm pointing her out as the maid."

"Fine. I'm not paying for all these and I don't give a damn what you want me to buy or not. Drag me to that blasted party for all I care and-"

Natsume crashed her lips in his.

"To shut you up" Natsume smirked as he pulled.

Mikan was taken aback for a while and blushed madly.

"You're far different from the girl who kissed me a while ago"

"For all I care. That was my first kiss. You just stole it"

"I did not. You gave it to me"

"And you even stole my virginity!!" Mikan shouted in his face.

The driver became uncomfortable at their subject and decided to close the back portion of the Limo from his view.

"I did not. You showed it to me"

Mikan's head steamed as Natsume continued his cool façade. "Never mind. Darn."

Natsume grinned and pulled her to his lap. "Shut up or You'll pay"

"And what the hell are you doing now, Natsume?"

"Wooing you" Natsume breathed in her ear.

"Shut up" Mikan punched him in the stomach and sat down in the car couch.

Natsume leaned at her and whispered seductively "I'll get you, that's a bet"

Mikan gulped but eventually, her lips curved upward. "Make me"

A/n: wheeeeeeeee! I just placed an author's note! Well what do you think? I think I'll be finishing this one at last! My first gakuen fic, aja!